Fruitful hearts. Ricardo E. Facci
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Название: Fruitful hearts

Автор: Ricardo E. Facci

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Сделай Сам

Серия: For a new home

isbn: 9789878438009



      Ricardo E. Facci

      Fruitful hearts

      -To grow as a couple-


      Hogares Nuevos Ediciones


      Association: “Hogares Nuevos”

      Zona Urbana S6106XAE-Aaron Castellanos

      (Santa Fe)- Argentina

      e-mail: [email protected]

Facci, Ricardo EnriqueFruitful hearts: to grow as a couple / Ricardo Enrique Facci. - 1a ed. - Aarón Castellanos : Hogares Nuevos Ediciones, 2020.Libro digital, EPUB - (For a new home / 2) Archivo Digital: descarga y onlineTraducción de: James Felhoffer.ISBN 978-987-8438-00-91. Ambiente Familiar. 2. Relaciones Familiares. 3. Terapia Familiar. I. Felhoffer, James, trad. II. Título. CDD 158.2

      ©Association Hogares Nuevos

      Zona Urbana S6106XAE - Aarón Castellanos (Santa Fe) - Argentina.

      With the proper licenses. The deposit required by law 11.723 is made

      November 2020

      Argentine Industry



      “For a new home”

      1. Constructing conjugal love

      2. Fruitful Hearts

      To the marriages, members of the Movement

      “Hogares Nuevos” who with your lives

      teach each day the wealth of a marriage and

      family and while they constantly encourage

      to give more of myself more and more, in the work

      as evangelizer of the domestic Church.


      Dear friends:

      When I wrote the book Constructing Conjugal Love, I never imagined it would have such an impact and several print runs. Maybe it was the fact of having achieved the goal: to provide to the reader an affordable, fun and easy way to reflect on love and married life material. Readers and groups of married couples for some time have insisted that I continue to provide this type of material.

      The testimony of many who commented on the use of the book, and its benefits, also encouraged me in this work, as in the case of Mabel and Thomas, who provided this writing to share with you:

      Thomas: why one day I just felt...

      Mabel: why one day I thought I could by myself...

      Thomas: why one day I thought we were two and I was actually alone...

      Mabel: why one day I felt we were no longer one, since when ... for how long...?

      Thomas: why one day I thought I did not need anyone, not even God...

      Mabel: why one day needing someone, God spoke to me through the words of a friend...

      Thomas: when I thought that everything was collapsing and that my life no longer had any meaning to me ... that day I looked in the mirror and came across a stranger...

      Mabel: in the emptiness of the abyss, on the brink of total collapse, in the back of your eyes God lit a flame and removed the ashes of my heart...

      Thomas: in the middle of all this, “someone” who did not even believe was a friend handed me the book Building Conjugal Love.

      We approached him with many cracks in our soul. She was anxious and I was suspiciously. Holding hands, on those nights, we went out of the abyss, cleaning our wounds and rebuilding dialogue and lost harmony.

      All this has motivated me in the realization of this new book: FRUITFUL HEARTS.

      FRUITFUL HEARTS wants to help the growth of the couple so that their hearts are filled with love bountiful in fruits of happiness. The three parts of the book are unified in one sentence: “We love in Jesus.” The first part wants to give the couple the opportunity to focus on themselves, and analyzes to what extent they can overcome the “I” to achieve the “US.” “We love each other” corresponds to the second part, which tries to guide in the strengthening, knowledge and growth of marital love. “In Jesus”, aims to highlight the reality that he lives in the midst of the Christian marriage and brings experience of love.

      The objective of this book is to provide material, which is working for many, within reach of married couples so that they can discuss the essentials of life, that both are building, using themes that give them the opportunity to confront realistically and with ease their daily lives. It is the hope that these pages will also help those couples who are preparing to live the vocation of marriage.

      Each of the themes has the same format. Ideally, the couple will read them and take the opportunity to talk and pray together. It can also be worked in matrimonial groups, respecting the privacy of the members.

      May God bless these pages and those who come to them to renew the freshness of their marital love.




      I + you = us

      Jesus said:

      “That all may be one:

      as thou, Father, art in me and I in thee.

      that they also may be one in us,

      that they may be made perfect in one”

      (John 17: 21-23).

      “That may be one, as you are in me and I in you.” Two lives called to be one us. “Yours and mine.” Two lives as two rivers, each with its own water and its own current. By joining the two rivers each brings his own water, current, color, temperature, and can be observed at the beginning of the new river, even the differences in both waters. As we get deep in its new course. It's a new reality. A unit is created. In marriage the same is true: at first “I” and “you”, to penetrate in the history of the couple discovered that mingled in the us.

      This construction of us started a day like any other, but yet so different... we saw, we met and we experienced to no longer be strangers. We felt that between the two of us there was something identical and distinct that attracted ... it is what we call love... or: the common vocation to be a couple.

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