Tommy’s house. Marina Nitsinska
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Название: Tommy’s house

Автор: Marina Nitsinska

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Учебная литература


isbn: 9785005191397


СКАЧАТЬ kind of person do you consider to be creative? Give an example. Explain your choice.

      2. Is it possible to develop a talent? If yes, tell what a person should do to cultivate it.

      III Tell about a person who, in your opinion, is free to express his/her feelings. Describe the person’s behaviour.

      CHAPTER 7

      The Sports ground

      Almost every day Tommy went to the sports ground.

      It was situated behind the house. Tommy loved to run, jump and play with a ball. There was a basketball hoop, the boy tried to jump up higher and higher to throw the ball right into it.

      He also trained hard his football skills. The kid tried to take every chance to play football with his father. Tommy was well-developed physically – he had a good reaction, so he moved very quickly with ease. The boy played so recklessly and felt confident with the ball.

      He also played tennis with dad. Unfortunately, playing together wasn’t their regular practice, as Tommy’s dad rarely had free time. Nevertheless, the boy’s father wanted to improve his son’s tennis skills. He followed each movement of Tom carefully. He gave his comments and short instructions in a command tone:

      “Daddy, I’m a bit tired.”

      “Tommy, you’re a good tennis player, you can become the world champion if you train harder.”

      “Can we continue later? Frankly speaking, I like playing football more.”

      “You have more chances in tennis. We must improve your skills.”

      “But we play so seldom…

      Dad, will we go to the football match in august? Mum said if I do all my Maths, I’ll be able to go!”

      “We’ll see, boy.

      If I don’t have to leave for Strasbourg on a business trip, we’ll surely watch the match!

      Come on, Tom, move faster!”

      Suddenly, making an awkward movement, Tommy twisted his ankle and fell on the ground with a short cry, touching his leg.

      “Dad, it seems to me, I have just stretched my ankle…”

      “Oh, are you kidding?! Come on, boy, get up!

      You are a man, you should be strong and calm in any situation.

      Control yourself!”

      “It hurts…”

      “Then let’s go to the doctor.”


      basketball hoop [bɑskɪtbɔl] [hu p] – баскетбольная корзина, кольцо

      well-developed physically [wel-dɪveləpt] [fɪzɪk(ə)lɪ] – физически развит

      to move with ease [mu v] [wɪð] [i z] – двигаться с лёгкостью, непринуждённо

      to play recklessly [pleɪ] [rekləslı] —

      двигаться с лёгкостью, непринуждённо

      nevertheless [_nevəðəles] – тем не менее, однако, всё-таки

      in a command tone [ɪn] [ə] [kəmɑ_nd] [təun] – командным, приказным тоном

      frankly speaking [fræŋklɪ] [spi_kɪŋ] – честно говоря

      awkward movement [ɔkwəd] [mvmənt] — неловкое движение

      to twist one’s ankle [twɪst] [æŋkl] – вывихнуть лодыжку, подвернуть ногу

      to stretch one’s leg [streʧ] [leg] — растянуть ногу


      I Find in the text the antonyms for the following words:

      Lower; feeble; slowly; discreetly; uncertain; occasional; to deteriorate; heedlessly; more sluggish; easier; dishonestly; skillful; weak; wild.

      II Here are several expressions from the text (A – I). Match the definition of each of them from the list below (1 – 9).

      A to control yourself

      B regular practice

      C to take chance

      D to move with ease

      E frankly speaking

      F to give instructions

      G to play recklessly

      H in a command tone

      I an awkward movement

      1. a settled tendency

      2. to tell what should be done

      3. in an imperious manner of speaking

      4. to act rashly, headlong, hastily

      5. to take an opportunity

      6. an uncomfortable or clumsy motion

      7. to utter in an open, direct, honest manner

      8. to stir without difficulty or effort

      9. to make yourself behave calmly even though you are feeling angry, excited, or upset.

      III Make up sentences of your own with the expressions from exercise II.

      IV Complete the sentences with modal verbs in the appropriate form.

      1. Dad thinks that you _____________ train harder to win the national championship. He is sure that only in this case you___________________ become a champion next year!

      2. You __________________ speak to your friends in such a command tone. It sounds offensive.

      3. Unfortunately, СКАЧАТЬ