English Caricature and Satire on Napoleon I. John Ashton
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Название: English Caricature and Satire on Napoleon I

Автор: John Ashton

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Документальная литература


isbn: 4064066399641


СКАЧАТЬ than all, it was even pretended that he lived some time in England. The Birmingham Journal of April 21, 1855, affirms, on the authority of Mr. J. Coleman of the Strand, who is now 104 years of age, and whose portrait and biographical sketch appeared in the Illustrated London News, Feb. 1850, and who knew perfectly well M. Bonaparte, who, while he lived in London, which was for five weeks, in 1791 or 1792, lodged in a house in George Street, Strand, and whose chief occupation appeared to be taking pedestrian exercise in the streets of London. Hence his marvellous knowledge of the great metropolis, which used to astonish any Englishmen of distinction, who were not aware of the visit. I have also heard Mr. Matthews, the grandfather of the celebrated comedian, Mr. Thomas Goldsmith of the Strand, Mr. Graves, Mr. Drury, and my father, all of whom were tradesmen in the Strand, in the immediate vicinity of George Street, speak of this visit. He occasionally took his cup of chocolate at the Northumberland, occupying himself in reading, and preserving a provoking taciturnity to the gentlemen in the room; though his manner was stern, his deportment was that of a gentleman.’

      Timbs22 endorses this statement, in identically the same words of a portion of the above, which he fathers on old Mr. Matthews, the bookseller in the Strand, but we must recollect that Mr. Timbs was writing the ‘Romance of London.’

       A personal description of Napoleon in 1793 may be interesting, especially as it comes from a trustworthy pen.23 ‘At that period of his life Bonaparte was decidedly ugly; he afterwards underwent a total change. I do not speak of the illusive charm which his glory spread around him, but I mean to say that a gradual physical change took place in him in the space of seven years. His emaciated thinness was converted into a fulness of face, and his complexion, which had been yellow, and apparently unhealthy, became clear and comparatively fresh; his features, which were angular and sharp, became round and filled out. As to his smile, it was always agreeable. The mode of dressing his hair, which has such a droll appearance as we see it in the prints of the bridge of Arcola, was then comparatively simple, for young men of fashion (the Muscadins), whom he used to rail at so loudly at that time, wore their hair very long. But he was very careless of his personal appearance; and his hair, which was ill-combed and ill-powdered, gave him the look of a sloven. His little hands, too, underwent a great metamorphosis: when I first saw him, they were thin, long, and dark; but he was subsequently vain of the beauty of them, and with good reason.

      ‘In short, when I recollect Napoleon entering the courtyard of the Hotel de la Tranquillité in 1793, with a shabby round hat drawn over his forehead, and his ill-powdered hair hanging over the collar of his great-coat, which afterwards became as celebrated as the white plume of Henry IV., without gloves, because he used to say they were an useless luxury, with boots ill-made and ill-blackened, with his thinness and his sallow complexion; in fine, when I recollect him at that time, and think what he was afterwards, I do not see the same man in the two pictures.’

       He was fortunate in obtaining a higher rank in the army, being promoted to be commandant of artillery, and he joined the army besieging Toulon on September 12, 1793. He found his chief, General Cartaux, incompetent, and, from representations made to Paris, Cartaux was superseded. There was very hard fighting at Toulon before it was taken, Admiral Hood, and General O’Hara, commanding the British forces. The latter being taken prisoner, much disheartened the English, but, at the final assault, when the town was retaken by the French, the English and Spanish gunners died fighting at their posts.


      Our metrical History of Napoleon says—

      The first shell ’gainst Toulon, ’tis said,

       The hand of Bonaparte had sped.

      The vengeance of the French, on entering the town, was terrible; but many thousands had taken shelter on board the British ships, leaving only a few hundreds to be executed ‘according to law.’ Our poem somewhat exaggerates.

      One of the Jacobins, whom Hood

       Had sent to prison for no good—

       A noted character indeed—

       By the republicans was freed.

       As vengeance he on all design’d

       Who to the English had been kind,

       Or in their dreadful situation

       Promoted the Capitulation,

       This miscreant selected then

       One thousand and four hundred men,

       Whom they determin’d to assassinate—

       A testimony of surpassing hate;

       And Boney was, with general voice,

       For executioner their choice.

       Indeed the choice was very good,

       For Boney was a man for blood.

       In sets, it was these wretches’ lot,

       To be brought forward to be shot:

       Nap gave the order with composure,

       The loaded guns were pointed so sure

       A dreadful carnage soon ensued—

       A carnage—horrible when view’d.

       Yet, gallant Boney, with delight, Remain’d spectator of the sight. Nay, more, himself vers’d in hypocrisy, He thought he might perhaps some mock’ry see: So ‘Pardon! pardon!’ loud he said, To know if they were really dead; Some, who had counterfeited death, Rose up, and were deprived of breath! Poor souls! they knew not when he said it His word was not deserving credit. However two there were more wise, } Who, having put on death’s disguise, } Could not be tempted thus to rise, } But tarried till the wolves were gone, And then—a father found his son!

      CHAPTER V.

       Table of Contents


      For the capture of Toulon, Bonaparte was speedily promoted; indeed, his superior officer, Dugommier, in his report, said, ‘Reward and advance this young man, otherwise he will find means to advance himself.’

      He afterwards joined the army at Nice, and was sent on a secret diplomatic mission to Genoa; on his return from which he was arrested and thrown into prison, where he remained a fortnight before he obtained his release. He was without any employment during the remainder of 1794, and till the autumn of 1795. He was then in very poor circumstances financially, and Madame Junot gives a graphic picture of his distress at this time.24 ‘Bonaparte’s servant informed Mariette that the general was often in want of money;’ but, he added, ‘he has an aide-de-camp who shares with him all he gets. When he is lucky at play, the largest share of his winnings is always for his general. The aide-de-camp’s family sometimes sends him money, and then almost all is given to the general. The general, adds the man, loves this aide-de-camp as dearly as if he were his own brother.’ The aide-de-camp was Junot, who got a commission after Toulon.

      The СКАЧАТЬ