I am Dracula. An interview with the greatest vampire. Boris Borisovich Shabrin
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Название: I am Dracula. An interview with the greatest vampire

Автор: Boris Borisovich Shabrin

Издательство: Издательские решения



isbn: 9785006094703


СКАЧАТЬ to protect what is mine.

      Fose: It’s clear that your past has shaped you into the formidable being you are today.

      Dracula: (smirks) Formidable? You haven’t seen anything yet. But I suppose my past has given me a certain edge.

      Dracula’s Relationship with his Mother

      Fose: Dracula, can you tell us about your relationship with your mother and how it impacted your emotional development?

      Dracula: My mother, the woman who gave birth to me, was a complex figure. She was strong-willed, sharp-tongued, and fiercely protective of her children. She instilled in me a sense of loyalty and duty, but also a deep fear of disappointing her.

      As a child, I yearned for her affection, but it was always just out of reach. She was often distant and cold, too consumed by her own political ambitions to pay attention to her son’s emotional needs. I felt like I was always on the periphery of her life, never fully accepted or understood.

      I remember once, when I was a young boy, I fell ill with a fever. My mother refused to come to my bedside, too busy with her own affairs. I felt so alone and abandoned, like I didn’t matter to her at all. It was a turning point for me, a moment when I realized that I couldn’t rely on her for comfort or support.

      As I grew older, my mother’s influence over me waned, replaced by my own sense of duty and obligation. I became consumed by my role as a leader, my need to protect my people from external threats. I built walls around my heart, shutting out all emotion and vulnerability.

      But despite my efforts to distance myself from my past, the wounds inflicted by my mother’s neglect still festered. I carried a sense of longing and resentment with me, a deep-seated bitterness that fueled my actions.

      And now, as I stand here before you, immortal and alone, I can’t help but wonder if things could have been different if my mother had loved me just a little bit more. If she had shown me the affection and attention that every child craves, maybe I wouldn’t be so consumed by darkness and despair. But it’s too late for that now, too late to change the past. All I can do is live with the scars she left behind, a constant reminder of what could have been.

      Dracula’s Childhood Influences on his Personality

      Fose: Dracula, can you tell us about your childhood experiences and how they influenced your personality and actions as an adult?

      Dracula: My childhood was filled with tragedy and trauma. The loss of my father at a young age left me feeling isolated and alone. I was forced to grow up quickly and take on responsibilities beyond my years. The constant threat of invasion from neighboring countries instilled in me a sense of paranoia and a need to protect my people at all costs.

      Fose: How did these experiences shape your personality as an adult?

      Dracula: My experiences taught me the value of strength and power. I learned that in order to protect my people, I needed to be willing to do whatever it takes. This led me down a dark path, but I had no other choice. I had to be ruthless in order to survive.

      Fose: Can you give us an example of how your childhood experiences influenced your actions as an adult?

      Dracula: My actions as an adult were a direct result of my childhood experiences. The atrocities committed against my people by invading forces left a deep scar on my psyche. I was consumed by a desire for revenge, and I was willing to go to any lengths to achieve it. My enemies would pay dearly for what they had done to me and my people.

      Fose: Do you have any regrets about the choices you made?

      Dracula: Regrets? I have none. I did what I had to do to survive and protect my people. The world is a harsh and unforgiving place, and I had to be just as harsh and unforgiving if I wanted to survive. My enemies may have seen me as a monster, but to my people, I was a savior.

      Fose: Do you believe that you would be a different person if you had a different childhood?

      Dracula: Who can say? Perhaps if my childhood had been different, I would have been a different person. But I cannot dwell on what could have been. I am who I am, and I have done what I have done. My actions have made me into a legend, for better or for worse.

      Military experience and leadership

      Dracula’s early military experience

      Fose: Dracula, it is said that you have had some early military experiences. Can you tell us about them?

      Dracula: Мy early military experiences. They were quite formidable, to say the least. As a young man, I was trained in the art of war and combat tactics. I was a skilled warrior, with a keen eye for strategy and a thirst for blood.

      My first military experience was in the Ottoman army, where I fought against the infidels. It was a brutal battle, with men falling left and right. The clash of steel on steel was deafening, and the stench of blood hung heavy in the air. I fought with all my might, never once wavering in the face of danger.

      After that, I returned to my homeland of Wallachia, where I became the voivode, or prince, of the region. It was there that I faced my greatest military challenge. The Ottoman Empire had invaded once again, and I had to defend my people against their tyranny.

      I must say, the odds were not in our favor. Their army was vast, and their weapons were far superior to ours. But I was not one to back down from a fight. I rallied my troops, and we fought with all our might. It was a long and grueling battle, with no end in sight. But eventually, we emerged victorious.

      Of course, my military experiences did not end there. Over the years, I fought in many battles and led my army to victory time and time again. But those early experiences, in the heat of battle, were some of the most formative of my life. They taught me the value of courage, discipline, and unwavering determination.

      Fose: It is truly fascinating to hear about your early military career.

      Dracula’s tactics and strategies

      Fose: Dracula, as a legendary figure in history, there are countless stories and myths surrounding your life. However, one aspect that has always piqued the interest of historians and military strategists alike is your tactics on the battlefield. Can you shed some light on your approach to warfare?

      Dracula: Indeed, the art of war has always been of great importance to me. I employed various tactics to achieve victory in battle.

      Fose: Could you elaborate on some of these tactics?

      Dracula: Of course. One of my most significant strategies was the use of terrain. I knew that the environment could play a crucial role in the outcome of a battle. I would often choose battlefields that favored my troops, such as areas with natural barriers that could limit the enemy’s movement.

      Fose: That’s fascinating. What about weapons? Did you have a preferred type of weaponry?

      Dracula: I was known to favor the use of pikes, a long spear-like weapon that was particularly effective in forming defensive formations. However, I also made use of other weapons, such as swords, bows, and even firearms СКАЧАТЬ