Название: Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus
Автор: Дамир Хаматулин
Издательство: АСТ
8-67 PAR. CAR. NERSAF, a`ruine grand discorde,
Ne l'vn ne l'autre n'aura election,
Nersaf du peuple aura amour & concorde,
Ferrare, Collonne grande protection.
PAR, CAR, NERSAF, great discord is in ruin,
Neither one nor the other will get elected,
Nersaf will receive love and consent from the people,
Ferrara, Colonna – great patronage.
I’ll leave Nersaf alone for a while, I’ll deal with the characters “ Par ” and “ Car ” for now, adding three more to them – “ Cor ” and “ Dis ” from “ discor de ” and “ Con ” from “ con corde ”.
Such a five is found very close to each other in the Centuries only twice, denoting two areas. One – in the first Centuria. An entertaining picture is obtained from the very first words. Both " con + cor + de " and " dis + cor + de " have an equal chance of life. But there is no Nersaf and devastation.
1-38 … Par cor ne crys harnois n ' arresteront ,
Vindicte , paix par mort si acheue a l' heure . _
1-39 De nuict dans lict le supresme estrangle,
Pour trop auoir subiourne, blond esleu,
Par troys l'empire subroge exancle,
A morte mettra car te, pacquet ne leu.
1-40 La trombe faulse dis simulant folie,
Fera Bisance vn changement de loix:
Hystra d'Egypte qui veult que l'on deslie,
Edict changeant monnoyes & aloys.
1-41 Siege en cite est de nuict assallie,
Peu eschape : non loing de mer conflict …
The second site is located in the ninth Centuria. Here the situation is just as funny, and everything is even more compact. devastation again no how _ And Nersaf .
9-70 … Par les cantons Latins Mas con ne ment.
9-71 Aux lieux sacrez animaux veu a` trixe,
Auec celuy qui n'osera le iour.
A Car cassonne pour dis grace propice,
Sera pose' pour plus ample seiour.
9-72 En cor seront les saincts temples pollus,
Et expillez par Senat Tholossain,
Saturne de ux trois cicles reuollus…
The question may arise: if there are no further coincidences, why did I then mark these two sites? I just want to once again show how the Centuries work. At first glance, everything looks normal, well, these three-letter, however, quite remarkable parts of the words coincided together, what is unusual about this? Yes, at first glance – nothing. But when you know that “– car -” in all Centuries is only 24, and “– dis -” is 25, and even “– cor -” with a rank of 70 contributes to the probability of meeting , it becomes clear: a mere chance here and doesn't smell. This is how everything is placed in the Centuries: strictly according to the laws of the unique Author.
Most likely, he saw the situation that had developed in the first Centuria – and repeated it much later for his own, as yet many secret, unexplored goals.
Now it's time to go in search of Nersaf, who is still a secret. In view of the fact that neither “– saf -” nor “– ners -” are anymore in the Centuries, such a trick will not work with him. NERSAF from capital letters in the lower section is implemented compactly (9-53 – 9-54), giving a chance to realize both CAR and PAR in the same place, but sacrificing their own letters. Ruin – " ruyne " – is present here, and discord, apparently, consists in replacing capital letters. In any case, "– dis -" – is not on this site. But there is a wonderful agreement – " Con + corde " and non-standard, but begging love – " A + mour ", received from the people – PEVPLE , but also, with the replacement of capital letters.
The patronage of Ferrara and Colonna is also noted. In quatrains 9-53 and 9-54 – " Fer + ra + re " and " Co + ll + onne ".
9-51 Con tre les rouges sectes se banderont,
Feu, eau, fer, corde par paix se minera:
A u point mour ir ceux qui machineront,
Fors vn que monde sur tout ruyne ra.
9-52 L a paix s'approche d'vn coste', & la guerre,
Oncques ne feut la poursuitte si grande:
P laindre homme, femme sang innocent par terre,
E t ce sera de France a` toute bande.
9-53 Le N eron ieune dans le trois cheminees,
F er a de paiges vifz pour ardoir getter:
Heu re ux qui loing se ra de telz menees,
Trois de son sang le fer ont mort guetter.
9-54 A rriuera au port de Corsibonne ,
Pres de Rauenne , qui pi ll era la dame:
E n mer profonde legat de la V lisb onne ,
S ouz roc cachez rauiront septante ames.