Война на Тихом океане и общество США (1941–1945). С. О. Буранок
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Название: Война на Тихом океане и общество США (1941–1945)

Автор: С. О. Буранок


Жанр: История


isbn: 978-5-9765-1780-6


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      Rosenberg E. A Date Which Will Live: Pearl Harbor in American Memory. Durham, 2003.


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      Healy M. Midway 1942: Turning Point in the Pacific. Westport-London, 2004.


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      Andrieu d’Albas Е.М. Death of a Navy: Japanese Naval Action in World War II. New York, 1957; Coffey T.M. Imperial Tragedy: Japan in World War II. New York, 1970; Brown D. Carrier Operations in World War II. Annapolis, 1974; Belote J.H., Belote W.M. Titans of tlie Seas: The Development and Operations of Japanese and American Carrier Task Forces During World War II. New York, 1975; Lindley J. M. Carrier Victory: The Air War in the Pacific. New York, 1978; Costello J. The Pacific War. New York, 1981; Behr E. Eiirohito: The Man Behind the Myth. New York, 1989; Adamczyk R.D., MacGregor M.J. United states Army in World War II: Reader’s Guide. Washington, 1992; Wiest A.A., Mattson G.L. The Pacific War: Campaigns of World War II. New York, 2001.


      Поттер Э. Адмирал Нимиц. СПб., М., 2003.


      Worth R. Battle That Change The World: Midway. New York, 2002; Bicheno H. Midway. New York, 2004; Keman A. The unknown Battle of Midway: the destruction of tlie American torpedo squadrons. New Haven, 2005; Isom D.W. Midway inquest: why the Japanese lost the Battle of Midway. Bloomington, 2007; Grove P. Midway 1942. Dulles, 2007; Smith P. Midway: dauntless victory: fresh perspectives on America’s seminal naval victory of World War II. Barnsley, 2007; Stille M. USN Carriers vs IJN Carriers: The Pacific 1942. Oxford, 2007; Stille M. Midway 1942. London, 2010.


      Yavenditti М. American Reaction to the Use of Atomic Bombs to Japan 1945–1947. University of California, Berkeley, (Ph.D.) Dissertation, 1970; Herken G. American Diplomacy and The Atomic Bomb 1945–1947. Princeton University, (Ph.D.) Dissertation, 1974; Nicholson J., Wray H. The atomic bomb and Hiroshima historical impact and teaching unit. Illinois State University, (Ph.D.) Dissertation, 1980; Paul S. Anglo-American cooperation and the development of the British atomic bomb, 1941–1952. University of Illinois at Chicago, (Ph.D.) Dissertation, 1996; Paulin J.H. America’s Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb on Japan. Louisiana State University in Shreveport, (Ph.D.) Dissertation, 2007.


      Donovan R.J. Conflict and Crisis: The Presidency of Harry Truman, 1945–1948. New York, 1977; SteinC. Hiroshima. New York, 1982; Allen T.B. Code Name Downfall: The Secret Plan to Invade Japan and Why Truman Dropped the Bomb. New York, 1995; Frank R. Downfall: The End of the Imperial Japanese Empire. New York, 1999; Offner A.A. Another Such Victory: President Truman and the Cold War: 1945–1953. Stanford, 2002; Burgan M. Hiroshima: Birth of the Nuclear Age. Greenburgh, 2009; Mariner R. The atomic bomb and American society: new perspectives. Knoxville, 2009; Дельгадо Д. Атомная бомба. Манхэттенский проект. М., 2011.


      Mariner R. The atomic bomb and American society: new perspectives. Knoxville, 2009; Дельгадо Д. Атомная бомба: Манхэттенский проект. М., 2011.


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