Oil-in-Water Nanosized Emulsions for Drug Delivery and Targeting. Tamilvanan Shunmugaperumal
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Название: Oil-in-Water Nanosized Emulsions for Drug Delivery and Targeting

Автор: Tamilvanan Shunmugaperumal

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Химия


isbn: 9781119585251


СКАЧАТЬ (ethylene oxide)OFATone‐factor‐at‐a‐timeO/Woil‐in‐waterPBCApoly(n‐butylcyanoacrylate)PCphosphatidyl choline6‐PCn‐hexanoyl lysolecithinPDIpolydispersity indexPEOpolyoxyethylenePFOBperfluorooctyl bromidePPprocessing parameterPPOpolyoxypropyleneTPGStocopheryl polyethylene glycol 1000 succinateQACquaternary ammonium compoundQbDQuality by DesignQbTQuality by TestingQRMquality risk managementQTPPquality target product profileREMrisk estimation matrixRPNrisk priority numberSDSsodium dodecyl sulfateZPzeta potential

      Therapeutically, the oil‐in‐water (o/w) nanosized emulsions are used mainly as delivery carriers for lipophilic active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) molecules that show pharmacological activities after administration via parenteral, ocular, and transdermal routes. Furthermore, the o/w nanosized emulsions having anionic, cationic, or neutral charged dispersed oil droplets can be made especially by changing the emulsifiers so that the first step of engineered droplet surfaces could be obtained to extract multifunctional activities. The second step of engineered droplet surfaces in emulsions usually attains by decorating the droplet surface with anchoring or homing moiety either by conjugation or simple adsorption reaction. By combining both the surface charge optimization and engineered droplet surfaces, the o/w nanosized emulsions are indeed in recent years useful for API delivery and/or targeting to otherwise inaccessible internal organs of the human body (Tamilvanan 2009).

      This chapter initially starts with the different excipients or ingredients used in the emulsion preparation followed by a short overview on the lipophilic APIs’ incorporation pattern into the o/w nanosized emulsions. One more important section included in this chapter is how to optimize a formula for ensuring a quality emulsion formulation. This section introduces a case study that shows the Quality by Design (QbD) approach applied onto the emulsions to optimize a formula during preformulation studies. The effect of the amount of new chemical entity (NCE) or lipophilic API on the physical stability of emulsions, quantity of excipients (oils, emulsifiers, and other excipients) onto the API incorporation patterns, final particle size distribution of dispersed oil droplets of the emulsion on different storage temperature conditions, etc., will be the subject of interest to be discussed in this chapter. It is to be informed to readers that the discussion of majority of the traditional excipients (oils, emulsifiers, and other excipients) can also be found from Chapter 4 wherein the classification of emulsions based on their generation appears.

Excipients Selected Examples
Oils Animal origin: Lanolin, squalene (shark liver oil)
Mineral origin: Paraffin light, paraffin oil, silicone oil, vaseline
Plant origin: Arachis oil, castor oil, corn oil, glycerol monostearate, medium‐chain monoglycerides, medium‐chain triglycerides, olive oil, sesame oil, soyabean oil, etc.
Emulsifiers: Amphoteric, anionic, neutral and nonionic Oil soluble: Cholesterol, cremophor RH, phospholipids (lipoid E 80) including phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, sphingomyelin, etc.
Water soluble: Miranol C 2 M (disodium cocoamphodiacetate) Miranol MHT [(1H‐imidazolium, 4,5‐dihydro‐1‐(carboxymethyl)‐1‐(2‐hydroxyethyl)‐2‐undecyl‐, hydrogen sulfate (salt), monosodium salt)] Poloxamer [(poly(ethylene glycol)‐block‐poly(propylene glycol)‐block‐poly(ethylene glycol)] 188 and 407 Polysorbate/Tween 20 {2‐[2‐[3,4‐bis(2‐hydroxyethoxy)oxolan‐2‐yl]‐2‐(2‐hydroxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethyl dodecanoate} Polysorbate/Tween 80 {2‐[2‐[3,5‐bis(2‐hydroxyethoxy)oxolan‐2‐yl]‐2‐(2‐hydroxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethyl (E)‐octadec‐9‐enoate} Transcutol P (diethylene glycol monoethyl ether) Tyloxapol [4‐(1,1,3,3‐tetramethylbutyl)phenol polymer with formaldehyde and oxirane] TPGS (tocopheryl polyethylene glycol succinate)
Emulsifiers: Cationic Lipid: DMPE, DOTAP, oleylamine, stearylamine
Polysaccharide: Chitosan
Miscellaneous α‐Tocopherol, EDTA, glycerin, methylparaben, propylparaben, sorbitol, thiomersal, xylitol