Fresh Joy. Heidi McLaughlin
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Название: Fresh Joy

Автор: Heidi McLaughlin

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Религия: прочее


isbn: 9781988928357


СКАЧАТЬ of being adopted as God’s children into his eternal family

      • The joy of being lavished with God’s love

      • The assurance that we will spend eternity in God’s glorious presence

      • Unending pleasure of joy

      5. Grow good fruit. While we’re still sitting here on earth with our unanswered prayers, we can only imagine what our “upper story” looks like. With all my heart I believe that one day we will clearly see the beauty and majesty of all God planned before the foundations of the earth were formed. Today I may not fully understand, but I pray along with the British author John Baillie:

      Teach me, O God, to use all the circumstances of my life today to nurture the fruits of the Spirit rather than the fruits of sin.

      Let me use disappointment as material for patience;

      Let me use success as material for thankfulness;

      Let me use anxiety as material for perseverance;

      Let me use danger as material for courage;

      Let me use criticism as material for learning;

      Let me use praise as material for humility;

      Let me use pleasures as material for self-control;

      Let me use pain as material for endurance.11

      So I cling to my unanswered prayer as an opportunity for God to intertwine his hope and my sorrow to unleash beauty and joy. “Not my will but yours, Lord.” Through this unwanted painful journey God has been at my side helping me endure my new reality. I experience his presence as he heals me through his gracious nature, loving family, and faithful friends. His promises of hope point me toward a place where I will be perfect and complete, needing nothing, face to face with the giver of our fresh joy.


      and Ask God to Make You Joyful

      Ask God, What do you want me to learn about unanswered prayer?

      S—Scripture: “Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!” (John 14:14 NLT).

      T—Thanksgiving: Thank you, God, that you want me to know and experience your extravagant, generous, and endless love. Thank you that I can talk to you 24-7, that you hear the cries of my heart and you care enough to listen.

      O—Observation: God tells me in the Bible that I can ask him for anything and he will do it. I am human, and I need tangible evidence of answers, and it is hurtful and frustrating when I don’t see results. The only way to console myself is by remembering there is another story that I don’t understand—an “upper story” that is grander than the one I am living. I know God loves me and wants the best for my life, so I have to trust that his answer is somewhere else.

      P—Prayer: Heavenly Father, you know my pain and anguish over unanswered prayer. When I cry out in desperation, I need to know you have an answer. I need a tangible response that I can see and understand. I can’t understand how heaven can stay so quiet when thousands of people pray. Help me to trust you when I can’t sense or hear you. Bind up my hurt and help me to move forward and know that one day I will understand and see. I declare my love for you, even when I feel lost and alone. Please draw close to me and sustain me with your love until I can move forward with new understanding, courage, and joy. Thank you. Amen.

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