Oil-in-Water Nanosized Emulsions for Drug Delivery and Targeting. Tamilvanan Shunmugaperumal
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Название: Oil-in-Water Nanosized Emulsions for Drug Delivery and Targeting

Автор: Tamilvanan Shunmugaperumal

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Химия


isbn: 9781119585251


СКАЧАТЬ chemical, or microbiological attributes of APIs, excipients, and other components (e.g., purified water, solvent) that are used in formulating a quality product.

      The case study initially starts with the risk assessment plan for o/w nanosized emulsions by utilizing Ishikawa fish‐bone diagram and RPN score. Initial Quality Risk Assessment Studies

Schematic illustration of the evolution of QbD and multidimensional combination and interactions of critical input variables on critical response variables for the preparation of o/w nanosized emulsions.

      [Adapted from Montgomery (2013) and Yu et al. (2014).]

      The parameter D is the ease that a failure mode can be detected because the more detectible a failure mode is, the less risk it presents to product quality. For D, the rank 1 is considered as easily detectable, 5 as moderately detectable, and 10 as hard to detect. The parameter O is the occurrence probability or the likelihood of an event occurring. For O, the rank 1 is considered as unlikely to occur, 5 as 50 : 50 chance of occurring, and 10 as likely to occur. The parameter S is a measure of how severe of an effect a given failure mode would cause. For S, the rank 1 is considered as no effect, 5 as moderate effect, and 10 as severe effect. Using this procedure, the REM carried out for qualitative analysis of risk associated with each MA and/or PP.

Critical Quality Attributes (CQAs) REM for Qualitative Analysis of Risk Assigned to
Volume of Castor Oil Amount of Chitosan Amount of Poloxamer 407 Premixing Time Homogenization Time Homogenization Speed Probe Sonication Time
Mean particle size High Medium Medium Medium High High Medium
Polydispersity index Low Low Medium Medium Medium High Medium
Zeta potential Low High Low Low Low Low Low
Failure Modes Detection (D) Occurrence (O) Severity (S) RPN (=DOS) Consequences on CQAs
Volume of castor oil (ml) 5 5 8 200 MPS
Amount of chitosan (mg) 6 5 7 210 СКАЧАТЬ