The Sagas of Olaf Tryggvason and of Harald The Tyrant (Harald Haardraade). Snorri Sturluson
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Название: The Sagas of Olaf Tryggvason and of Harald The Tyrant (Harald Haardraade)

Автор: Snorri Sturluson

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664179241


СКАЧАТЬ his men across to Jutland. ¤ When the intelligence thereof came to the ears of the King of Denmark fared he forth against the Emperor with his host, and a great battle was fought betwixt them. ¤ The issue was to the Emperor, and thereon the King of Denmark fled away to Limfjord & took ship out to Marsey. ¤ Then did emissaries journey betwixt him and the Emperor, and a truce was covenanted, also that they twain should commune face to face. In Marsey, then, did the Emperor Otta and the Danish King confront one the other, & there a saintly bishop,§ Poppo by name, preached the faith before Harald, and to show the truth thereof bare he glowing iron in his hand, and Harald testified that the hand of the holy man was unscarred by the heated iron. Thereafter was Harald himself baptized with the whole of the Danish host that were with him. ¤ Ere this had Harald the King, albeit that he abode the nonce in Marsey, summoned Earl Hakon to his aid, and the Earl had just come to the island when the King let himself be christened. So the King sent a message to the Earl to come to him, and when the Earl was come thither compelled him also that he should be baptized. After this manner was the Earl made a Christian, and all his men with him. ¤ Thereafter did the King appoint him priests and other learned men,§ and commanded him to cause all the people of Norway to be baptized into the faith and with this they parted. Thereafter Earl Hakon put out to sea to await a favourable wind, and when a breeze sprang up, lo! without more ado set he all the learned men to wade even unto the shore and upon that wind himself stood out to sea. The wind was from the west, and the Earl sailed eastward through Eyrasund (Öresund) pillaging whatsoever lands he sighted, & thereafter came east unto the Skani side, plundering and harrying wherever he put ashore. Now as he was sailing his course off the skerries of east Gautland put he ashore and offered up a great sacrifice, and whiles this was solemnized came two ravens flying up, loudly croaking, & for this reason deemed the Earl that Odin had accepted his sacrifice, and that good fortune would favour him in his battles. Even so burned he all his ships and came ashore with every man of all his host, and carried war throughout the land. Against him was arrayed Earl Ottar, he that held rule over Gautland, and they fought a great battle wherein was Earl Hakon victorious, & he slew Earl Ottar together with a great number of his host. ¤ Earl Hakon then marched hither & thither carrying war through both the Gautlands, until he was come unto Norway, & then took he the road right to the north, to Throndhjem. It is of this that the Vellekla speaketh:

      ‘The foeman of those who fled consulted the gods on the plain, and

      Gat answer Fret[§] from that the day was propitious to battle;

      There the war-leader saw how mighty were the corse-ribs;

      The gods of the temple would thin lives in Gautland.

      A Sword-Thing held the Earl there where no man afore him

      With shield on arm had durst to harry;

      No one ere this so far inland had borne

      That shield of gold; all Gautland had he o’errun.

      With heaps of the fallen the warriors piled the plain

      The kith of the Æsirs conquered, Odin took the slain;

      Can there be doubt that the gods govern the fall of kings?

      Ye strong powers, I pray, make great the sway of Hakon.’

      ¶ After that he had parted in all goodly friendship from the Danish King, fared Emperor Otta back to his realm of Saxland; men say that he held Svein the son of Harald at the font, & that the child bore the name of Otta Svein. Harald, the Danish King, held by the Christian faith even to the day of his death. King Burizlaf, after these things, betook himself back to Wendland, & together with him in his company went his son-in-law King Olaf Tryggvason. Of the battle aforesaid telleth Hallfrod the Troublous-skald in Olaf’s lay:

      ‘The ruler of war ships hewed and smote asunder warriors

      Even in Denmark to the south of Hedeby.’

      ¶ It was the space of three winters that Olaf Tryggvason abode in Wendland, even until Geira his wife fell ill of a sickness, whereof she died, and so great a sorrow was this to Olaf that he no longer had pleasure in living in Wendland. ¤ Therefore getting him ships of war once more went he forth plundering and harrying, first in Saxland, then in Frisland, and he even fared as far as Flanders. Thus saith Hallfrod the Troublous-skald:

      ‘Oft did the son of Tryggvi smite to the death the Saxon

      And left maimed corses food for the wolves,

      And for their drink did that lord, beloved of his host,

      Give the brown blood of many a Frisian.

      Mighty sea-kings hewed

      In Flanders corses asunder,

      The prince to the ravens gave

      The flesh of Walloons as supper.’

      ¶ Thereafter did Olaf Tryggvason sail for England, and ravaged apace & afar in that country; right north did he sail to Nordimbraland (Northumberland) and there harried; thence fared he farther to the northward even to Scotland where he plundered and pillaged far and wide. ¤ From thence sailed he again to the Hebrides, the where he fought more than once, and afterwards sailed a course south to Man & fought there. Far and wide did he plunder in Ireland and then sailed he to Bretland (Wales) and pillaged there, & in Kumraland (Cumberland) did he likewise. Then he sailed to Frankland (France) where he harried the people, & from thence came back again, being minded to return to England, but came to those Islands which are called Scilly in the western part of the English main. Thus saith Hallfrod the Troublous-skald:

      ‘The unsparing young King plundered the Englishmen,

      The feeder of spear-showers made murder in Northumbria,

      The war-loving feeder of wolves laid waste to Scotia,

      The giver of gold fared with up-lifted sword in Man.

      The bearer of the elm-bow brought death to the hosts

      Of the Isle of Erin, for fame yearned the lord;

      Four winters did the King smite the dwellers in Wales,

      And Northumbrians hewed he ere the greed of the chough was appeased.’

      ¶ Four winters did Olaf Tryggvason fare on viking cruises from the time of his leaving Wendland even until his coming to the Isles of Scilly.

      ¶ Now when Olaf Tryggvason was lying off the Isles of Scilly he heard tell that there was a soothsayer thereon, and that he foretold the future and spake of things not yet come to pass, and many folk believed that things ofttimes happened according as this man had spoken. Now Olaf being minded to make assay of his cunning sent to him the finest and fairest of his men, in apparel as brave as might be, bidding him say that he was the King, for Olaf had become famous in all lands in that he was comelier and bolder and stronger than all other men. Since he had left Garda, howsoever, he had used no more of his name than to call himself Oli, and had told people that he was of the realm of Garda. Now when the messenger came to the soothsayer and said he was the King, gat he for answer: ‘King art thou not, but my counsel to thee is that thou be loyal to thy King,’ & never a word more deigned the seer to utter. Then went the messenger back and told Olaf this thing, and the King had no longer any doubt that this man was verily a soothsayer, and his wish to meet СКАЧАТЬ