Fresh Joy. Heidi McLaughlin
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Название: Fresh Joy

Автор: Heidi McLaughlin

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Религия: прочее


isbn: 9781988928357



       Pitiful or Powerful


       Learning to Fly Upside Down


       Hearing God’s Voice



      “I’d love a cup of coffee. Would you like one?” The words slipped from my mouth before I could retract them.

      Coffee is my love language. The smell of it brings a smile to my lips and makes my heart happy. It’s how I communicate with my people, and Heidi is one of my people. We’ve laughed and cried our way through many of life’s ups and downs, but nothing was as earth-shattering as the unexpected death of her second husband, Jack.

      I can still recall the message I received from Heidi asking for prayer after Jack collapsed in their kitchen while going for a coffee. And the prayers that followed when it became apparent he would not recover. Heidi’s normal changed forever before the first cup was brewed, an experience that made each cup thereafter a painful memory. I could understand her decision to avoid drinking it after all she had experienced.

      For most of my life, I have believed that the goal is to run from pain. I reasoned that if I could avoid grief and disappointment, I would be in a perpetual state of joy. I now know I was wrong. Over the past three years, I’ve watched Heidi navigate a journey no one would choose with a level of courage and grace that surpasses understanding. When given the option to run from the pain, she chose to walk through it.

      Since 2014 I have been meeting with Heidi and our friend Sheryl Giesbrecht-Turner via Skype for monthly prayer times. These prayer calls began as a way to support each other in our writing and speaking ministries. They were an opportunity to not feel so alone in a profession where you spend a lot of time alone. Little did we know then how our friendship would be a lifeline to help each other overcome some of life’s greatest battles.

      From our first tearful prayer time following Jack’s death to our call a few days ago, I’ve watched God heal Heidi’s heart. Anxious nights turned into peaceful sleep. Sorrow and confusion turned into purpose and power. Joy found a way to shine forth from the pain. What I now realize is that there’s an intricate relationship between pain and joy. There is a sense that they coexist and are independent of each other.

      To my delight, Heidi welcomed the offer to enjoy a cup of coffee that day. Sitting across from her at the table, I was proud of my friend. This wasn’t just about a cup of coffee; it was about finding her way back to joy.

      This joy is not dependent upon external circumstances, feelings, or emotions. No, this is a steadfast joy that exists even when there is sorrow, pain, and disappointment. This joy is not something you step into but something you allow to come forth from within. It lives in the secret place and is released during time in God’s presence.

      Where are you in the process? Maybe you’re experiencing the fear and confusion of having your world turned upside down. Maybe you’re in a place of anxiety and restlessness about the future. Perhaps you’re sitting right on the edge of a new journey with God that will reveal to you the fullness of who he is in your life. Wherever you find yourself today, it is my prayer that you will trust the process the Holy Spirit uses to lead you to fresh joy.

      Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith

      Board-certified internal medicine physician and author of

      Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity


      I knew it was time to write a book on joy while I was in Toronto and my grandson Ryan spurred me on with “Nana, you’ll love a cup of flat white coffee. Trust me.” Ryan knew I hadn’t been able to drink coffee since Jack died, but this exquisitely delicious flat white was the beginning of another step toward healing and joy. That coffee incident is just a snippet of the love and encouragement I’ve received from my family and friends while writing this book.

      I am incredibly honoured to include stories from my daughter Michelle Conley Willms and other wonderful people in my life. Thank you to Shaunie Brown, Candace Giesbrecht, Cindy Keating, Carol Rath, Margaret Gibb, and Cheryl Klippenstein. You were so gracious and eager to support me throughout this labour of love. I smile from ear to ear when I see how your words infuse life and colour into the chapters to allow the reader to grasp a deeper perspective.

      Then there are my relentless readers who drove through a fierce winter storm to sit at my table and work through many chapters to give fresh insights and words of wisdom. Thank you, Elisabeth (Elsie) Lewke, Kirstin Wakal, Jo-Ann Hemingway, and Michele Layton, for your outrageously loving support. You took the time to read and to give loving and honest feedback. Thank you.

      I can’t imagine writing a book without prayer support. My faithful prayer partners Saundra Dalton-Smith and Sheryl Giesbrecht-Turner have been by my side and prayed for this book from conception to reality. My She Café Bible study group, newsletter supporters, sister Brigitte, and numerous other gracious friends often stopped me and said, “Hey, Heidi, I’m praying for you.” For an author who sits alone at her computer day after day, there are no sweeter words.

      I am so grateful to Larry Willard of Castle Quay Publishing House for believing in me and giving me a contract. A big shout-out to my gracious editor Marina Hofman Willard, graphic designers, and everyone involved with this manuscript. It takes a village to create a book.

      Mostly, my heart overflows with gratitude for the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, whose breath is on every page. He created the inspiration and creativity in my heart that became words flowing through my fingertips. Every book I write is an act of worship and praise to God. I thank God for the passion, health, and love that helped me write a book to help people discover fresh joy.



      For most of my life the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafting through our home pulled me in like a magnet. My husband Jack was always the first one up in the morning to make sure we would start our day with a cup of joy. Soon he would shout out, “Honey, the coffee’s ready; we can start our morning devotions.” Our life revolved around our cups of coffee, with us happily sipping delicious dark liquid throughout the day. But I had no idea how that delightful pleasure would forever change my life. You see, Jack died while going to the kitchen for his cup of coffee.

      Through my deepest pain I’ve discovered that joy and pain do coexist. How joy is not something we brew up first thing in the morning and sip on all day but already resides within us and needs to be called forth. Joy is the currency of heaven and available to all of us, at any time, and throughout any circumstances. We all need to know this because we all crave joy.

      We have an insatiable desire for happiness. We want it, we need it, and we can have it. But let’s not go for just happiness, because it’s joy we need. Because joy is more than just feeling good. Joy is deeper, richer, long-lasting, and rooted in God and his СКАЧАТЬ