The chosen vessel. Fighting of the spirits. Miki Lazović
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Название: The chosen vessel. Fighting of the spirits

Автор: Miki Lazović

Издательство: СУПЕР Издательство

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика


isbn: 978-5-907006-52-2


СКАЧАТЬ helped him, holding the wolf by legs while grandfather dexterously worked. And when he has finished, we put the skin connected by a rope, then grasped the wolf and dragged it on one hundred meters from the road.

      “At night, other wolves will smell it and will take away. I have dragged him on one hundred meters from the road that nobody passing here was frightened…”

      Grandfather has charged the skin on his shoulder and we have gone home. Again, I was surprised of his force of clairvoyance. Everything that looked impossible was feasible easy for him as a pie.

      The long – awaited spring has come. Grandfather taught me according to the school program and everything that is important for life in the village. All spring, summer and autumn days he always took me with him and we gathered herbs and fruits of which he did his medical ointments. Since the early childhood he taught me as it is called and as any medicinal herb looks. He told me about his life. How once he has been bitten by a serpent and, after that, the clairvoyance gift has opened in him. Because of which people come to him now. Then I have asked him:

      “Thanks to clairvoyance you mass and help people?”

      “No, sonny, it doesn’t help. God helps me and this power is more feasible than this heat which I have in hands. It is a healer’s gift”.

      “Grandfather, above all I would like to have this gift”.

      “Sonny, everything that you love, you wish also all you believe in – everything will be on your way. If you know, sonny, how much one thought is valid, then you would never think anything bad!”

      “And how, grandfather, I could learn to operate the thoughts?”

      “Eee, sonny, give me some days to get into spiritual contact with my great – grandfather and I think I will be able to tell you everything. Remember, sonny, that I was younger, than you now when I became the Elect”.

      “Grandfather, and who is the Elect?”

      “If it is given, then grandfather will tell you everything, and if not, then and you haven’t heard it…” – grandfather answered me, remembering the words told once him by his great – grandfather: “It will come time when you will reveal this secret to another, but he will be a child of another tribe, but close to your sort”.

      Few times in midnight silence I was awakened by grandfather when he rustled in impenetrable silence at a window leafing through pages of the records and whispered something. Five days later he called me up and told:

      “Sonny, I saw as you have twice woken up and wanted to understand what I was whispered with my great – grandfather. I heard sounds, but I couldn’t sort the word”.

      “Grandfather, how could you be whispering with the great – grandfather if he has died long ago?”

      “Eee, now grandfather will tell you what powers has a person if he knows how to use it. You will find out why God has ordered us to die. You will be surprised to a lot of things, but believe that all this is truth. But for you it will be a hundred times easier to learn because I have written down everything for you, and great – grandfather owed me hundred and one thousand times to repeat in order to remember everything completely.

      You will be able to read all this. Only when unmistakably you learn everything, only then you will be able completely to use and operate this force correctly. It means that you don’t begin to use it until you would remember everything properly. If there is no all force entirely inside you, then you won’t be able to react and dispose of it completely correctly. It is not a joke. Understand! If you begin to use spiritual contact, but you won’t be rather trained, than at the moment when your spirit comes into contact with spirit much stronger than yours and will want to return to your body, that won’t allow it and, at that moment, you will die. If you think that you have only one life which has to protect, then you should know that after death your spirit will be based forty and one year, time of spiritual clarification, and after that the spirit for a while gets to Heaven. There the Lord shows what is good and what is evil. Kindness is in paradise, and the evil in hell. After very short time spent in paradise God allows spirit to pass into a body of the newborn known only to God and in this new body you are waited by new destiny. Sonny, I have hurried with these revelations. Not everything that I tell, you will be able to understand at once. I know what was to me once and therefore will begin with the beginning.

      When God has created light, he has created a person just like him. God has ordered to the person to be master and the owner of all at the sea and on the earth. He has given him to use all gifts of the nature and a lot of things. And then He told: “I have given to you everything, but I want to give you my force only five – seven percent and in some abilities ten percent or only ten percent of functionality of a brain, because, having given you everything that I have, you very quickly would surpass me and I have overthrown from a throne”. So, the person, thanks to God, became master of live in this world, thanks to brains which gave him the possibilities to think”.

      Records of grandfather won’t be coordinated with the Bible. God commands a human brain to function only from four to seven, and for phenomena – up to ten percent, while modern medicine assures that functionality of brain of ordinary people is limited by twelve – fifteen, and for phenomena – in eighteen percent. Even if we take these data as possible, we wonder what happens to other part of brain? What is approved by medicine? What appointment remained eighty – two – eighty five percent of brain which aren’t use. If the brain of a phenomenon is developed only three percent more than the brain of an ordinary person and at even with this create such innovations which influence changes of a picture of the world. What will happen to the person who has reached consciousness level at increase in functionality of a brain up to twenty, thirty and more percent? What phenomenon would be such a person rather other mankind and what would be his power. For mankind there is Bioenergy’s secret, Hypnosis, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Teleportation and many others to which science can’t offer an explanation. And a basis to all is belief that what you trust really in. Medicine recognizes nothing from this, because there is no chemistry, a formula and the solution of these tasks. If we feel heat of a radiator, then we know that it is from warm water, and having felt heat of a hand, the science reluctantly recognizes that it is bioenergy. Or hypnosis force. Or the clairvoyance force which mankind has been convinced one million times. The same is with telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation and many other not studied phenomena which modern science rejects instead of studying.

      We won’t pursue science and medicine to prove them what is possible and what isn’t present. We will work at achievement of our progress and let scientific men do their own job. Our progress will be in achievement of force as a result of development of that part of a brain which is in sleep mode now.

      Now we will return and we will finish a conversation on God and person.

      The person became master over the dead nature without knowing that in the stone, metals and nonmetals which disappear in natural subsoil, contains unlimited number of unused energy. From the beginning of the world people tried one million options to go by the way of knowledge thus to become immortal and to overcome completely all diseases existing in the world. With development of technology and medicine, people are working in many fields of science and creating all new and more modern drugs, but they failed to discover the secret of immortality. They find one serious illness medicine, so God sends another one, that is even heavier, than the previous was. Then, after thousands of years from the phenomenon to Christ’s world, God has solved to one person, who by tradition was called the Chosen One, a possibility to reveal a secret of how to increase functionality of brain and how to use energy from water, stone, nailing also other metals which in the rest of the world aren’t available. Using this energy and developing functionality of brain the Elect will receive indescribably big force.

      God has told that СКАЧАТЬ