Oil-in-Water Nanosized Emulsions for Drug Delivery and Targeting. Tamilvanan Shunmugaperumal
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Название: Oil-in-Water Nanosized Emulsions for Drug Delivery and Targeting

Автор: Tamilvanan Shunmugaperumal

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Химия


isbn: 9781119585251


СКАЧАТЬ the drops. The reduction of free energy in the emulsion will result in the decrease of the interfacial area, and therefore in the growth of the bigger emulsion droplets at the expense of the smaller ones. The dispersed phase migrates through the bulk from the smaller droplets to the bigger ones, owing to the higher solubility in the bulk of the smaller droplets. Ostwald ripening is initiated and will increase throughout the process. As an illustration and under the assumption that only one component composes the dispersed phase, the solubility, C(Γ), of the dispersed material throughout the dispersion medium is expressed as a function of the droplet radius r, from the Kelvin equation (Skinner and Sambles 1972) [Eq. (1.3)],

      [Adapted from Anton et al. (2008).]

      where C is the bulk solubility of the dispersed phase, M its molar mass, and ρ its density.

      where rc is the critical radius of the system at any given time, at the frontier between the growth and decrease of the droplets. Consequently, Ostwald ripening is reflected by a linear relationship between the cube radius and time.

      A final remark, which may be of importance here, concerns the influence on the nanosized emulsion destabilization of layer density and structure in the interfacial zone. Indeed, up to now it has been considered that Ostwald ripening is a diffusion‐controlled process, but this assumption does not take into account the fact that surfactants, polymeric emulsifiers or stabilizers can create a thick steric barrier at the droplet interface (Goldberg and Higuchi 1969; Yotsuyanagi et al. 1973). As a consequence, the diffusion of the inner material of the droplets may be slowed down, reducing the ripening rate. The substantial difference in stability between nanoemulsions and nanocapsules (another colloidal API delivery system having polymeric outer shells covered on the dispersed oil droplets) for instance, appears essentially from such details.

      Before proceeding into Chapter 2, a brief description concerning classification of nanosized emulsions is presented below. Classification of Oil‐in‐Water Nanosized Emulsions

      According to Capek (2004), the stability of the electrostatically‐ and sterically‐stabilized o/w nanosized emulsions can be controlled by the charge of the electrical double layer and the thickness of the droplet surface layer formed by non‐ionic emulsifier, respectively. In spite of the similarities between electrostatically‐ and sterically‐stabilized emulsions, there are large differences in the partitioning of molecules of ionic and non‐ionic emulsifiers between the oil and water phases and the thickness of the interfacial layers at the droplet surface (Capek 2004). The thin interfacial layer (the electrical double layer) СКАЧАТЬ