Dreaming Of... Greece. Rebecca Winters
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Название: Dreaming Of... Greece

Автор: Rebecca Winters

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781474083577



      BY THE TIME Raina had unwrapped her ankle to shower on Monday morning, she had to admit it felt a lot better. Resting it had really helped because there was little swelling now. It didn’t need to be rewrapped as long as she walked with crutches and was careful.

      After dressing in a blouse and jeans, she brushed her hair and put on her pink lipstick. Every time she thought about Akis Giannopoulos, she got a fluttery feeling in her chest, the kind there was no remedy for.

      Her lips still throbbed from the passion his mouth had aroused. For a little while she’d been swept away to a place she’d never been before. After having no personal life for so long, she supposed something like this had been inevitable. Maybe it was good this hormone rush had happened here in Greece. Before long she’d be leaving, so whatever it was she felt for this man, their relationship would be short-lived.

      Since she couldn’t do any sightseeing this trip, her only option was to stay at Chloe’s. Such inactivity for a man like Akis would wear thin. When he found himself bored, he’d find a plausible reason to leave.

      Breakfast came and went. She lounged by the pool and read a book she’d brought. Every time Nora or a maid came out to see if she wanted anything, she expected Akis to follow. By lunchtime she decided he wasn’t coming.

      After kissing her as payback for the way she’d treated him last night, he’d left the house. It wouldn’t surprise her if he’d had no intention of coming back today. Raina ought to be relieved. Once she’d eaten lunch with Nora, there was still no sign of him.

      Hating to admit to herself she was disappointed he hadn’t come, she went to her bedroom to do some business on the phone with her staff running the estate in California. No sooner had she gotten off the phone than the maid knocked on her door. “Kyrie Giannopoulos is waiting for you on the patio.”

      At the news her heart jumped, a terrible sign that he mattered to her much more than she wanted him to. “I’ll be right there.” She refreshed her lipstick before using her crutches to make it out to the pool area where Akis was waiting for her.

      His intense black gaze swept over her while he stood beneath the awning in an open-necked tan sport shirt and jeans. His clothes covered a well-defined chest and rock-hard legs. Whether he wore a tux, a bathing suit or casual clothes, her legs turned to mush just looking at him.

      “I would have been here sooner, but my business meeting this morning took longer than I’d supposed. The housekeeper told me you’ve already had lunch. Have you ever been to Athens?”

      “I came here once with my grandparents when I was young, but remember very little.”

      “What happened to your parents?”

      “They were killed in a light plane crash when I was twelve.”

      “How awful for you.”

      “I could hardly believe it when it happened. I suffered for years. We had such a wonderful life together. They were my best friends.”

      “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

      “So am I, but I was very blessed to have marvelous grandparents who did everything for me.”

      “Thank heaven for that.” He eyed her thoughtfully. “Are you up to some sightseeing then?”

      Her breath caught. “Much as I’d love to tour Athens, I can’t. You didn’t need to come over. A phone call would have sufficed.”

      “You can see Athens from my penthouse terrace.” She blinked. “The city will be at your feet. I have a powerful telescope that will enable you to see its famous sights up close from the comfort of a chair and ottoman for your leg.”

      “Go with him, Raina,” Chloe’s mother urged, having just walked out on the patio. “Socus and I went up there one night. You can see everything in the most wonderful detail. The Acropolis at twilight is like a miracle.”

      Raina couldn’t very well turn him down with an endorsement like that from Nora. “You’ve sold me. I’ll just go back to the room for my purse.” Reaching for her crutches, she hurried away with a pounding heart. Retrieving her purse, she headed for the front door, but Akis was there first to open it for her.

      “Thank you,” she whispered, so aware of his presence it was hard to think. Once he’d helped her inside the limo out in front, he sat across from her. “I know you want to rest your leg so I’ve told the driver to take us straight to the Giannopoulos complex.”

      “We could have stayed at Chloe’s and played cards. It would have saved you all this trouble.”

      The compelling male mouth that had kissed her so thoroughly last night broke into a smile, turning her heart over. “Some trouble is worth it.”

      She looked out the window without seeing anything. Going to his penthouse wasn’t a good idea, but her hectic emotions had taken over her common sense. Raina wanted to be with him. She would only stay awhile before she asked him to take her back to Chloe’s.

      The driver turned into a private alley and stopped at the rear of the office building. Akis helped her out and drew a remote from his pocket that opened a door to a private elevator. In less than a minute they’d shot to the roof and the door opened again.

      Adjusting her crutches, Raina followed him into his glassed in, air-conditioned penthouse. No woman’s touch here, no curtains, no frills or knickknacks. Only chrome and earth tones. It was a man’s domicile through and through, yet she saw nothing of his dynamic personality reflected.

      The best man who’d tracked her down despite all odds didn’t seem to fit in these unimaginative surroundings. But she could understand his coming home to this at night. Glorious Athens lay below them from every angle.

      “Come out to the terrace. I have everything set up for you.”

      The telescope beckoned beneath the overhang. Working her crutches, she stepped out in the warm air and flashed him a glance. “Were you an eagle in another life? I like your eyrie very much.”

      “As far as I know, this is the only life I’ve been born to, but I was hatched in a very different place as you well know.”

      She frowned. No, she didn’t know. Akis was trying to rile her. In retaliation she refused to rise to the bait.

      He took her crutches so she could sit on the leather chair and prop her leg on the ottoman. After putting the crutches aside, he placed the telescope so she could look through it while she sat there. “I’ve set it on the Acropolis and the Parthenon.”

      “The cradle of Western civilization,” she murmured. “This is the perfect spot to begin my tour. Thank you.” One look and she couldn’t believe it. “Oh, Akis—I feel like I’m right there. How fabulous! A picture doesn’t do it justice. Do you mind if I move this around a little? There’s so much to see, I could look through it for hours.”

      “That’s why I brought you here. Enjoy any view you want. Since it’s heating up outside, I’ll get us some lemonade.”

      She was glad he’d left. The brief intimacy they’d shared last night hadn’t lasted long enough. The fire between them had been building since he’d shown up at Chloe’s house. But he was only gone for a few minutes СКАЧАТЬ