Англо-русский словарь военно-технической и сопутствующей лексики и сокращений с комментариями. Часть II: S – Z, сокращения, комментарии. Б. В. Киселев
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СКАЧАТЬ heavy expanded mobility tactical truck

      HEP high-explosive plastic

      HERA high-explosive rocket assisted

      HF high frequency

      HHB headquarters and headquarters battery

      HHC headquarters and headquarters company

      HHD headquarters and headquarters detachment

      HHS headquarters, headquarters and service

      HHT headquarters and headquarters troop

      HIMAD high-to-medium-altitude air defense

      HIMARS [битая ссылка] High Mobility Artillery Rocket System

      HMD helmet-mounted display

      HMG heavy machine gun

      HMMWV High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle

      HN nitrogen mustard

      horiz horizontal

      horiz stblz horizontal stabilizer

      HOTAS hands on throttle and stick

      how howitzer

      HP, hp horsepower

      HQ, hq headquarters

      HQ co headquarters company

      HQDA headquarters, department of the army

      HQ ech headquarters echelon

      HQMC Headquarters, Marine Corps

      HQ USAF Headquarters US Air Force

      hr hour

      HTA acft heavier-than-air aircraft

      HUD head-up display

      HUMINT human intelligence

      HVAP hypervelocity armor-piercing

      HVM hypervelocity missile

      HVU high value unit

      I2R sys imaging infrared system

      IC internal combustion

      ICAW integrated caution, advisory and warning

      ICBM intercontinental ballistic missile

      ICM improved conventional munition

      ICP integrated control panel

      ID identification document

      ident identification

      IFF identification friend-or-foe

      IFV infantry fighting vehicle

      IG inspector general

      IGB intermediate gearbox

      ILS instrument landing system

      IMA Individual Mobilization Augmentee

      in inch

      IN inertial navigation

      incd incendiary

      inf infantry

      info information

      ING Inactive National Guard

      INS inertial navigation system

      instal installation

      instl installation

      intel intelligence

      IOE irregular outer edge

      IOS instrumental observation and survey

      IR infrared

      IRBM intermediate-range ballistic missile

      IRR Individual Ready Reserve

      ISR intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance

      ITW/AA integrated tactical warning and attack assessment

      JAG Judge Advocate General

      JAGC Judge Advocate General’s Corps

      JCC joint command and control ship

      JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff

      JDAM joint direct attack munition

      JFACC Joint Force Air Component Commander

      JFCOM US Joint Forces Command

      JS joint staff

      JTF joint task force

      KE kinetic energy

      KE proj kinetic energy projectile

      KIA killed in action

      kph kilometer per hour

      kt knot

      KV kill vehicle

      L lewisite

      LAAB Light Armored Assault Battalion

      LANTFLT Atlantic Fleet

      LANTIRN Low-Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night

      LAR launch acceptance region

      laser light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation

      LAV Light Armored Vehicle

      lb pound