Англо-русский словарь военно-технической и сопутствующей лексики и сокращений с комментариями. Часть II: S – Z, сокращения, комментарии. Б. В. Киселев
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СКАЧАТЬ minimum

      MIRV multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicle

      misc miscellaneous

      MLC military load classification

      MLG Marine Logistics Group

      MLRS (67) multiple launch rocket system

      MLS microwave landing system

      MMG medium machine gun

      mnvr, mvr maneuver

      mob mobile

      MOPP mission-oriented protective posture

      mort mortar

      mort sec mortar section

      MOS military occupational specialty

      MP military police

      MPC Military Police Corps

      mph miles per hour

      MR main rotor

      MRBM medium-range ballistic missile

      MRE meals ready to eat

      MSB main support battalion

      MSC Medical Service Corps

      MSC Military Sealift Command

      msec millisecond

      MSG Marine Security Guard

      msg message

      msgr messenger

      msl missile

      msl whd missile warhead

      msn mission

      MSR main supply route

      MST maintenance support team

      MT mechanical time

      MTMC US Army Military Traffic Management Command

      mtr motor

      mvmt movement

      mvr maneuver

      mvr bn maneuver battalion

      mvr elm maneuver element

      MWR missile warning receiver

      NAF numbered air force

      NBC nuclear, biological and chemical

      NCA National Command Authority

      NCO noncommissioned officer

      NCW Network-Centric Warfare; Netcentric Warfare

      ND Navy Department

      NDO nuclear deterrence operations

      NDU National Defense University

      nec necessary

      NECC Navy Expeditionary Combat Command

      NETF naval expeditionary task force

      NG National Guard

      NIIN national item identification number

      NMAWC Naval Mine and Anti-Submarine Warfare Command

      noncom noncommissioned officer

      NORAD North American Aerospace Defense

      NOTAR no tail rotor

      NSC National Security Council

      NSFS naval surface fire support

      NSN national stock number; NATO stock number

      nuc nuclear

      nuc atk nuclear attack

      nuc wpn nuclear weapon

      NVG night vision goggles

      obj objective

      obs obstacle

      obsn observation

      obsn hel observation helicopter

      OCA offensive counterair

      OCAR Office of the Chief, Army Reserve

      OCS officer candidate school

      OCSA Office of the Chief of Staff, US Army

      OD officer of the day

      OD olive drab

      OF Operating Force (s)

      off officer

      OOD officer of the deck

      op operation

      OP observation post

      OPCON operational control

      opn operation

      opns scty operations security

      ord ordnance

      Ord C Ordnance Corps

      orgn organization

      OSA Office of the Secretary of the Army

      OSB option selection button

      OSD office of the Secretary of Defense

      PA Public Affairs

      PAC personnel and administration center