The World of Unicellular. This Book is a Medicine from Moronity. Oleg Seriy
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СКАЧАТЬ f Unicellular

      This Book is a Medicine from Moronity

      Oleg Seriy


      Translator Marina Rudik

      Cover design Crash 27

      Illustrator Ernests

      Editor Ludmila Sira

      © Oleg Seriy, 2020

      © MaRiCaBo, 2020

      ISBN 978-5-4496-7371-8

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      by Oleg Seriy & MaRiCaBo

      published by PROJECT – EDEN with the help of Ridero

      © Copyright 2011 Oleg Seriy & MaRiCaBo

      © Translated by Marina Rudik

      © Cover design by Crash 27

      * * * * *

      PROJECT – EDEN & Ridero Edition, License Notes

      This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would liketo share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Ridero and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

      * * * * *

      by Oleg Seriy, published by PROJECT – EDEN at Ridero

      * * * * *


      On the book presentation

      Volume 1. The world of unicellular



      Volume 2. The Multicellular Invasion

      “Get fucking and read”.

      “I do not know, whether this news is good or bad for you. But I have finished writing this book. Who am I? I am crazy man. And I am proud of it”.

      This book is the adapted version of “The Book of Rescue from the Doomsday 2012—2013” for the World of Unicellular.

      Moreover, it is a span-new book.

      “It is a book, which was written by Antichrist. In person. His Name is Legion and his Number is 666.

      You have been waiting for Him and He has come. To judge you by “Doomsday”. He is me. He is inside and outside of me”.

      The author of the book

      – Be dedicated into Great Truths, and then Consciously describe everything what was happen, what is going on, and what will be with this godless world. And write it in order that everyone can understand it: alive and dead, born and unborn, clever and fool, beautiful and ugly, big and little, without depending on kind of their business preferences, colour of skin and confession of faith, interior ability or exterior possibility. This book should not be large in order that makes sick, and should not be small to have no ambiguities. This book should be such as everyone wish to read it, while after reading it – haven’t feeling sorry for expended time. Write The Great Book of All Times and Nations and let be with us in all great times of all nations.

      – I have done it. I wrote The World of Unicellular.

      * * *

      ATTENTION! It is not recommended to read this book for nervous unicellular, with shatter psychic or for persons, inclined to suicide too. Of course, all of you can take and read it, but the whole responsibility by (consequences for) you after this occurrence will lie on you.

      It is INTERESTING that those creatures, who read the fragments of this book, were got a bit of shock. Many of them were meditating about meaning of life, the others were reeling, and nobody knows what was going on with the third one.

      IMPORTANT? All names and denominations in this book is a result of author’s (or anybody else) imagination in The World of Unicellular, therefore there is no reason to identify them with others (not from The World of Unicellular).

      * * *

      Well, were you waiting for Antichrist to come? So he’s here now! And I feel like mentioning that PROJECT – EDEN Enterprise had for its starting the practice of putting scums in clink. Yet I’m not sure because the first thing happened much earlier…

      Initially the PROJECT – EDEN Enterprise was the corporation of Heaven, later on they moved to Hell and then the Earth was their place. Next, as it appeared, all corporations had collapsed and the universe discovered the Single whole of Eden and the League. And who masterminded the Project, anyway? One and the same entity in its deepest incarnations… and coronations… At first the name was Lucifer (deployment site is Heaven), who is the number one messenger of God’s grace for the Angels, the main channel for the Angels to gain the Love Experience straight out from God himself; then he was known as the Devil (deployment site is Hell), who is a scapegoat not symbolically burdened with the sins of the Demons, so they dropped their payback on him, and along all the debts, deadlines and doubts of their deeds and existence; after that he was called MaRiCaBo (deployment site is the Earth), who is the Divine Master of Material Energy (no specification), the name tells its own story. The identification in the matrix is Oleg Seriy (the last incarnation and coronation).

      Sure, we can easily highlight (in our humble opinion), that the label and the brand of PROJECT – EDEN Enterprise together with its owner (the Antichrist and the Savior twisted and rolled into one person) ran the Doomsday on Earth, so, that Elysium showed up, never faded and last forever. EDEN. The sign said so.

      “The universe or, if you could be even more specific to say the microcosm of unicellular, was more than a little one. So, small and tiny that it successfully made room in this little book. In fact, it would fit on the palm to make a fistful of it – so this is the score of the author and he really fancies his imagination”.

      The same author

      “If you kill me, I’ll be even mightier.

      If you do not kill me, I’ll be even mightier”.


      The Divine Master of the Material Energy

      On the Book presentation

      “I will СКАЧАТЬ