Название: Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus
Автор: Дамир Хаматулин
Издательство: АСТ
Nay imparfaict: la plus part nagera,
Aupres du fleuue de sang la terre tainte.
2-58 Sans pied ne main dend aygue & forte,
Par globe au fort de porc & laine nay:
Pres du portail desloyal se transporte,
Silene luit, petit grand emmene.
2-59 Classe G auloise par apuy de grande garde
D u grand N eptune, & ses tridens souldars:
Ronsgee Prouence pour soustenir grand bande,
Plus Mars N arbon. par iauelotz & dards.
2-60 La foy Punicque en Orient rompue,
Gang . Iud . & Rosne, Loyre, & Tag changefront:
Q ua nd du mulet la faim sera repue,
C lasse espargie, sang & corps nageront
2-61 E uge, Tamins, G ironde & la Rochele:
O sang Troien Mort au port de la flesche…
The mysterious word " amifere ", from the fourth line of quatrain 8-61, is conventionally presented by me as " ami + fere " – "other-nosed", by analogy with "scepter-bearing". “ Tag ” and “ fere ” can be seen in this form – in a single quatrain 10-93, as part of the words – carriers of these two inseparable friends – cohabitants. This case, indeed, can be considered unique, since “– fere -” exists eight times in the Centuries, and “– tag -” – seven times.
the gift to the rooster of the word " Tag ". Yes, there he is – COQ , crows from quatrain 2-60, accepting the gift – DON (2-59 – 2-60) from " Tag " (2-60). Above is the entire picture.
Horrible pictures of the future again emerge from the next quatrain. From the current news – the desecration of shrines, the looting of the temple and the plague. The standard set of horrors seen by a time traveler.
8-62 Lors qu'on verra expiler le saint temple,
Plus grand du rosne leurs sacrez prophaner
Par eux naistra pestilence si ample,
Roy fuit iniuste ne fera condemner.
Then, when they see the sacking of the holy temple,
Very great on the rone, their shrines are defiled
From them will be born a pestilence so vast,
The king, avoiding injustice, will not condemn.
In quatrain 9-68, exactly the same river Rhone flows, also referred to with a lowercase initial letter “ r ”, and in 9-69 a great one appears – “ grand ( e )”, which in quatrain 9-71 becomes very ( plus ) great. Everything described in the first three lines of quatrain 8-62 takes place on that site. Apart from whole words – "prop + ha + ner" and " plague " – PESTE.
9-70 … Ceux de Vienne seront trestous ha chez,
P ar les cantons Latins Mascon ne ment.
9-71 Aux lieux sacrez animaux veu a trixe,
Auec celuy qui n'osera le iour,
A Carcassonne pour disgrace prop ice,
Sera pose' pour plus ample seiour.
9-72 Encor seront les sainct 's temple 's pollus,
E t expille z par Senat Tholossain ,
S turne deux trois cicles reuollus.
Dans Auril, May, gens de nouueau leuain.
9-73 Dans Fois entrez Roy ceiulee Turbao,
Et reg ner a moins reuolu Saturne…
The fourth line predicts what will happen at the end of the tenth century. The king really runs away here – " fu + it ". "Unrighteous" – it is found in this small area in the form in which it is described in the second line of quatrain 8-62 – " PLVS grand ".
10-93 La barque neu fu e receura les voyages,
L a & aupres transfereront l'empire:
Beaucaire, Arles retiendront les hostages,
Pres deux colomnes trouuees de porphire.
10-94 De Nismes, d'Arles, & Vienne contem ne r,
N'obey tout a` l'edict Hespericque:
Aux labouriez pour le grand condamner ,
S ix eschappez en hab it seraphicque.
-95 Dans les Espaignes viendra Roy trespuissant…
Oh , the serial drama played out in the next quatrain is a very terrible story. Already a tear welling up .
8-63 Quant l'adultere blesse' sans coup aura,
Meurdry la femme & le filz par despit, Femme assoumee l'enfant estranglera: Huit captifz prins, s'estouffer sans respit.
When adultery is wounded without a blow,
He will kill his wife and son because of malice,
Having beaten his wife, he will strangle the child:
Taking eight prisoners, he is suffocating breathlessly.
Echoes of the beginning of this narrative are found in the tenth Centuria, almost at its beginning. Wife – "fem + me", indeed beaten – "as СКАЧАТЬ