Название: Leg over Leg
Автор: Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Историческая литература
Серия: Library of Arabic Literature
isbn: 9780814744949
“As for the city’s men, the Turks boss the Arabs around like tyrants. The Arab is as much forbidden to look into the face of a Turk as he is into that of another man’s wife. If by some quirk of fate a Turk and an Arab should walk together, the Arab will follow the custom that has been imposed, namely of walking on the Turk’s left-hand side out of modesty and submission, head bent in self-derision, making himself as small and as thin as possible, shriveling, shrunken, unextended, drawing into himself, shrinking, cowering, tightly compressed, withered, making himself as short as possible, walking slowly and curled over himself, puckered, suckered, snookered, desiccated, tight as a miser, crouching, hugging himself to himself, making himself as small as possible, sucking in his sides and holding his buttocks tight, retracting and contracting, quaking and frozen in place, depressed, head and elbows pulled in, head bowed, aloof, dispirited, humiliated, regimented, intimidated, terrified, petrified, eyes downcast, recoiling and regressing, cringing, curled into a ball like a spider, debased [?],41 twisted, coiled upon himself like an old snake, bent over in abjection, drawing back, cleaving, constricting himself and restricting himself, pulling back, holding back, compressing, repressing, and constringeing himself. If the Turk sneezes, the Arab tells him, ‘God have mercy on you!’ If he clears his throat, he tells him, ‘God protect you!’ If he blows his nose, he tells him, ‘God guard you!’ And if he trips, the other trips along with him out of respect and says, ‘May God right you and not us!’
وقد سمعت ان الترك هنا عقدوا مجلس شورى استقر رايهم فيه لدى المذاكرة على ان يتخذوا لهم مركبا وطيئا من ظهور العرب فانهم جرّبوا سروج الخيل وبراذع الجمال واكفها واقتاب الابل وبواصرها وحُصُرها وسائر انواع المحامل من
كِفْل | مركب للرجال * |
وشِجار | مركب يتخذ للشيخ الكبير ومن منعته العلّة من الحركة * |
وحِدْج | مركب للنسآ كالمحفّة * |
واَجْلح | هودج ما له راس مرتفع * |
وحَوْف | شى كالهودج وليس به * |
وقَرّ | مركب للرجال والهودج * |
ومحِفَّة | مركب للنسا * |
وفرْفار | مركب من مراكب النسا * |
وحَمْل | هودج * |
وحِلال | مركب للنسآ * |
“I have heard that once the Turks here held a consultative assembly at which, upon deliberation, they decided that they would use the backs of the Arabs as a comfortable conveyance, for they had tried horse saddles and camel saddles (both bardhaʿahs and ikāfs, as well as qitbahs and bāṣars42) and their riding mats, and all other kinds of carrying devices, namely,
the kifl, | [a kind of saddlecloth] “a thing for men to ride on” |
or the shijār, | “a conveyance for an old man or anyone whom illness prevents from moving” |
or the ḥidj, | “a conveyance for women resembling the miḥaffah” |
or the ajlaḥ, | “a camel litter that does not have a high peak” |
or the ḥawf, | “something that resembles a litter but is not one” |
or the qarr, | “a conveyance for men, or a hawdaj” |
or the miḥaffah, | “a conveyance for women” |
or the farfār, | “a conveyance for women” |
or the ḥaml or ḥiml, | “a camel litter” |
or the ḥilāl, | “a conveyance for women” |
وكَدْن | مركب لهن * |
وقَعْش | مركب كالهودج * |
ومَحارة | شبه الهودج * |
وقَعَدة | مركب لهن * |
وكَتْر | الهودج الصغير * |
وميثرة١ | ج مواثر مراكب تتخذ من الحرير والديباج * |
ورِجازة | مركب اصغر من الهودج * |
وعَرِيش | كالهودج * |
وعَبِيْط | مركب * |
وحِزْق | مركب شبيه بالباصَر * |
وبُلْبُلة | هودج للحرائر * |
وحِقْل | هودج * |
وتَوْأمة | من مراكب النسآ ج تَوْأمات * | СКАЧАТЬ