Англо-русский словарь военно-технической и сопутствующей лексики и сокращений с комментариями. Часть II: S – Z, сокращения, комментарии. Б. В. Киселев
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СКАЧАТЬ facsimile

      FC Finance Corps

      FCS fire control system

      FDC fire direction center

      FFAR folding-fin aircraft rocket

      FFC Fleet Forces Command

      FFG guided missile frigate

      FH frequency hopping

      FIST fire support team

      FIST-V fire support team vehicle

      fld field

      FLIR forward-looking infrared

      FLOLS Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System

      FLOT forward line of own troops

      flot flotilla

      flt flight

      flt con flight control

      flt con sur flight control surface

      FM (97) frequency modulation; frequency-modulated

      FMF Fleet Marine Force

      FMFLANT [битая ссылка] Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic

      FMFPAC [битая ссылка] Fleet Marine Force, Pacific

      fmn formation

      FMS flight management system

      FOA field operating agency

      F of F field of fire

      FORSCOM US Army Forces Command

      fps feet per second

      frag fragmentation

      frd friend (ly)

      freq frequency

      FS fin-stabilized

      FS fire support

      FS fuselage station

      FSB forward support battalion

      FSE fire support element

      FSN federal stock number

      FSSG Force Service Support Group

      ft foot

      ftn fortification

      ftr fighter

      ftr-bmr fighter-bomber

      FU fire unit

      fus fuselage

      FW fixed-wing

      fwd forward

      G1 (14) personnel section (officer)

      G2 (14) intelligence section (officer)

      G3 (14) operations and training section (officer)

      G4 (14) logistics section (officer)

      G5 (14) civil affairs/military government section (officer)

      GA tabun

      GB sarin

      GBU guided bomb unit

      GCCS Global Command and Control System

      GCCS-M Global Command and Control System-Maritime

      GCE ground combat element

      GCS guidance and control section

      gd guard

      GD soman

      GE General Electric

      gen general

      GEO (93) geosynchronous

      GEV ground effect vehicle

      GLCM ground-launched cruise missile

      gli glider

      GM guided missile

      GMLA guided missile launch assembly

      gnd ground

      gnd cbt ground combat

      gnd recon ground reconnaissance

      gnr gunner

      gp group

      GP general purpose

      GPMG general purpose machine gun

      GPS Global Positioning System

      GPWS ground proximity warning system

      gr grade

      GS general support

      GSR general support reinforcing

      GTP ground tactical plan

      GZ ground zero

      HD (sulphur) mustard

      HDD head-down display

      HDTV high-definition television

      HE high-explosive

      HEAT (122) high explosive antitank

      HEAT proj (122) high explosive antitank projectile

      HEDP high-explosive dual purpose

      hel helicopter

      HEMAT heavy expanded mobility ammunition trailer