The Lenâpé and their Legends. Rafinesque Constantine Samuel
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СКАЧАТЬ the Rev. Sampson Occum, in his account of the Montauk Indians of Long Island, "they say they get their art from dreams." Mass. Hist. Soc. Colls., Vol. X, p. 109. Dr. Trumbull's suggested affinity of powaw with Cree tàp-wayoo, he speaks the truth; Nar, taupowauog, wise speakers, is, I think, correct, but the latter are secondary senses. They were wise, and gave true counsel, who could correctly interpret dreams. Compare the Iroquois katetsens, to dream; katetsiens, to practice medicine, Indian fashion. Cuoq, Lexique de la Langue Iroquoise.


David Brainerd, Life and Journal, pp. 400, 401.


Hist. Ind. Nations, p. 280.


Hist. and Statistics of the Indian Tribes, Vol. I, p. 358, seq.


Wassenaer's Description of the New Netherlands (1631), in Doc. Hist of New York, Vol. III, pp 28, 40. Other signs of serpent worship were common among the Lenape. Loskiel states that their cast-off skins were treasured as possessing wonderful curative powers (Geschichte, p. 147), and Brainerd saw an Indian offering supplications to one (Life and Journal, p. 395).


See Brainerd, Life and Journal, pp. 310, 312, 364, 398, 425, etc., and


Transactions of the American Philological Association, 1872, p. 158.


Penn, Letter to the Free Society of Traders, 1683, Sec. xii.


On the literary works of Zeisberger, see Rev. E. de Schweinitz, Life of Zeisberger, chap. xlviii, who gives a full account of all the printed works, but does not describe the MSS.