I am Dracula. An interview with the greatest vampire. Boris Borisovich Shabrin
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Название: I am Dracula. An interview with the greatest vampire

Автор: Boris Borisovich Shabrin

Издательство: Издательские решения



isbn: 9785006094703


СКАЧАТЬ Certainly. For example, the Russian language has its own unique grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary. The same goes for Romanian. As for food, Russian cuisine tends to be more hearty and filling, while Romanian cuisine has more of a Mediterranean influence. In terms of music, traditional Russian folk songs have a different melody and rhythm compared to Romanian folk songs.

      Fose: That’s very interesting. What about the people themselves? Do you find any significant differences between Russians and Romanians?

      Dracula: Well, I think people are people, no matter where you go. However, there are certainly some cultural differences that can shape the way people think and behave. Russians, for instance, tend to be more reserved and introspective, while Romanians are generally more outgoing and expressive. But, of course, there are always exceptions to these generalizations.

      Fose: Have you had the chance to visit any other countries during your long life? If so, how did they compare to Romania and Russia?

      Dracula: Oh, yes, I have visited many countries over the centuries. Each place has its own unique culture and customs. Some are similar to Romania, while others are more similar to Russia. But regardless of the differences, I always find something interesting and captivating about each place I visit. That’s the beauty of traveling and experiencing different cultures. It opens your eyes to new perspectives and ways of life.

      Fose: Thank you for sharing your insights with us, Mr. Dracula. It’s been fascinating to hear your thoughts on cultural differences. Do you have any plans to visit other parts of Russia while you’re here?

      Dracula: Yes, I’m quite looking forward to exploring more of this vast and fascinating country. I have always been intrigued by Russia’s rich history and culture, and I’m excited to experience more of it firsthand.

      PART 2: Dracula’s Private Life

      – Can you tell us a bit about your early life and upbringing in Wallachia?

      – How did you become a vampire, and how has that affected your life?

      Chapter 1. Youth and upbringing

      Early life and upbringing

      Birthplace and Family Background

      Fose: Can you tell us where you were born?

      Dracula: Ah, my birthplace. A question often asked but seldom truly understood. I was born in Transylvania, a land where the misty mountains stand tall and the forests whisper secrets. A place where the rivers flow with a crimson hue and the moon casts its eerie light upon the earth. It was a place of wonder and magic, a place where my soul could truly thrive.

      Fose: Fascinating. And can you tell us a little bit about your family’s social status?

      Dracula: My family – a proud and noble lineage, stretching back through the ages. We were not mere mortals, but rather a breed of our own. The nobility of our blood was matched only by the darkness of our hearts, and we ruled with an iron fist over our lands.

      Fose: And were there any notable ancestors or family members?

      Dracula: Indeed, there were many. My father, Vlad II Dracul, was a formidable warrior and a skilled tactician. His brother, Mircea, was a great prince of Wallachia, and his son, also named Vlad, would later become known as the Impaler, a title that would strike fear into the hearts of all who heard it.

      But it was not just my immediate family that was notable. Throughout the generations, our bloodline had produced many great leaders and warriors, each leaving their mark upon the world in their own unique way. The story of my family is a long and complex one, filled with both triumph and tragedy. But it is a story that I am proud to be a part of, and one that I will continue to carry with me for all eternity.


      Fose: As a legendary vampire, I’m sure our audience is dying to know more about your personal life. Can you tell us about your academic background? Where did you study and what subjects did you excel in?

      Dracula: My dear Fose, academic achievements have always been a trivial matter for me. As an immortal being, time has little meaning, and my pursuits are not bound by the constraints of formal education. However, I have dabbled in the studies of the occult and esoteric knowledge. The intricacies of ancient languages and the symbolism within them have always fascinated me. Alchemy and the arcane arts have also been areas of interest.

      Fose: That’s quite fascinating, Dracula. Do you think your studies in the occult and esoteric knowledge have influenced your reign as a vampire?

      Dracula: Without a doubt, Fose. My knowledge in the dark arts has allowed me to maintain my power and reign for centuries. The ability to manipulate and control the elements, as well as the minds of others, has been instrumental in my survival. My knowledge in alchemy has allowed me to create powerful elixirs that have kept me alive and strengthened my powers.

      Fose: Can you tell us about any setbacks you may have encountered in your studies?

      Dracula: As an immortal being, setbacks are merely temporary inconveniences. However, there have been instances where my thirst for knowledge has led me down dark paths. I have dabbled in practices that many would consider taboo, and the consequences have not always been pleasant. But in the end, these setbacks have only strengthened my resolve and furthered my understanding of the darkness that lies within all beings. Remember, the secrets of the universe are waiting to be unlocked by those who dare to seek them out.

      Notable Events and Influences

      Fose: I have a question about your childhood. Could you tell us about any significant historical or cultural events that occurred during that time?

      Dracula: A time long past, yet still so vivid in my mind. The events of that time were both fascinating and horrifying, a true reflection of the complex nature of the world. The Ottoman Empire was expanding its influence into Europe, and the threat of invasion was ever-present. As a child, I witnessed the atrocities committed by the Ottomans and their allies, and it left a deep impression on me.

      Fose: That sounds quite distressing. Were there any individuals who had a particular impact on you during your childhood?

      Dracula: Indeed there were. My father, Vlad II, was a nobleman and warrior who fought tirelessly against the Ottomans. He instilled in me a strong sense of duty and honor, and taught me the art of war. But it was my tutor, a man by the name of Ion Thocia, who had the greatest impact on me. He was a scholar and a philosopher, and he taught me about the world beyond the walls of my castle. His teachings opened my mind to new ideas and perspectives, and he inspired me to become a lifelong learner.

      Fose: That’s quite interesting. Did you have any other influences that shaped your worldview?

      Dracula: Yes, I did. As a young man, I traveled to the court of the Ottoman sultan, where I was exposed to the splendor and sophistication of their culture. It was a revelation to me, and it challenged many of the assumptions I had about the world. I also had the opportunity to study under the great humanist scholar, Georgius Gemistus Plethon, who taught me about the ancient Greek philosophers and their ideas about ethics and morality.

      Fose: It sounds like you had a very unique СКАЧАТЬ