Engaged To Jarrod Stone. Кэрол Мортимер
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Название: Engaged To Jarrod Stone

Автор: Кэрол Мортимер

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern

isbn: 9781474029766


СКАЧАТЬ doorman.

      Once outside the building his hand dropped away and he turned left towards the shopping centre, leaving Brooke to run to keep up with him, his long strides taking him along much faster than her own.

      ‘Could you slow down a little?’ she asked breathlessly.

      Jarrod turned to look at her as if suddenly becoming aware of her, his pace slackening slightly but still much too fast for her.

      ‘Where are we going?’ She looked up at him.

      His mouth turned back in a sneer. ‘I would have thought it was obvious.’

      ‘But I—I thought we were going to lunch. It’s mainly shops in this part of town.’

      He sighed. ‘One shop in particular.’

      ‘What shop is that?’

      ‘A jewellers. There’s a very good one not far from here.’

      Again Brooke felt panic rising within her. ‘A jewellers? Whatever for?’

      ‘My dear girl, if we’re going to be engaged you’re going to need a ring. That’s where we’re going now, to buy you an engagement ring.’


      BROOKE stopped in her tracks, unconcerned when he turned to scowl his impatience. ‘I don’t want an engagement ring,’ she declared.

      Jarrod walked back the short distance between them, grasping her arm roughly and pulling her to one side of the pavement. ‘Don’t shout like that in the street!’ he snapped.

      She shook off his hand. ‘What else did you expect me to do? You were miles away from me.’

      ‘Only because you deliberately hung back, behaving hysterically. What on earth is the matter with you? Surely you realise we can’t be engaged without a ring? People will be looking for that, especially this evening.’

      ‘I don’t want a ring and I don’t want to go out with you this evening. I don’t mind keeping up this pretence at work, but I will not put on a show for all your high-class friends to laugh at!’

      His well-shaped mouth tightened angrily. ‘You say the most ridiculous things, do the most ridiculous things. You act far too impetuously, but I put that down to your youth. And my friends will not laugh at you, but they will think it odd if you aren’t wearing my ring. This isn’t something I care to discuss. I’ve already telephoned the jewellers and requested him to get together a selection of rings for you to look at.’ He looked at his wrist-watch. ‘He’s expecting us about now.’

      ‘I’m sure he’ll wait for the valued customer that you undoubtedly are. I suppose it’s the place you buy all the jewellery for your women,’ she said bitchily, for the moment not bothered by her outspokenness. She had already far overstepped the line as far as this arrogant man was concerned and nothing she said or did now could make matters any worse for her.

      ‘And if I do? What does that have to do with you?’

      The fight went out of her at his coolness. ‘Nothing, I suppose.’

      ‘You suppose correct. Now, let’s go.’

      ‘Please!’ Brooke held on to his arm, liking the feel of the expensive material of his suit beneath her fingers. ‘Don’t make me do this.’

      Jarrod’s dark head was held at a haughty angle, his grey eyes unyielding. There was no doubt that he was a hard man when crossed. He must terrify his business opponents into retreat; he certainly terrified her. ‘Must I keep reminding you that you started this?’ he drawled.

      ‘But do you have to take advantage of it?’ Her eyes pleaded with him.

      ‘Yes. Now that’s the last time we discuss this. From now on you’ll just do as you’re told. And there will be no repeat of your behaviour this morning,’ he added warningly.

      They were walking along side by side now, Jarrod at last seeming to realise she had shorter legs than he did. She looked up at him innocently. ‘Did I do something wrong?’ she asked, knowing very well to what he referred.

      ‘The way you drooled over me was completely unnecessary. I told you I wanted no over show of emotion.’

      ‘Ooh, I didn’t drool!’ she exclaimed.

      ‘You gave a very good impression of it.’ His eyes remained fixed ahead.

      ‘You kissed me first,’ she accused.

      ‘I admit that, but it was nothing like the provocative act you were putting on.’ He stopped outside an expensive-looking jewellers. ‘I don’t want anything like that in here, just a little natural affection for a new fiancée.’

      ‘I hate you, Jarrod Stone!’ she said furiously.

      He looked down at her with enigmatic eyes, making her aware of just how attractive he was—so tall and commanding, really majestically male, and very, very, handsome. She felt the old familiar flutterings in her stomach. It seemed she wasn’t over her infatuation after all!

      ‘Let’s just keep it that way, shall we?’ he said softly. ‘I must admit to feeling slightly curious about your motivation for announcing our engagement this morning. At first I imagined it to be a not very subtle form of blackmail, then after reading your file, your age and so forth, I wondered if it might not be infatuation.’

      ‘Not for this girl,’ Brooke answered quickly. It had been infatuation, but that infatuation had quickly turned to dislike. His contemptuous words had turned her supposed love into a desire for revenge on his mercenary attitude towards women. He was the sort of man women fell for in their hundreds, and he walked away from them all untouched. Well, she had just made sure he hadn’t got away so easily this time!

      ‘Why so vehement?’ he asked. ‘It wouldn’t be the first time a young girl has imagined herself in love with an older man. Some of these girls have been known to take the initiative when they don’t think they’re achieving their aim fast enough.’

      ‘Like I said, not this girl,’ she assured him.

      ‘No, your move was made from pure revenge, wasn’t it, little mouse?’

      Brooke knew he was deliberately baiting her and she obstinately refused to let him ruffle her. ‘Can we get this over with? I have to be back in forty minutes.’

      His eyes snapped with anger. ‘I thought I told you to get an extended lunch break.’

      Brooke pretended an interest in the jewellery window. ‘You did,’ she confirmed disinterestedly.

      ‘Then why the hell didn’t you?’

      She flung back her head, her hair gleaming auburn-brown in the sunlight. ‘I didn’t because I’m not the owner of the firm. I can’t just take two-hour lunch-breaks when I feel in the mood.’

      ‘You’re engaged to the owner, that amounts to the same СКАЧАТЬ