A Companion to Global Gender History. Группа авторов
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СКАЧАТЬ and villages in southeastern Nigeria. They chose their targets purposefully, as Nwamuo, a member of the group “sitting on” Okugu, recounted. “They said that they wanted to destroy property generally so that all Whitemen might go home, because if they went home there would be no question of tax being paid,” she told the commissioners investigating the events of December 1929 (Bastian, Matera, and Kent, 2012: 153). Troops were called in and on December 16, the soldiers opened fire on the women with rifles and a Lewis gun, killing eighteen. The next day, a huge crowd of women met at Opobo, frightening the British officials there. The lieutenant in charge of the troops gave an order to fire. The soldiers shot and killed thirty‐two women; an additional eight women were pushed by the retreating crowd into the river below and drowned; thirty‐one women lay wounded by gunfire.

      The Ogu broke out in large part because Igbo women perceived that their place and time‐honored functions and activities within their communities had come under attack by British colonialism. Pre‐ and early colonial Igbo‐speaking peoples possessed a highly developed religious cosmology. A first and important Igbo cosmological concept – one that remained elusive for the British in their interaction with Igbo‐speakers – concerned the continuity and contiguity of all parts of the cosmos. The “great spirit” Chukwu, the living, and the dead somehow intermingled and existed in the same conceptual space, even while they all had special spheres that they inhabited. Although Igbo‐speakers regarded Chukwu and Ala – the land – as being prior and therefore senior to humanity, humanity partook of both spiritual forces. Every human being contained a part of Chukwu, while also being given a physical body by his or her parents. The ancestors, both paternal and maternal, held a stake in the child through the Igbo concept of reincarnation. Any ancestor might manifest him or herself in any child. Men could therefore be reincarnated as females, women as males. The key to a successful life involved taking on the responsibilities of one’s current gender status in a mature and committed manner.

      Being successful, in gendered as well as other social terms, entailed being “useful.” (Bastian et al., 2012) Although the Igbo recognized the individual and her agency as being important, that individual person was most socially important insofar as her strivings for attainment benefited some larger group. Whether the group constituted the individual’s kin group or his or her village, Igbo beliefs recognized that every person’s achievement had the potential to benefit everyone else. This ethic of mutual benefit applied also to gender relations across southeastern Nigeria, but particularly among Igbo‐speakers. Although wives were said to be “owned” by their husbands, and their children belonged to the man’s patriline, women tended to operate in a fairly independent manner. Every precolonial Igbo wife, for example, was supposed to have her own house within the husband’s compound and was responsible mainly to herself for her comings and goings outside the compound walls. In addition to sexual service, wives in the pre‐ and early colonial period owed their husbands meals – which every wife cooked and presented for the husband to taste, he deciding which wife’s meal he would actually consume. Men were obligated to provide their wives with yams to cook and clothes to wear. Beyond these basics, women had to fend for themselves – and usually did so quite capably.

      When every individual contributed, the whole benefited. Problems occurred when any one element of a partnership tried to benefit more than the other parts. In such cases, the balance had to be restored, as the withdrawal of any party from these systems of interdependence endangered all other parties and all other systems. Cosmological systems of mutual interdependence and the relations between those systems had to be maintained. Without the interplay of worlds, the entire Igbo cosmos might collapse and all human beings would die. Igbo women believed it incumbent upon themselves to take whatever action might be necessary to ensure such an eventuality would not occur (Bastian et al., 2012).

      The colonization of Nigeria by the British disrupted the social order of Igbo and other southeastern Nigerian peoples, especially as it pertained to gender. Colonial officials administered their regions according to the ideas and practices they had grown up with at home, in which women were expected to occupy a realm of life entirely separate from that of men. Women, in their experience, did not participate in governance or engage in market activities; they occupied a private sphere while men operated in public affairs. The colonial encounter thus produced a continuous series of misrecognition of actions and intentions between colonizer and colonized. When colonial policies – often carried out by Igbo men – disrupted the activities and responsibilities of Igbo women, the women acted to correct them, assaulting the institutions of British colonialism through which those disruptions took place. In 1929, Igbo women saw in colonialism a dire threat to the existence of their very lives and that of their entire society. They had to do something to keep it from occurring. The women assumed that British officials would comprehend their actions, recognizing that their grievances were readily apparent and just; the British, however, lacked the conceptual apparatus to recognize the women’s behavior as an explicitly gendered, political performance.

      British perceptions of and reactions to the demonstrations and protests of the Igbo and Ibibio women in 1929 flowed from their ideas about African women and sexuality. Lt. Col. P.F. Pritchard, for example, told the commission appointed to investigate the killings that the women with whom he came into contact were led by “an old woman who had no clothes on, except some leaves round her neck. The women seemed to be under the influence of this woman, and they were acting in a strange manner. Some lay on the ground and kicked their legs into the air, some passed most offensive remarks and made obscene gestures.” The medical officer at Opobo, Edward James Crawford, testified that the women who protested there had come from the town of Doctor’s Farm – “the women there are mostly prostitutes, there must be hundreds of them,” he claimed – and that they had arrived at Opobo “stripped” of their clothing. “I have been five years in this country,” СКАЧАТЬ