Oil-in-Water Nanosized Emulsions for Drug Delivery and Targeting. Tamilvanan Shunmugaperumal
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Название: Oil-in-Water Nanosized Emulsions for Drug Delivery and Targeting

Автор: Tamilvanan Shunmugaperumal

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Химия


isbn: 9781119585251


СКАЧАТЬ of the 20th century. In general, however, stability of miniemulsions does not depend on the sign of the surfactant charge and is mainly determined by the surfactant coverage of the reactive carriers (miniemulsion droplets). The same factor is also crucial for the size of miniemulsion droplets after steady‐state miniemulsions are obtained (Landfester 2006).

      In many cases, however, greater emulsion stability can be achieved without imparting a significant surface charge to the emulsion droplets, by means of steric stabilization (Capek 2004). Nonionic surfactants possessing bulky hydrophilic groups like PEO protruding into the dispersion media decrease coalescence arising from droplet collisions. Another contribution to the steric stabilization of emulsions by nonionic surfactants is provided by the close packing of PEO chains at the droplet surface. The compact packing of PEO chains at the droplet surface creates steric stabilization because little or no interpenetration of PEO chains on different droplet surfaces occurs due to entropic repulsion (Dale et al. 2006). Large head groups carrying simultaneously charges of opposite signs, such as in zwitterionic surfactants, can cause similar effects. In polar dispersion media of low‐to‐medium ionic strength, these groups are, as a rule, strongly solvated (hydrated in the most common case of H2O) (Yaseen et al. 2006). Voluminous and on an average almost non‐charged hydration shells, surrounding the emulsion droplet, possess a significant steric rigidity and can also effectively stabilize emulsions. There are, however, only a few examples in the literature that use zwitterionic surfactants as effective emulsion stabilizers. For example, lecithin was used for the stabilization of perfluorooctyl bromide (PFOB) in water emulsions, to be used as oxygen‐carrying system in a bio‐artificial liver device (Moolman et al. 2004). The Sauter mean diameter of 0.2 μm PFOB emulsion droplet in water was obtained by high‐pressure homogenization. The emulsion was stable for several months even at a volume fraction of 20%. Nonionic surfactants are more often used for emulsion stabilization than zwitterionic phospholipids because they are synthetically manufactured, can be well defined analytically, and have significantly less batch‐to‐batch variation than naturally occurring (egg yolk, soybean) lecithins.

      In general, fulfilling both stabilization mechanisms (smaller droplet size and lesser susceptibility of surfactant toward chemical degradation) simultaneously leads not only to the highest emulsion stability but also to lesser sensitivity to changes in the external conditions such as pH, ionic strength, and temperature. Therefore, the use of mixtures of different classes of surfactants for emulsion stabilization is frequently the most effective solution in many practical cases.

      Sometimes mixtures of natural zwitterionic surfactants used for emulsion stabilization contain small amounts of polar compounds that can be incorporated into the adsorption layer and lead to a modest droplet charge, which additionally stabilizes the emulsion (Tamilvanan 2008). Surface layer with charged natural admixtures reported by Trotta et al. (2002) is only a particular case of a very large class of emulsion‐stabilizing systems based on a tailored application of ionic–zwitterionic surfactant mixtures. Mixtures of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and homologues and dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DMPE) phospholipids were utilized by Ishii and Nii (2005) for stabilizing model API‐carrying o/w nanosized emulsions. In contrast to the data, the main stability factor was found to be the optimal average hydrophilic–lipophilic balance (HLB) value of the stabilizers’ mixture, defined similarly for nonionic surfactants (Trotta et al. 2002). For example, emulsions prepared with mixtures of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC, zwitterionic) and DMPE behaved similarly to emulsions prepared by DMPC alone. This fact was explained by the equivalence of HLB values for both surfactants used, regardless of their ionic nature. However, the ionic character of a surfactant like DMPE (and therefore the charge of respective emulsion droplets) can be affected by the pH of the dispersion medium.

      Anionic emulsion formulations capture apolipoproteins (apo) along with other plasma proteins within minutes after an infusion in human blood, facilitating their fast elimination. In contrast, cationic emulsions reveal a much longer retention time in the plasma. Moreover, cationic colloidal carriers can promote the penetration of therapeutic agents into cell surfaces possibly via an endocytotic mechanism (Calvo et al. 1997). To improve the API targeting efficacy of colloidal carriers of anionic emulsions and to further prolong the circulating effect of the cationic emulsions, a mixed stabilizer film at the oil–water droplet interface composed of nonionic Poloxamer 188 and ionic lipoid E80 and stearylamine/oleylamine was created by combining the effects of electrostatic and steric barriers at the oil–water interface (Tamilvanan et al. 2005). In order to prove this concept, surface (charge)‐modified o/w nanosized emulsions (cationic and anionic) were prepared following the well‐established combined emulsification techniques (de novo) and these two emulsions were characterized for their droplet size distribution and surface charge. Marketed lipofundin MCT 10%, deoxycholic acid‐based anionic emulsions, oleylamine‐/stearylamine‐based cationic emulsions, and oleic acid‐based anionic emulsions were selected in this study. The effect of these emulsions on in vitro adsorption of plasma proteins was investigated by means of two‐dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D PAGE).