The Human Mind. Marion Julius
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Название: The Human Mind

Автор: Marion Julius

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9781649695109


СКАЧАТЬ it won't the reality is sooner or later eventually you will have to face it this is what you need to do to then move forward. Because it will always be around you when people talk about it, write about it, speak about it and/or if the people around you are in a sad mood their negative/sad feeling will make you feel sad to block out the sad/negative energy which surrounds you.


      Sometimes our feelings can and cannot be controlled depending on sort of person you are and/or depending on the situation that you're in. Each person might have different feelings and so they might be thinking very different to you,they may be having thoughts totally opposite you just when you think you're in control of a situation its possible you're not sometimes we're not in control of things so the human mind that give us thoughts what we think makes us react so when then go out and our behavior leads us to what we say and what are actions are.

       The Criminal:

      "I feel like crap they are going to get evidence I'm screwed I feel so worried and upset I'm in trouble. I feel so stressed about this whole thing I can't sleep properly I feel down and I feel miserable."

       The Detective:

      "I feel good.......I'm so happy I can't stop smiling and laughing I'm going to catch this bad man I'm smarter than him he's a idiot such a fool I'm going to track him down and solve the crime. I'm going to win Detective of the year the Commissioner is going to give me a promotion I feel excited life is wonderful."

      Our feelings...our emotions...

      They play a big part in our daily lives things can suddenly happen and can change so quickly from up to down then back up again, so as human beings we need to understand that each feeling we have can change us from being happy to sad to good to bad over and over non stop. You might get a phone call that changes your life, you business might all of a sudden fail and your screwed, you might find out your wife wants to leave you things just happen and that's life.

      To be careful so that you don't let your emotions/feelings allow you to do something that is wrong or stupid one single thought or if someone plants an idea in your head at the time it seems like a good idea but its not it could change you and put you and others in danger.


      1 If you're feeling sad? You might cry.

      2 If you're feeling happy? You might go out and have a good night with your friends.

      3 If you're bored? You might feel frustrated there's nothing to do.

      4 If you're feeling angry? You might go out and turn violent causing harm to yourself and others?

      5 If you're feeling tired? You might go to sleep.

      So my point being when you have a feeling about something have a think about it before you go out and do something stupid. Look at all options that are available and look at what is best for you. Choose the option that can give you the better outcome which won't cause trouble/problems for you.





      Chapter 4: Investing In You

      Gold Investment "You"

      Life sure can be hard at times can't it? I bet you you all have been going through some crazy times in your life right? Ups and downs, break ups, make ups, divorce, separation, yelling, fighting, business change, changing jobs, meeting new people date after date but still no success. Making money, losing money, gambling money, counting every penny trying to save money, spending money, stress, feeling tired, lonely, bored, sad, depressed, angry, annoyed and frustrated. Things getting worse? or better? struggling? no pleasure? feeling upset? that's life the world we live in us human beings sure do have some interesting, sometimes hard, some days good, other times bad and sad times. But we try deal with it we try cope with it we try pray that things change faith or no faith? knocking on doors? making calls? sending texts, email after email, sending letters and trying to get that piece of information, that message that makes us feel good that reply that gives us the answer that appointment that give us the best satisfying pleasure which makes us feel so good. Still trying to find that serial killer? waiting to get that business loan? I know the cash flow not going well? staff are lazy or not intelligent yeah we get a lot of things in life don't we. Win some lose some try some and give some away getting sick or getting better or maybe getting worse life is hard some days seems easy but people have problems everywhere I've worked or socialized or events I went to etc. people have problems and they like to turn to me what can I do but listen right? I listen you know using my compassionate heart that I have still no happy with the way you look? sick and tired of your hairstyle or trying to fit into your jeans? or waiting for payday to go buy something its funny how the human mind does think the thoughts that go into our head and mind will she like me? will she go out with me? will she sleep with me? over and over these thoughts go through our head. The universe has plenty for everyone but sometimes people do the wrong things and turn into the wrong direction which makes them fail and things don't go as they planned they have to deal with failure and rejection and then disappointment they put into so much time, energy and money into trying to be that successful and happy and healthy person. So what is the best thing to invest in? are GOLD and your life is precious your life is very important and you need to take care of that your mind, body, spirit and well-being make yourself feel good. You just need someone out there to care, give you support, encourage you and inspire you that person to just give you that push to move forward in a POSITIVE way taking along with you courage, inner strength, determination and your mind and heart. Your situations don't have to be so bad things can change you can change your issues and problems can be sorted out. Look after yourself invest in something that will and can actually help don't keep trying your luck on gambling because their will be days you will lose don't keep denying that you have a problem re addiction deal with it before it gets worse. Don't be hard on yourselves but also don't give up if you're feeling down put on some inspiring music and dance or go sit by the beach and enjoy the people and serenity of listening to the ocean breeze try yoga or go for a walk in nature a park or somewhere that you like a place where you feel good. Look in the mirror and be happy with you don't beat yourselves up when things go wrong be grateful, appreciative and thankful for what you have a home, food, clothing, business, job and the ability to see, hear, walk, talk etc. as human beings we're always complaining or worrying but there's a time to stop and take a big breathe in and inhale and then exhale and try manage your problems, relationships and issues that seem to be worrying you. As a qualified therapist who studied counseling I find that people seem to let a past experience or trauma or failure/rejection or tragedy stress them out it drives them insane and makes them feel miserable. I feel sorry for these people they cry, sometimes I heard and saw such anger people want to throw things and talk about revenge how they are going to get back at those ex boyfriend/girlfriend etc. its so sad but forget the hurts and upsets look after you and go learn, grow, overcome obstacles and find a solution which can take you to a better mental, physical and spiritual state where you can move forward in your life. Sometimes we act in a way that’s not really who we are not our personality there are times people cannot deal with issues or too scared so they become and react in a different way. Some people are weak and cry others throw tantrums and others turn violent they lie or deny or hide or they make up stories.

      If you're asking yourself questions such as:
