The Key to Eternal Life. Trayana Harizanova
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Название: The Key to Eternal Life

Автор: Trayana Harizanova

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9785005188410


СКАЧАТЬ this is very important and interesting information, but for those who do not know Igor, it will be difficult for them to believe… not everyone believes in predictions. During my healing treatment, I developed varicose veins, which hurt a lot. Igor told me that this was a sign of a change in my life and that my veins hurt for one reason only: MONEY. I have blocked the channel to money with my THOUGHTS. I immediately remembered that every time my veins swollen and hurt, that’s when I had money problems. In most cases, we create our own blockades and cause ourselves problematic situations.

      During the sessions, I was nervous about the energy clearing. Igor warned me in time that on March 21, 2012 a stream of New Energy was coming down to the planet and that this stream cleansed all people of negativity. Indeed, during the treatment period, every day I observed incredible changes in my life – both in business and personally.

      Thus began for me the NEW BEGINNING IN MY LIFE.

      After two years of stagnation in my business, there was a change for the better. So, anything is possible, it’s worth believing with all your heart.


      Yes, my life has changed. It happened because I believed in him. Positivity came into my life with him. With each passing day, I felt more and more great strength, confidence and energy in my soul. I used to consider myself a strong woman, but now I have become a new person. Thanks to my Spiritual Master, who increased my potential, I felt great strength and energy to move forward.

      In fact, Igor cleared the accumulated negative energy from my physical body for 39 years, there was little left. I already knew about my mission on Earth, which he presented to me as follows: “Yes, you are the future Vanga, but I will call you Trayana.” He healed me, prepared and helped energetically for my great mission in Bulgaria. During the treatment, mental images continued to appear to me.

      One of them belonged to the Holy Mother of God, who was next to me, protecting me and helping me.

      When asked why this is, Igor answered me like this:

      – Yes, Trayana, the Holy Virgin Mary protects you, she is the symbol of balance. She was once the only woman on Earth. It is the balance between male and female energy. From the first day of our acquaintance, she and Vanga’s angel have been watching over you and you have to learn great humility and patience!

      After treating the veins, I had to take a break for a few days to disperse the clotted blood and relieve the blood vessels. These few days were very difficult for me: I was breathing hard, my heart was hurting, and something was pressing on my soul. Then Igor decided to do a heart session, which lasted about an hour.

      During the session, I received another vision. When I was 12—13 years old, I almost drowned in the sea and I was very scared. Then I found myself in a school camp, where we had to cross a river with many leeches, and then I got scared too. Imagine, at least for a moment, how many such situations happen in life! How many fears and stressful situations have taken root in our body, which cause diseases, and in fact, people do not suspect anything and live like this for years until they are struck by an incurable disease!

      After the session, Igor shared that he saw in me a huge snake-like leech that had grown for many years (and I didn’t even know it!) and that if we hadn’t met, I would have died of ASTHMA.

      From March 2nd to April 8th, 2012, my treatment was uninterrupted. Then I rested for four days to see how I would feel: whether I would be nervous, whether I would be offended, whether I would be angry, whether I would be angry about trifles – all these qualities I had in my character.

      As it prepared me for a great mission in Bulgaria, all these sessions were not just a cure, but also a cleansing of all the negative energy that had accumulated over the years in me. It was the same with the character – I had to work very hard on him. He taught me how to change, how to give up the bad habits that had taken root over the years in my character. To be honest, it wasn’t easy for me. I had to prepare for Bulgaria, to read the “Revelations of the Almighty” – everything that was necessary was written there. I also had to study the Bible to be ready to answer any questions the priests might ask me.

      Then Igor told me about the Great Secret:

      – Our planet Earth has been ruled for 300,000 years by Dragons – Reptiles from the planet Nibiru (Satan). The epicentre of their existence on Earth is in the region of Israel, so there is such chaos. Two thousand people with the help of money rule Our Planet and our World – these are Jews. The only way to deal with and get rid of them is to develop SPIRITUALLY and rise to the LEVEL OF GOD. Then they will not be able to hinder our EVOLUTIONARY DEVELOPMENT.

      At least one Energy Monster lives in each person. These monsters have instilled in people such qualities as fear, insecurity, inferiority complex, jealousy, malice and they control their bodies. Underground, between Israel and Syria, there is a huge system of machines that emit vibrations for chaos. That is why there are so many wars and quarrels in this area.

      – Igor, this is exactly what the prophetess Vanga had predicted: when Syria falls, the time of the new WHITE BROTHERHOOD will come. But only when it falls. At that time, no one ever understood what Vanga meant…

      The conversation turned out to be very interesting. In fact, I received information from Igor in stages, depending on how much my mind could perceive. There is a dark being in each of us who controls our body and I had some (good thing that Igor later destroyed them) who forced me to drink, smoke, lie and exaggerate to hide the uncomfortable truth.

      This is how most people on Our Planet Earth live: they think one thing, say another, and do a third. The only way to deal with all this is to think and act correctly and positively. To be responsible for our actions, for our actions, to be better and more honest, but the most important are our THOUGHTS: to think only POSITIVE!

      Then only good will begin to enter our lives.

* * *

      Human thoughts can change the whole world! This is the reality itself! I can give many examples related to my relatives and friends. Here is one of them. One of my friends, named Assen, came to Cyprus from England and found a job in a hairdressing salon. He was a spiritual man, but with a bisexual orientation. When I told him about Igor, he immediately became interested and wanted to meet him. Assen said that 25 years ago, he fell into a coma, his soul ascended to Paradise, but GOD brought him back. Since then, he often had visions, but could not explain them. He remembered everything about his coma, he remembered meeting GOD, who told him he had to go back to Earth because he wasn’t ready to leave yet, he remembered crying bitterly, and he didn’t want to come back. He also told this story to Igor. After this meeting, Assen, unexpectedly for all of us, disappeared and reappeared about a month later. Igor told me that the Dark Forces do not allow Assen to meet him. A month later, Assen called Igor and asked him for help and a session. We, of course, responded immediately and went to him together.

      The tortured Assen told a shocking story about how the devils tortured him for almost a month and did not leave him alone for a moment. Assen realised that he would not be able to deal with this on his own. He found the strength to call Igor. For more than a month, the Dark Forces did not let him meet with Igor to prevent his awakening and release.

      Igor immediately began to treat him. After the first session, Assen told us that he had a vision: how a man on a silver-white horse (like St. George) kills a huge animal СКАЧАТЬ