Moses and Aaron: Civil and Ecclesiastical Rites, Used by the Ancient Hebrews. Goodwin Thomas Aiken
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СКАЧАТЬ up these publique payments, were termed Publicani, Publicans; and by reason of their covetous exactions, they commonly were hated by the People of the Provinces:[20] Every Province had his several Societie, or company of Publicanes: Every Society his distinct Governour: in which respect it is, that Zacheus is called by the Evangelists, ἀρχιτελώνης princeps Publicanorum, the chief Receiver of the tribute, or chief Publican, Luke 12. 2. And all the Provincial Governours in these several Societies, had one chief[21] Master residing at Rome, unto whom the other subordinate Governours gave up their accounts. These Publicans were hated in all Provinces, because of their exactions; but chiefly in the Commonwealth of the Jews, because though it were chiefly maintained by the Galileans, yet it was generally inclined unto by the Jews, That tribute ought not to be payed by them: this hatred is confirmed by that Rabbinical proverb,[22] Take not a Wife out of that family wherein there is a Publican, for such are all Publicans. Yea a faithful Publican was so rare at Rome it self, that one Sabinus for his honest managing of that Office, in an honourable remembrance thereof, had certain images erected with this superscription[23]; Καλῶς τελωνήσαντι, For the Faithful Publican. And therefore no marvel, if in the Gospel, Publicans and sinners go hand in hand.

       Israelites, Prosylites.

       Table of Contents

      [28] De Judæis Græciensib. vid. Scal. animad. Euseb. 124. 1. & in Can. Isag. 278.

      Prosylites were those Heathen people, who disclaiming Paganism, became Converts, and joyned themselves unto the Church of the Jews. They were termed Prosylites ἀπὸ τοῦ προσεληλυθέναι, from their coming and adjoyning unto the Jews. Concerning these Prosylites, we will consider these three things. 1. The several kinds of Prosylites; 2. The manner of making them; 3. In what account or respect they lived among the Jews.