The Apple. Various
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Название: The Apple

Автор: Various

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664565150


СКАЧАТЬ Benoni 2 " Fink 2 " Duchess of Oldenburg 2 " Gilpin 1 vote. Golden Sweet 1 " Fall Pippin 1 " Newtown Pippin 1 " Sweet June 1 " Jersey Sweet 1 " Lansingburg 1 " Whitney No. 20 1 " Red Astrachan 1 " White Winter Pearmain 1 " American Summer Pearmain 1 " Minkler 1 " Yellow Bellflower 1 " Dominie 1 " Sweet Rambo 1 " Pennsylvania Red Streak 1 " Stark 1 " Lawver 1 " Lowell 1 " Fulton 1 " Roman Stem 1 " Red Winter Sweet 1 " Primate 1 " Klepsroth 1 " Garretson's Early 1 " Red Betigheimer 1 " Wagener 1 "

       Table of Contents

      BEN DAVIS.

      Synonyms: New York Pippin, Victoria Pippin, Victoria Red, Red Pippin, Kentucky Pippin, Baltimore Red, Baltimore Pippin, Baltimore Red Streak, Carolina Red Streak, and Funkhouser.

      The origin of this apple is unknown. J. S. Downer, of Kentucky, writes that old trees are there found from which suckers are taken in way of propagating. The tree is very hardy, a free grower, with very dark reddish brown, slightly grayish, young wood, forming an erect, round head, bearing early and abundantly. In quality it is not first rate, but from its early productiveness, habit of blooming late in the spring after late frosts, good size, fair, even fruit, keeping and carrying well, it is very popular in all the Southwest and West. Fruit medium to large. Form roundish, truncated conical, often sides unequal. Color yellowish, almost entirely overspread, splashed and striped with two shades of red, and dotted sparsely with aureole dots. Stalk medium, rather slender. Cavity narrow, deep, russeted. Calyx partially open. Basin wide, abrupt, slightly corrugated. Flesh white, tender, moderately juicy, pleasant, subacid. Core medium to large. Good to very good. December to March.

      Remarks on the Ben Davis by members of the State Horticultural Society:

      E. J. Holman (Leavenworth county): I favor Ben Davis because of its large size and good appearance; because it is long-lived, and attractive in appearance in market; because it is an early bearer; and, to sum it all up, because it is profitable to grow.

      J. W. Robison (Butler county): I favor Ben Davis because it is one of the most hardy, even, regular bearers; because it succeeds on a great variety of soils. It is handsome in appearance and attracts the eye in every market.

      F. W. Dixon (Jackson county): I favor Ben Davis because it is the most profitable variety.

      Phillip Lux (Shawnee county): It has a quality of sticking on until we are ready to pick. It gives good returns for our investment.

      J. F. Maxey (Franklin county): I favor it because of its large size and attractive appearance.

      G. L. Holsinger (Wyandotte county): I vote for it.

      G. W. Bailey (Sumner county): The Ben Davis has been the most profitable with us. It is very attractive and popular, and a good seller.

      A member: On account of its large size, attractive appearance, and good СКАЧАТЬ