Dreaming Of... Greece. Rebecca Winters
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Название: Dreaming Of... Greece

Автор: Rebecca Winters

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781474083577


СКАЧАТЬ and head back to my beach?”

      Her smile filled all the lonely places inside him. “What kind of a tour director are you?”

      “I can’t help it if my first passenger surpasses any sight I could show her. If you don’t believe me, just watch the way men look at you when you walk by. I’m the envy of every male.”

      She rested her head against the seat, soaking up the sun. “Women do the same thing when they see you.”

      “I’m talking about you. Did you know the newspapers have printed photos of us leaving the Grand Bretagne? The headlines read, ‘Who was the beautiful mystery woman seen with one of the Giannopoulos brothers?’”

      She turned in his direction. “Chloe’s wedding made the publicity inevitable. Knowing her like I do, I’m sure she didn’t want it. She’s the sweetest, kindest girl I’ve ever known.”

      “I couldn’t agree more. Theo has a similar temperament. They’re a perfect match.”

      “Isn’t that wonderful? Tell me more about him.”

      “He’s a vice president of the bank now.”

      “Good for him, but I want to know why you like him so much.”

      The more he got to know Raina, the more he realized how extraordinary she was, not only as a woman, but as a human being. “You’re a lot like Theo. You look beyond the surface to the substance of a person.”

      He could feel her eyes on him. “I’m so glad he saw inside of you and was willing to take a risk for you. That’s because you’re such a good man.”

      “He’s saved my back more than once.”

      “In what way?”

      “We signed up for the military at the same time and served together.”

      Raina sat up. “How did you manage that?”

      “His father had connections. I couldn’t believe it when he was assigned to my unit.”

      “I take it that’s where your friendship flourished.”

      “In unexpected ways. We grew close as brothers.” He would have told her more, but talking about it would touch on a painful subject he didn’t want to bring up today. “When he introduced me to Chloe six months ago, I worried she might not be good enough for him. But nothing could have been further from the truth.”

      Raina’s eyes closed for a moment. She was so crazy about Akis, the thought of his breaking her heart caused her to groan.

      “I had the same fear when she phoned to tell me about Theo. I knew her heart from long ago and didn’t want any man breaking it. But getting to know you, I’m convinced he must be her equal, otherwise he wouldn’t have come to be like family to you. I’m anxious to meet him when they get back from their honeymoon.”

      He had to clear his throat. “We’ll definitely make that happen, but we’ve got a lot of living to do before then.”

      She sat back again. “I’m loving all this, but I’m afraid I’m keeping you from your work.”

      “I’m entitled to a vacation and have covered for Vasso many times.”

      “I haven’t had a real one in years. It sounds like we’re a pair of workaholics. But I have to admit work has saved my life since my grandfather passed away.”

      Akis filled his lungs with the sea air. “What do you say we forget everything and concentrate on having fun. We’re coming to one of the most famous beaches in all of Greece.”

      Raina got up and wandered over to the side. “Those tall green hills are spectacular.”

      “You can’t access them unless you climb up the eighty steep steps descending along the cliff. Your ankle is doing better, but I wouldn’t suggest you try that activity for another few weeks.”

      “It’s enough just to cruise around them. I can’t get over how crystal clear the water is. Against the golden sand, you think you’ve arrived in a magical kingdom. I don’t see any other people around.”

      “Without a boat it’s difficult access. Most of the tourists come in July and August. For the moment we’ve got the beach to ourselves. I’ll take us in closer. We can swim to the shore, then come back and eat on board.”

      “I can’t wait!”

      Neither could he. Akis needed her in his arms. When he’d found the right spot, he dropped anchor. She’d already taken off her life jacket. Soon she’d shed her top and shorts to reveal a bikini-clad body she filled out to perfection. Raina turned a beaming face to him. “See you on shore!”

      A second later she climbed over the side and dove in. Now that her ankle had healed, he discovered she swam like a fish and had amazing stamina.

      That’s when a warning light came on in his mind, holding him back. His father’s words came back to him again.

       When you find the one, you must treat her like a queen. Your mother was my queen. I cherished and respected her from the beginning. She deserved that because not only was she going to be my wife, she was going to be the mother of our children.

      As if in slow motion, he removed his life belt, pulled off his T-shirt and plunged in after her. He could hear her squeals of delight. “The water is so warm! I’ve lived by the Pacific Ocean all my life, but you always have to get used to the colder temperature. I could stay in this all day! There’s no kelp or seaweed. What’s below us?”

      “Rocks made of soft limestone.”

      She did a somersault and swam beneath the water. He kept track of her until she emerged further away. “They are soft.” Her laughter was music to his ears before she started swimming parallel to the long shoreline.

      He’d brought her here to spend time with her and love her, but his father’s words wouldn’t leave him alone.

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