Moses and Aaron: Civil and Ecclesiastical Rites, Used by the Ancient Hebrews. Goodwin Thomas Aiken
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СКАЧАТЬ The Rabbies term such a one ‎‏גר צדק‏‎ Ger tsedeck, Proselytum justitiæ, A Prosylite of righteousness. Secondly, ‎‏גר שער‏‎ Ger sahagnar, Proselytus portæ, A Prosylite, or stranger within thy gates, Deut. 14. 21. Of him also we read in the fourth Commandment. He was suffered to dwell amongst them; whence he is also called ‎‏תושב‏‎ Toschab, Incola, an Inhabitant. He was not circumcised, neither did he conform himself to the Mosaical rites, and ordinances, only he was tyed to the obedience of those Commandments, which among the Hebrew Doctors go under the name of Noahs seven Commandments;[31] which they reckon thus: 1. Judgements or Punishments for Malefactours. 2. Blessing the name of God; under this is contained the keeping of the Sabbath. 3. Disclaiming of Idolatry. 4. Uncovering ones nakedness. 5. Shedding of blood. 6. Robery. 7. Eating of any member of a beast, taken from it alive. Of this sort, were Naaman the Syrian, the Eunuch, Cornelius, and those of whom we read, That there were dwelling at Jerusalem, Jews Men that feared God[32] of every Nation under Heaven, Acts 2. 5.

      Hence we may observe, that a kind of Initiation by water was long in use among the Jews, though it were not Sacramental until Christ his institution: yea therefore it may seem to have been used by them, because they expected it at the coming of the Messias, as appeareth by their coming unto John, questioning not so much his Baptism, as his Authority, by what authority he baptized: Why baptizest thou them, if thou be not that Christ, nor Elias, neither that Prophet? John 1. 25.

       Of their Kings.

       Table of Contents

      Furthermore, Saul and Jehu were anointed ‎‏בפך‏‎ Bepac, with a cruse of Oyl, to shew the short continuance of their Kingdoms. David and Solomon were anointed ‎‏בקרן‏‎ Bekeren, with an horn of Oyl; that is, in a plentiful measure, to shew the long continuance of their Kingdoms.