Dreaming Of... Greece. Rebecca Winters
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Название: Dreaming Of... Greece

Автор: Rebecca Winters

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781474083577


СКАЧАТЬ hours. Akis was a fount of information, responding to all her questions.

      No one watching them would know how disturbed she was to be this close to such a man who on the surface appeared so pleasant. Underneath his urbane facade Raina knew he was just biding his time until she tired of sightseeing and he had her full attention.

      When she’d eventually run out of questions, she sat back with a sigh. “Thanks to you, I feel like I’ve walked all over this city without missing anything important. I’ll remember your kindness when I watch the city recede from my plane window.”

      Akis moved the telescope out of reach, then flicked her a probing glance. “Forget about returning to California. You’ve only seen a portion of Athens. What you haven’t seen is what I consider to be the best part of Greece. I’m prepared to show it to you. I understand Chloe’s parents have extended you an open invitation to stay for a while.”

      She shook her head. “Why would you want to do anything for me when it’s obvious you have issues with me?”

      “Maybe because you’re different from the other women I’ve met and I’m intrigued.”

      “That’s not the answer and you know it.”

      One black brow lifted. “You can’t deny the chemistry between us. I’m still breathless from the explosion when we got in each other’s arms last night.”

      Raina’s hands gripped the arms of the chair. “So am I.”

      “After such honesty, you still want to run from me?” he said in a husky tone.

      “Physical attraction gets in the way of common sense.”

      He folded his arms. “What is your common sense telling you?”

      “I think your questions about me have fueled your interest.”

      “Is that wrong?”

      “Not wrong, just unsettling. I know you’ve been upset with me since the night of the reception when I wouldn’t tell you my name and gave your employee a different name. I already told you the reason why.”

      “Just not all of it,” he challenged in that maddening way, causing her blood pressure to soar.

      “What’s the matter with you?” she cried softly. “Earlier today you accused me of knowing something about your origins, when in truth I know next to nothing about you except that you were the best man!” Her voice shook with emotion. “If there’s some sinister secret you’re anxious to hide, I promise you I don’t know what it is.”

      His eyes narrowed on her features. “That’s difficult for me to believe when you’ve been Chloe’s best friend for years.”

      She nodded. “We became best friends and have seen and stayed in touch with each other over the years. I knew she was crazy about Theo months ago, but I only heard she was getting married a month ago. She was so full of excitement over the wedding plans, I didn’t even know the last name of her fiancé’s best man, let alone any details about you. If that offends your male pride, I’m sorry.”

      He shifted his weight. “I’m afraid it’s you I’ve offended without realizing it. Shall we call a truce and start over? Nora wants us to come back and eat dinner with them by the pool. Afterward they’re going to show us the wedding video.”

      “You can tell they’re missing Chloe,” she said.

      “That’s what happens when there’s an only child.”

      Raina knew all about that and agreed with him. “Their family is very close. Just being with them this little bit makes me surprised they allowed her to leave home for the school year.”

      “If she hadn’t been happy with you, I’m sure she wouldn’t have stayed.” While she felt his deep voice resonate, his gaze traveled over her. “Surely you can understand how much they want to pay you back for the way your family made her feel so welcome. If you want my opinion, I think you’ll hurt their feelings if you fly to the States too soon, but it’s your call.”

      Privately Raina feared the same thing. “I’m sure you’re right. If I stay until Chloe and Theo get back, it’ll give me a chance to rest my leg a little more.” More days to spend with Akis.

      Wasn’t that the underlying factor in her decision just now, even though her heart was warning her to run from him as fast as she could? To love this man meant opening herself up to pain from which she might never recover.

      “They’ll be happy to hear it. Are you ready to go back?”

      No, her heart cried, but her lips said “Yes.”

      After she finished her drink, he helped her with the crutches. Their hands brushed, sending darts of sensation running up her arms. He didn’t try to take advantage, but it didn’t matter. Every look or touch from him sensitized her body. As they left the penthouse for the drive back to the Milonis estate, she fought to ignore her awareness of him.

      Later, after a delicious dinner, Akis took the crutches from Raina while she settled on the couch in the den. Nora sat next to her while Socus started the video. Akis turned off the light and sat in one of the upholstered chairs to watch. Cries of excitement, happiness and laughter from Chloe’s parents punctuated the scene of the wedding day unfolding before their eyes.

      The videographer had captured everything from the moment Chloe left the house for the church. Parts of the ceremony in the church left Raina in happy tears for her dear friend. She just knew they’d have a wonderful life together.

      Other parts of the film covered the reception, including the dancing. The camera panned from the wedding couple to the best man dancing with the maid of honor. “You and Althea make a beautiful couple,” Socus exclaimed.

      Raina concurred. He was so handsome it hurt, but the inscrutable expression on his face was distinctly different from the adoring look on Althea’s. Suddenly the camera focused on the guests. Raina saw herself at the table. Shock!

      But there were more shocks when it caught Akis accompanying her from the ballroom. She’d had no idea they were being filmed.

      Nora laughed. “Oh, Akis... Now I understand why you didn’t spend the rest of the evening with poor Althea. You remind me of the prince at the ball who avoided the stepsisters because he wanted to know the name of the mystery woman on crutches and ended up running after her.” Socus’s laughter followed.

      In that instant Raina’s gaze fused with a pair of jet black eyes glinting in satisfaction over Nora’s observation. Her body broke out in guilty heat.

      “Wasn’t I lucky that I found Cinderella at your house.”

      “We’re very happy you did.” Nora beamed.

      “It saved me from prowling the countryside for the maiden with the crutches.”

      Chloe’s mother chuckled. “Wait till Chloe and Theo watch this. They’re going to love it.”

      “They will,” Raina agreed with her before lowering her blond head. Chloe would appreciate the irony of the camera finding her friend from California in the crowd despite every effort Raina had made to stay away from СКАЧАТЬ