Engaged To Jarrod Stone. Кэрол Мортимер
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Название: Engaged To Jarrod Stone

Автор: Кэрол Мортимер

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern

isbn: 9781474029766


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      ‘No doubt. Well, if you only have forty minutes left I suppose we’d better get inside.’

      The jeweller had obviously seen Jarrod Stone numerous times before and Brooke wondered if she had been right in her assumption about this place. That he was a valued customer there could be no doubt, it was there in the exaggerated respect he was receiving.

      ‘So nice to see you again,’ the jeweller gushed. ‘And to meet your fiancée.’ He smiled at Brooke. ‘I’m so glad you chose our establishment to buy your ring, Miss Faulkner.’

      Jarrod gave what Brooke considered to be his first natural smile of the day, at least, in her company. ‘You know you’re the best in town, Green.’

      ‘So kind of you to say so, sir. And may I say I agree with your decision not to include sapphires in your choice. Miss Faulkner’s eyes are more violet than blue.’

      ‘Could we see the rings?’ Jarrod requested tersely. ‘We don’t have a lot of time.’ This last comment was obviously meant for Brooke.

      She waited until the jeweller had left them alone before making a comment. ‘I didn’t realise you’d even noticed the colour of my eyes.’

      ‘I didn’t,’ he replied curtly. ‘It was in your file.’

      ‘Didn’t your secretary think it odd for you to want to read my file?’

      ‘I don’t pay her to think about my personal life.’

      Brooke frowned. ‘I’m sure it didn’t say anywhere in my file that my eyes were violet.’

      ‘Maybe not. But they are, so let’s not argue about it.’ He straightened as the tray of rings were presented for their inspection.

      They were beautiful rings—diamond clusters, solitaires, emeralds and rubies surrounded by sparkling diamonds. And all of them looking as if they would cost a fortune! She felt sure they all would. This was one of those exclusive expensive jewellers that only the very rich frequented. And Jarrod Stone was very rich.

      Her eyes glowed as she picked up first one ring and then another, almost afraid to touch them but tempted by their beauty. As she had very long slender hands some of the smaller stones just didn’t look right on her finger, but she chose these rings to try on because she knew they would be the least expensive. Finally she looked up at Jarrod for help. ‘Which one do you like?’ she asked helplessly.

      Without hesitation he chose a large diamond set on a thin gold band, sliding it on to her finger before she had time to protest. ‘That’s the one,’ he nodded his approval.

      She could tell by the satisfied smile on the jeweller’s face that Jarrod had chosen the most expensive ring on the tray. She tried to pull it off her finger, but Jarrod’s strong brown hand came out to stop her movements.

      ‘You may as well leave it on,’ he told her. ‘It fits perfectly.’

      ‘Oh, but I—–’

      Mr Green had already picked up the tray containing the other rings and was in the process of locking them away again.

      ‘No arguments in here, please, Brooke,’ Jarrod warned her out of earshot of the other man.

      ‘But this ring is much too expensive,’ she protested.

      ‘Leave that to me. That’s the ring I want you to wear.’

      ‘But I’ll be frightened of losing it.’ She looked down at it wide-eyed.

      ‘It will be insured,’ he said uncaringly.

      ‘Yes, but—–’

      ‘Leave it, Brooke,’ he ordered as Mr Green came back.

      Brooke felt a natural curiosity to know just how much this rock on her finger was going to cost, but she knew it wasn’t expected of her to stay and listen to the money side of the sale, so she wandered over to look in some of the other cabinets, looking at the glittering necklaces inside.

      Once outside Jarrod handed her a large square box, ignoring her questioning look. ‘Open it,’ he ordered.

      She did so with trembling fingers, crying out her surprise as she saw the contents. Nestling in blue velvet was a large teardrop diamond set on the most delicately fine gold chain she had ever seen, and lying within its circle were a pair of matching earrings. They were really lovely.

      She thrust them back at him. I don’t want these.’ She remembered too well what he had said about giving his women jewellery. ‘The ring I’ll wear until I can be free of you, but I don’t have to accept anything else from you.’

      ‘They’re for you to wear tonight.’ He ignored the proffered box. ‘I want you to look the part.’

      ‘And a little receptionist like myself isn’t likely to have this sort of jewellery hidden away,’ she sneered.

      ‘Exactly,’ he agreed cruelly.

      ‘You’re an arrogant swine, Jarrod Stone. But I’ll wear your diamonds for you—as long as I can return them to you as soon as we’ve left the party.’

      ‘Don’t be so childish!’

      ‘Then I won’t wear them. You can’t force me to,’ she declared obstinately.

      ‘What an obstructive little girl you are! All right, I’ll keep them locked up for you. Now let’s go on to a shop where we can buy you a dress.’

      Brooke stiffened. ‘I have my own clothes, thank you.’

      ‘I’m sure you have, but I want you to have something new.’

      ‘I have my own clothes,’ she repeated through gritted teeth. As it happened she had exactly the right dress to wear to go out with this sophisticated man, a gown that had been bought for a special occasion that had never taken place. It was an expensive one, bought to impress a boy-friend that she had finished with before the promised evening out. At the time he simply hadn’t measured up to her rather romantic impression of Jarrod Stone. How ironic that she should now wear the dress to go out with Jarrod Stone himself!

      ‘Do you have to argue about everything?’ he snapped.

      ‘If it means I hold on to my identity against you—yes!’ she answered defiantly.

      ‘God, you’re impossible!’ He hailed a passing taxi, bundling her inside before sitting beside her. ‘Before you start a full-scale argument in the street,’ he explained.

      ‘You’re too dominant, that’s your trouble!’ she snapped.

      He began to smile, and finally the smile turned into a genuine laugh. It changed his whole face, not making him appear quite so grim and also making him look younger. Brooke felt her senses stir at the real humour in his deep grey eyes.

      ‘I’m dominant?’ he chuckled. ‘You seem to be the one organising my life for me at the moment.’ He got out and opened the door for her as they reached the building he owned. ‘I’ll pick you up at eight-thirty СКАЧАТЬ