Sadama ja silmapiiri vahel. Maailma merede ajalugu. Michael North
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Название: Sadama ja silmapiiri vahel. Maailma merede ajalugu

Автор: Michael North

Издательство: Eesti digiraamatute keskus OU

Жанр: История


isbn: 9789985343494


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      D. Walcott, The Star-Apple Kingdom, New York 41986, 364, 366.


      Kus on teie ausambad, lahingud, märtrid? / Kus on teie hõimu mälu? Härrased, / seal hallis kambris. Meres. Meri / on nad vangistanud. Meri on Ajalugu. (Tlk)


      S. E. Larsen, Sea, Identity and Literature. – 1616. Anuario de Literatura Comparada 2 (2012), 171–188; J. C. Tung, «The Sea Is History». Reading Derek Walcott through a Melancholic Lens, B. A.-Thesis, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley 2006, 52 jj.


      C. Schmitt, Land und Meer. Eine weltgeschichtliche Betrachtung, Leipzig 1942; R. Carson, The Sea Around Us, New York 1951.


      D. Sobel, Longitude. The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time, Fulham 2005.


      B. Klein / G. Mackenthun (Ed.), Sea Changes. Historicizing the Ocean, New York 2004.


      M. Rediker, Outlaws of the Atlantic. Sailors, Pirates, and Motley Crews in the Age of Sail, Boston, MA 2014.


      J. H. Bentley / R. Bridenthal / K. Wigen (Ed.), Seascapes. Maritime Histories, Littoral Cultures, and Transoceanic Exchanges, Honolulu 2007; P. Horden / N. Purcell, The Mediterranean and «the New Thalassology». – American History Review 111 (2006), 722–740; A. Games, Atlantic History. Definitions, Challenges, Opportunities. – American History Review 111 (2006), 741–757; M. K. Matsuda, The Pacific. – American History Review 111 (2006), 758–780; P. N. Miller (Ed.), The Sea. Thalassography and Historiography, Ann Arbor 2013.


      Larsen, Sea; J. Mack, The Sea. A Cultural History, London 2011; H. Blumenberg, Schiffbruch mit Zuschauer. Paradigma einer Daseinsmetapher, Frankfurt / M. 2011.


      A. Calder / J. Lamb / B. Orr (Ed.), Voyages and Beaches. Pacific Encounters, 1769–1840, Hawaii 1999.


      Keskaegse Inglismaa kohta sel teemal vt ka: R. Gorski, Roles of the Sea. Views from the Shore. – R. Gorski.


D. Walcott, The Star-Apple Kingdom, New York 41986, 364, 366.


Kus on teie ausambad, lahingud, märtrid? / Kus on teie hõimu mälu? Härrased, / seal hallis kambris. Meres. Meri / on nad vangistanud. Meri on Ajalugu. (Tlk)


S. E. Larsen, Sea, Identity and Literature. – 1616. Anuario de Literatura Comparada 2 (2012), 171–188; J. C. Tung, «The Sea Is History». Reading Derek Walcott through a Melancholic Lens, B. A.-Thesis, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley 2006, 52 jj.


C. Schmitt, Land und Meer. Eine weltgeschichtliche Betrachtung, Leipzig 1942; R. Carson, The Sea Around Us, New York 1951.


D. Sobel, Longitude. The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time, Fulham 2005.


B. Klein / G. Mackenthun (Ed.), Sea Changes. Historicizing the Ocean, New York 2004.


M. Rediker, Outlaws of the Atlantic. Sailors, Pirates, and Motley Crews in the Age of Sail, Boston, MA 2014.


J. H. Bentley / R. Bridenthal / K. Wigen (Ed.), Seascapes. Maritime Histories, Littoral Cultures, and Transoceanic Exchanges, Honolulu 2007; P. Horden / N. Purcell, The Mediterranean and «the New Thalassology». – American History Review 111 (2006), 722–740; A. Games, Atlantic History. Definitions, Challenges, Opportunities. – American History Review 111 (2006), 741–757; M. K. Matsuda, The Pacific. – American History Review 111 (2006), 758–780; P. N. Miller (Ed.), The Sea. Thalassography and Historiography, Ann Arbor 2013.


Larsen, Sea; J. Mack, The Sea. A Cultural History, London 2011; H. Blumenberg, Schiffbruch mit Zuschauer. Paradigma einer Daseinsmetapher, Frankfurt / M. 2011.


A. Calder / J. Lamb / B. Orr (Ed.), Voyages and Beaches. Pacific Encounters, 1769–1840, Hawaii 1999.


Keskaegse Inglismaa kohta sel teemal vt ka: R. Gorski, Roles of the Sea. Views from the Shore. – R. Gorski. (Ed.), Roles of the Sea in Medieval England, Woodbridge 2012, 1–24.


P. E. Steinberg, The Social Construction of the Ocean, Cambridge 2001, 8–38.


F. Braudel, La Méditerranée et le monde méditerranéen a l’époque de Philippe II, Paris 1949.


K. N. Chaudhuri, Asia before Europe. Economy and Civilisation of the Indian Ocean from the Rise of Islam to 1750, Cambridge 1990; M. N. Pearson, The Indian Ocean, London 2006; A. Schottenhammer (Ed.), The East Asian ‹Mediterranean›. Maritime Crossroads of Culture, Commerce and Human Migration, Wiesbaden 2008; P. Butel, Histoire de l’Atlantique, de l’Antiquité a nos jours, Paris 2012; C. King, The Black Sea. A History, Oxford 2004.


B. Bailyn, Atlantic History. Concept and Contours, Cambridge, MA / London 2005; J. P. Greene / P. D. Morgan (Ed.), Atlantic History. A Critical Appraisal, Oxford 2009; D. Armitage / M. J. Braddick (Ed.), The British Atlantic World, 1500–1800, Houndmills 2009; P. A. Coclanis (Ed.), The Atlantic Economy during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Organization, Operation, Practice, and Personal, Columbia 2005.


D. Armitage / A. Bashford (Ed.), Pacific Histories. Ocean, Land, People, New York 2014; M. K. Matsuda, Pacific Worlds. A History of Seas, Peoples, and Cultures, Cambridge 32014.


J. Parry, The Discovery of the Sea, New York 1974.


P. O’Brien, Historiographical Traditions and Modern Imperatives for the Restoration of Global History. – Journal of Global History 1 (2006), 3–39, siin 4; C. A. Bayly, The Birth of the Modern World 1780–1914. Global Connections and Comparisons, Oxford 2004; J. Osterhammel, Die Verwandlung der Welt. Eine Geschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts, München 22013, 13–21. Võrdle ka: W. Reinhard (Hg.), Geschichte der Welt. СКАЧАТЬ