Moses and Aaron: Civil and Ecclesiastical Rites, Used by the Ancient Hebrews. Goodwin Thomas Aiken
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       Table of Contents

      Chap. 1. Circumcision; whence, the use of Godfathers in Baptism.

      2. First-fruits, first-lings, first-born.

      3. Sorts of Tithes, manner of paying them.

      4. Marriages and divorces, copies of their dowry bill, and bill of divorce: what meant by power on the Womans head, 1 Cor. 11. 10.

      5. Burials, manner of embalming, manner of their Sepulchres, what meant by baptization of the dead, 1 Cor. 15. 9.

      6. Of their Oaths.

      7. Of their writing, their Masorites, and their work.

      8. Israels pitching of their tents, or of their camps.

      9. Their Measures.

      10. Their Coyns, first of brazen Coyns, silver Coyns, and gold Coyns.


       Table of Contents

       Treateth of Persons.

       Table of Contents

       Of the form of the Hebrewes Common-wealth until Christ his coming, and when the Scepter departed from them.

       Table of Contents

      The form and state of Government hath been subject to change and variation amongst all Nations, but especially amongst the Jewes, where these changes are observable.

      At first, the Fathers of their several Families, and their First-born after them, exercised all kind of Government, both Eclesiastical and Civil, being both Kings and Priests, in their own houses. They had power over their own Families, to bless, curse, cast out of doors, disinherit, and to punish with death, as is apparent by these examples: of Noah towards Cham, Gen. 9. 25. of Abraham towards Hagar and Ismael, Gen. 21. 10. of Jacob towards Simeon and Levi, Gen. 49. 3. and of Judah towards Thamar, Gen. 38. 24.

      In Moses his days then did this prerogative of primo geniture cease: and as Aaron and his posterity was invested with the right and title of Priests; so Moses, and after him Joshua, ruled all the people with a kind of Monarchical authority. For Moses was among the righteous as King, Deut. 32. 5.