Название: Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus
Автор: Дамир Хаматулин
Издательство: АСТ
Par dons & langue vne plus attractiue .
3-96 Chef de Fossa n aura gorge copee,
Par le duct eur du limier & leurier…
But he was noticed by Nostradamus, the pit – “ fossa ”, apparently in the Latin manner, ending in “ a ”, – too. The author decided to tie it for a reason, too. The word " estache '" is present only four times in the Centuries, so its second presence in quatrain 3-91 could not go unnoticed, and the Magister took advantage of this fact. "– Foss -" in the Centuries is the same rarity. This letter combination was noted five times. Yes, the chapter – " Chef " – where without it, is also here.
With a clerk in this area – complete emptiness. No clues were found, which can not be said about " cro + sse ". Author This definitely was noted .
3-90 …Vn chef de cla sse istra de Carmanie,
Qui prendra terre au Tyrren Phocean.
3-91 L'arbre qu'estoit par long temps mort seche`,
Dans vne nuict viendra a` reuerdir:
Cro n.roy malade, prince pied estache'…
However, the story of the clerk has its development elsewhere in the Centuries. The whole picture is formed on it, described in the third line of quatrain 8-95.
5-13 … Fureur grin sse ant chassera gent lybique
Despuis Pannons iusques Hercules la hare.
5-14 Saturne & Mars en leo Espaigne captiue,
Par chef lybique au conflict attrape',
Proche de Malthe, Heredde prinse viue,
Et Romain sceptre sera par coq frappe'.
5-15 En nauigant captif prins grand pontife,
Grans apretz faillir les clerc z tumultuez:
Second esleu absent son bien debife,
Son fauory bastard a` mort tue'.
5-16 A son hault pris plus la lerme sabee,
D'humaine chair par mort en cendre mettre,
A l'isle Pharos par cro isars perturbee…
Already in the future events of the Centuries, Nostradamus again sets in motion this whole swirling topic. He says goodbye to the seducer in quatrain 10-46, reminding him that he is still in the pit: FOSSE.
10-46 Vie soit mort de L' O R vilaine indigne,
S era de Saxe non nouueau electeur:
De Brunsuic mandra d'amour signe,
F aux le rendant au peuple seducteur .
10-47 De Bourze ville a la dame Guyrlande,
L'on mettra sus par la trahison faicte
Le grand prelat de Leon par Formande,
Faux pellerins & rauisseurs defaicte.
10-48 Du plus profond de l' E spaigne enseigne…
I have noticed many times how the Author unanimously and tightly collects in the right place all the necessary capital letters, with the exception of one. What is this? The fear that his cryptography would become too comprehensible without this? Maybe yes. There is no other explanation, at least for me.
The most difficult part of the task is to find the source for the last, fourth line of quatrain 8-95. In this case, I will not claim that I discovered the true place: " Py + can + te ", " dr + oi + te ", " con + te + ns ". Due to the rather small fragmentation of words, it is difficult to draw an unambiguous conclusion.
2-74 … Pour passer outre vers les monts Py renees:
La gent sortir de la Marque d'An con ne,
Par te rre & mer le suiura a` gra ns trainees.
2-75 La voix ouye de l'insolit oyseau,
Sur le can on du respiral estaige,
Si hault vien dr a du froment le b oi sseau,
Que l'homme d'homme sera Antropophage.
-76 Foudre en Bourgongne fera cas por te n te ux…
The only time in the Centuries the Author mentions the Synagogue. And in the quatrain itself, he speaks openly about this. She is sterile and has not produced any fruit. AND For what Then He All This started ?
8-96 La synagogue sterile sans nul fruit,
Sera receu entre les infideles: De Babylon la fille du porsuit, Misere & triste luy trenchera les aisles.
The synagogue is sterile, without a single fruit,
Will be accepted among the infidels:
From Babylon the daughter of the persecuted,
Poverty and sadness will clip her wings.
The word " infideles " turned out to be a very important clue. It only appears once more in the Centuries in quatrain 9-83, but in the singular, revealing the secret of the synagogue: " sin + ag + ogue ". It is indeed accepted among the infidels.
9-83 … Lors l' infidelle _ Dieu & sainctz v ogue ra .
9-84 Roy expose' parfaira L'hecatombe,
Apres auoir trouue' son origine: Torrent ouurir de marbre & plomb la tombe, D'vn grand Romain d'enseigne Medu sin e.
9-85 Passer Guienne, Languedoc & le Rosne,
D' Ag en tenens de Marmande & la Roole…
There were even two Babylonian daughters of the persecuted, and they also turned out to be infertile: “ fi + lle ”, “ por СКАЧАТЬ