English Caricaturists and Graphic Humourists of the Nineteenth Century. Graham Everitt
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Название: English Caricaturists and Graphic Humourists of the Nineteenth Century

Автор: Graham Everitt

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664624840


СКАЧАТЬ Window Tax.—“Manners and Customs of Ye Englishe.”—“The Month” upon Exeter Hall.—Establishment of the Papal Hierarchy in England.—The Causes of Doyle’s Retirement from Punch Explained.—Unselfishness of His Conduct.—Ultimate Consequences on his Prospects.—Number of his Punch Illustrations.—Caricatures of Richard Doyle.—“Brown, Jones, and Robinson.”—Works Illustrated by Doyle.—Mr. Hamerton’s Criticism on his Illustrations to “The Newcomes.”—His Death.—John Tenniel.—Joins Punch at the Commencement of Troublous Times.—Death of the Duke of Wellington.—Battle of Oltenitza.—Lord Aberdeen as the “Courier of St. Petersburg.”—Lord Aberdeen tries to Hold in the British Lion.—England the Unready.—“Peace” Seated on the Garrison Gun.—Punch’s Low Estimate of the Third Napoleon.—An “International Poultry Show.”—“The Eagle in Love.”—“Playing with Edged Tools.”—“An Unpleasant Neighbour.”—Louis Closes his Firework Shop “to please Johnny.”—Miss Britannia Refuses to Dance again with Louis.—Mr. Tenniel one of the most Versatile of Modern Designers.—Examples of his Graphic Satire.—Notice of his Cartoons Closes with 1864, in Accordance with the Plan of the Work.—His Comic Powers.

      pp. 381-400.

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      The author desires to express his sense of obligation to the several publishers who have courteously granted him permission to reproduce drawings, the copyrights of which are vested in themselves; and at the same time to state his regret that other publishers, similarly situated with respect to other works, have not seen their way to render it possible for him to supply specimens of the style of certain artists, two of whom in particular, John Leech and H. K. Browne, must needs be conspicuous by their comparative absence.

      Such Caricatures and Book Illustrations as have seemed specially desirable—of which the copyrights have lapsed and no editions are at the present day in print—have been engraved for this work by Mr. William Cheshire.


       Table of Contents


      If you turn to the word “caricatura” in your Italian dictionary, it is Definition of Caricature just possible that you will be gratified by learning that it means “caricature”; but if you refer to the same word in old Dr. Johnson, he will tell you, with the plain, practical common-sense which distinguished him, that it signifies “an exaggerated resemblance in drawings,” and this expresses exactly what it does mean. Any distinguishing feature or peculiarity, whether in face, figure, or dress, is exaggerated, and yet the likeness is preserved. A straight nose is presented unnaturally straight, a short nose unnaturally depressed; a prominent forehead is drawn unusually bulbous; a protuberant jaw unnaturally underhung; a fat man is depicted preternaturally fat, and a thin one correspondingly lean. This at least was the idea of caricature during the last century. Old Francis Grose, who, in 1791, wrote certain “Rules for Drawing Caricaturas,” gives us the following explanation of their origin:—“The sculptors of ancient Greece,” he tells us, “seem to have diligently observed the form and proportions constituting the European ideas of beauty, and upon them to have formed their statues. These measures are to be met with in many drawing books; a slight deviation from them by the predominancy of any feature constitutes what is called character, and serves to discriminate the owner thereof and to fix the idea of identity. This deviation or peculiarity aggravated, forms caricatura.”


      As a matter of fact, the strict definition of the word given by Francis Grose and Dr. Johnson is no longer applicable; the word caricature includes, and has for a very long time been understood to include, within its meaning any pictorial or graphic satire, political or otherwise, and whether the drawing be exaggerated or not: it is in this sense that Mr. Wright makes use of it in his “Caricature History of the Georges,” and it is in this sense that we shall use it for the purposes of this present book.

Rowlandson.] THE TRUMPET AND THE BASSOON. Rowlandson.] [January 1st, 1796. “ANYTHING WILL DO FOR AN OFFICER.” “What shall we do with him?” “Do with him? Why, make an officer of him!” [Face p. 2.
T. Rowlandson.] [April 13th, 1807. “ALL THE TALENTS.” The “Broad-Bottom Administration,” known as “All the Talents,” showing the several qualifications of the Ministry. [Face p. 3.

      In connection with the subject of graphic satire, the names of the The three great Caricaturists of the Last Century. three great caricaturists of the last century—Gillray, Rowlandson, and Bunbury—are indispensable. The last, a gentleman of family, fortune, and position, and equerry to the Duke of York, was, in truth, rather an amateur than an artist. Rowlandson was an able draughtsman, and something more; but his style and his tastes are essentially coarse and sensual, and his women are the overblown beauties of the Drury Lane and Covent Garden of his day. George Moutard Woodward, whose productions he sometimes honoured by etching, and whose distinguishing characteristics are carelessness and often bad drawing, follows him at a respectful distance. The genius of James Gillray has won him the title of the “Prince of Caricaturists,” a title he well earned and thoroughly deserved. СКАЧАТЬ