I am Dracula. An interview with the greatest vampire. Boris Borisovich Shabrin
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Название: I am Dracula. An interview with the greatest vampire

Автор: Boris Borisovich Shabrin

Издательство: Издательские решения



isbn: 9785006094703


СКАЧАТЬ importance of planning, of knowing your opponent, and of executing a well-thought-out strategy are all things that can be applied in many areas of life.

      Fose: Thank you for your insights, Dracula. Your legacy as a military leader will continue to be studied and revered for generations to come.

      Political ambitions and views

      Dracula and the Impaliment (piercing, staking)

      Fose: Dracula, one of the most infamous acts that you are known for is impalement. Can you tell us more about why you used this method of punishment and what it represented to you?

      Dracula: Ah, impalement. It was indeed a gruesome punishment, but it served its purpose. As a ruler, it was my duty to maintain order and ensure that my subjects felt safe and secure under my reign. And let me tell you, impalement was a very effective tool for doing just that.

      Fose: But surely there were other methods of punishment that could have been used instead?

      Dracula: Of course, there were other methods of punishment. But none were quite as effective as impalement. It was not just a punishment for the guilty, but also a warning to potential offenders. It sent a clear message that any defiance or rebellion would not be tolerated under my rule.

      Fose: But the sheer brutality of impalement is what shocks people to this day. Did you not have any reservations about using such a violent method?

      Dracula: Reservations? No, I did not have any reservations. As a ruler, I had to make tough decisions, and impalement was one of them. It was a necessary evil, so to speak. And let us not forget that in those times, violence was not uncommon. It was a different time, and the methods that we used may seem barbaric by today’s standards, but they were effective in maintaining law and order.

      Fose: But surely, the sight of impaled bodies was disturbing to your people?

      Dracula: Disturbing, yes, but necessary. It was a visual reminder of what would happen to those who dared to defy my rule. And let me tell you, it was not just the guilty who were impaled. I also used impalement as a means of dealing with spies and traitors. It was a way of sending a message to anyone who would dare to cross me.

      Fose: Do you have any regrets about your use of impalement?

      Dracula: Regrets? No, I do not have any regrets. I did what I had to do to maintain order and ensure the safety of my people. Impalement was a necessary tool in achieving those goals. And let us not forget that my actions were not just for my benefit, but also for the benefit of my people. In the end, I will be judged by history, and I am confident that my legacy will endure.

      Dracula’s reign in Wallachia

      Fose: Dracula, many people believe that you were a brutal and ruthless ruler. Can you explain your political strategies, particularly your use of violence and cruelty?

      Dracula: My dear Fose, let me tell you that politics is a game of power, and sometimes, power demands certain actions. As a ruler, my foremost responsibility was to maintain law and order in my kingdom. I had to ensure that my subjects felt safe and secure under my reign. And sometimes, this meant taking harsh measures.

      Fose: But your use of impalement as a punishment was particularly gruesome.

      Dracula: Ah, yes, impalement. It was indeed a gruesome punishment, but it was also an effective one. It sent a clear message to my enemies and potential usurpers that I would not tolerate any defiance. And let me tell you, it was not a punishment that I enjoyed inflicting. But as a leader, I had to make tough decisions, and impalement was one of them.

      Fose: Did you have any policies that benefited the people of Wallachia?

      Dracula: Of course, I did. I implemented several reforms that aimed to strengthen the economy and infrastructure of Wallachia. I also introduced a system of justice that was fair and impartial, regardless of a person’s social status. And let us not forget that I fought against the Ottoman Empire, which was a threat to the entire region. My actions were not only for my benefit, but also for the benefit of my people.

      Fose: But what about the stories of your thirst for blood and your immortality?

      Dracula: Ah, the stories. They have been greatly exaggerated over time. Yes, I a vampire, but my need for blood greatly exaggerated. As for my immortality, it is true that I do not age, but I am not invincible. I can still be killed like any mortal.

      Fose: And what do you say to those who fear and despise you?

      Dracula: Fear and despise me all they want. It matters not to me. I am who I am, and I have done what I had to do to protect my people and maintain order in my kingdom. Whether they love me or hate me, it is of little consequence. For in the end, I will endure, while they will fade away into obscurity.

      Dracula’s relationship with the Ottoman Empire

      Fose: Dracula, it’s been said that you had interactions with the Ottomans. Can you tell us more about that?

      Dracula: Indeed, I had dealings with the Ottomans. But it was not always a peaceful coexistence. They were a threat to my people, and I had to take action to protect them.

      Fose: Can you give us an example of how you protected your people from the Ottomans?

      Dracula: Yes, I can. In the year 1462, the Ottomans invaded Wallachia, my homeland. They wanted to take control of the region and make it part of their empire. But I wouldn’t let that happen. I fought back with all my might, and I defeated them.

      Fose: How did you manage to defeat them?

      Dracula: I employed a tactic that some might consider extreme, but it was necessary. I impaled the Ottoman soldiers on stakes, and their bodies were left to rot in the sun. It was a gruesome sight, but it sent a clear message to the Ottomans that I would not back down.

      Fose: That sounds like a brutal way to deal with your enemies.

      Dracula: Brutal, perhaps. But it was effective. The Ottomans never invaded Wallachia again while I was in power. And I made sure to reinforce the borders to prevent any further incursions.

      Fose: Did you make any agreements or treaties with the Ottomans during your reign?

      Dracula: Yes, I did. At one point, I had to make a deal with them to secure the release of my brother, Radu. He had been taken captive by the Ottomans, and they were holding him as a bargaining chip. I had to agree to pay a ransom for his release, and I also promised not to interfere with their affairs in the Balkans.

      Fose: How did you deal with Ottoman envoys who came to negotiate with you?

      Dracula: I treated them with respect, but I also made it clear that I would not tolerate any threats or disrespect towards me or my people. I was always cautious when dealing with them, as I knew they were not to be trusted.

      In the end, my interactions with the Ottomans were a mix of violence and diplomacy. It was a tumultuous time.

      Dracula’s views on religion

      Fose: Dracula, can you tell us about СКАЧАТЬ