English Caricature and Satire on Napoleon I. John Ashton
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Название: English Caricature and Satire on Napoleon I

Автор: John Ashton

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Документальная литература


isbn: 4064066399641


СКАЧАТЬ ___ V 120 The Number of the Beast 666 X 130 Y 140 Z 150 Napole an Buon aparte 6 6 6

      The above verses are not the only parts of the chapter which have reference to Buonaparte, but the most prominent ones; the connection throughout has been clearly ascertained.

      In a curious little book called The Corsican’s Downfall, by a Royal Arch Mason, published at Mansfield in 1814, at p. 6, it says, with reference to the numeration, ‘The oldest treatise on the theory of arithmetic is comprised in the seventh, eighth, and ninth books of Euclid’s Elements, about two hundred and eighty years before the Christian era. The first author of any consequence who used the modern way of computing by figures, instead of letters of the alphabet, was Jordanus of Namur, who flourished about 1200; and his arithmetic was afterwards published and demonstrated by Johannis Faber Stapulensis, in the fifteenth century. The name, then, and number of the Beast must be discovered (if at all) by the ancient method of computation in use at the time when the prophecies were written.’

      But Bonaparte ungratefully refused to fulfil prophecy by being destroyed at the end of forty-two months, i.e. in June 1808, which must have put the expositors on their mettle. They were, however, fully equal to the occasion, and ingeniously solved the quotation this way.11 ‘Power was given unto him to continue forty-and-two months: now it is well known that he was self created, or crowned Emperor of France, on the 2nd day of December 1804, and that he reigned in full power and authority over the prostrate States upon the Continent until the 2nd day of May 1808, the very day on which the gallant Patriots of Spain made so noble and glorious a struggle to throw off the abominable yoke that he had imposed upon them, which is exactly a period of three years and a half, or forty two months.’

      An ingenious lunatic, named L. Mayer, found out another way of fathering the Mark of the Beast upon Napoleon. He took the number of sovereigns who had reigned in Europe until Napoleon’s arrival—some he has left out to suit his convenience, but that is a trivial matter—the case had to be made out against the unfortunate Emperor.

       Sovereigns included in the Number of the Beast. 12

Roman Emperors 77
Popes 186
Kings of France 40
Kings of Spain 78
Kings of Portugal 26
Emperors of Germany 57
Kings of Bohemia 31
Kings of Hungary 34
Kings of Poland 35
Kings of Denmark 35
Kings of Naples and Sicily 30
Kings of Sardinia 36
Bonaparte 1
Total 666

      The Society of Antiquaries have, among their handbills, one published in 1808, as follows:—

      Mr. Urban—The following singular coincidences may furnish matter for reflection to the curious. It has been generally admitted that the Roman Empire, after passing under seven different forms of government (or seven heads), was divided into ten kingdoms in Europe (the ten horns of Daniel and John); and that, notwithstanding the various changes Europe has undergone, the number of kingdoms was generally about ten.

      It is not a little surprising that the Heads of the Family of Napoleon, who has effected such a change in the same Empire, are exactly seven, viz.:—

      1. Napoleon.

       2. Joseph, King of Italy.

       3. Louis, King of Holland.

       4. Jerome.

       5. Murat, Duke of Berg and Cleves.

       6. Cardinal Fesch.

       7. Beauharnais, the adopted son of Napoleon.

      And also that the Members of the New Federation are just ten, viz.:—

      1. Bavaria.

       2. Wirtemberg.

       3. Baden.

       4. Darmstadt.

       5. Nassau.

       6. Ysembourg.

       7. Hohenzollern.

       8. Aremberg.

       9. Salm.

       10. Leyen.

      It is also remarkable that in the man’s name, Napoleon Buonaparte, there are precisely three times six letters:—

Napole on Buon aparte
6 6 6 = 666

      And in his name is contained the name given by John to the King of the Locusts, who is called ‘Apoleon,’ or ‘the Destroyer.’

      Even the date of his birth was disputed, for some said he was born on February 5, 1768—in his marriage registry it is the same, and he used to tell De Bourrienne, his school-fellow, that he was born on August 15, 1769, and it is so noted in the registry of his entrance into the military school at Brienne in 1779, and the Ecole Militaire in 1784, besides being the date used in all documents necessary to his promotion. But probably his mother knew somewhat about it, and Madame Junot says,13 speaking of Madame Lætitia Bonaparte, ‘I recollect she this day told us that, being at Mass on the day of the fête of Notre Dame of August, she was overtaken by the pains of childbirth, and she had hardly reached home when she was delivered of Napoleon, on a wretched rug. … I know not why,’ said she, ‘it has been reported that Paoli was Napoleon’s godfather. It is not true; Laurent Jiubéga14 was his godfather. He held him over the baptismal font, along with another of our relations, СКАЧАТЬ