Engaged To Jarrod Stone. Кэрол Мортимер
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Название: Engaged To Jarrod Stone

Автор: Кэрол Мортимер

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern

isbn: 9781474029766


СКАЧАТЬ he would come out here looking for her, and she had no intention of letting him find her cowering nervously outside his office.

      He bade her curtly to enter as she knocked on the door, which she reluctantly did. This time there was no charming smile for her, only a furious look on his face and an angry glitter to his eyes.

      He stood up, coming round his desk to walk slowly around her as she stood in front of his desk. He came back to rest on the front of his desk, his arms folded in front of his powerful chest.

      Even in her embarrassment Brooke could appreciate how attractive he looked, the navy blue pin-striped suit he wore fitting him as if it were tailored on him, his linen immaculate.

      ‘So you’re Brooke Faulkner,’ he said softly.

      ‘Yes.’ Did he have to be so taunting? She was perfectly well aware that her navy pinafore dress and light blue fitted blouse in no way matched up to the expensive clothing some of the women he escorted out of the building wore. But did he have to look at her quite like that?

      ‘The girl I’m engaged to,’ he continued even more softly.

      She moved with a start. ‘I—I can explain that.’

      He gave a smile, but it owed nothing to humour. ‘Can you now?’ he mused. ‘You can explain how I come to be engaged to be married to a complete stranger, can you?’ His light eyes snapped angrily. ‘It had better be a damned good explanation!’

      Brooke moved uncomfortably. ‘I wouldn’t say that, but it is an explanation. The only trouble is I don’t think you’re going to like it.’

      He made an impatient movement to sit behind his desk. ‘I don’t like being engaged to a girl I’ve never met before either!’

      Brooke gasped. ‘Oh, that isn’t true. I work here, I’ve seen you hundreds of times.’

      ‘Seeing isn’t the same as meeting. I’ve seen hundreds of people many times over, but that doesn’t mean I know them.’

      ‘But we have actually met,’ she corrected him. ‘I brought a model up to your office a couple of weeks ago.’

      Jarrod Stone studied her for a moment. ‘So you did.’

      ‘And that’s why I told the newspapers what I did.’

      ‘Because you brought a model up to my office?’ he sounded astounded.

      ‘Don’t be ridiculous!’ She had had enough of his taunts. She realised he was angry about what she had done, of course he was, but he didn’t have to take this attitude with her. ‘I did it because I overheard your conversation that day, overheard what you had to say about women.’

      ‘Did you indeed?’ His grey eyes narrowed. ‘And that prompted you to announce your own engagement to me? After hearing what I had to say about your own fair sex?’

      ‘Yes, it did!’ Her blue eyes deepened almost to violet. ‘I wanted to make you eat your words, to show you you could be caught in the trap of matrimony as easily as any other man. But I—it didn’t work out the way I intended it to. As soon as I saw it in print I knew it was wrong. But at the time I wanted only to hit out at you, to get back at you for what you think of women.’

      ‘Oh, you got back at me all right. This morning, not half an hour ago in fact, I had a telephone call from Philip Baylis congratulating me. I didn’t know what the hell he was talking about,’ he said forcefully. ‘I felt a damned fool. But I managed to bluff my way out of it. Can you imagine what it felt like to be told by a third party that I’m supposed to be getting married? I didn’t even know who Brooke Faulkner was, but I did know the name sounded familiar. Then I realised I saw it every morning when I entered the building.’

      ‘You called me a mouse that day I came up here,’ she reminded him resentfully.

      ‘And for that you landed us in this mess?’

      Brooke flicked back her hair. ‘It will be all right. We can just announce in the next issue that it was a mistake.’

      He stood up again, his height making her feel very tiny, and he was so big and masculine with it, so very male. ‘You think it’s as easy as that, do you? What a ridiculous child you are! Don’t you realise that by accepting Philip’s congratulations this morning I as much as admitted the engagement was a real one? He’s also invited the two of us to a party this evening.’

      ‘You—you didn’t accept?’ She frowned her nervousness.

      ‘Of course I did. What else could I do?—they all want to get a look at you. And I didn’t have time to think of a good excuse not to take you along.’

      ‘You could have—could have told him we wanted to be alone this evening—to celebrate,’ she said desperately.

      ‘We don’t all have your devious mind.’

      ‘But you—you can’t mean this engagement to stand?’ Her voice was becoming shrill now.

      ‘Oh, but I do. I’m in business, I can’t be seen to become engaged one day and renounce it the next. That wouldn’t do much for my reputation as a reliable businessman. Oh no, Brooke, you started this and you can damn well see it through to the bitter end.’

      ‘The bitter end?’ she echoed hollowly.

      Jarrod Stone shrugged. ‘Just a figure of speech.’

      Brooke wasn’t so sure; there was an inflexibility about him that pointed to him not liking to be thwarted. A pity she hadn’t noticed that sooner, like two weeks ago.

      ‘But I don’t want to be engaged to you,’ she told him crossly.

      ‘A pity you didn’t think of that before. I’m sure you realise that I feel exactly the same way.’

      ‘Yes,’ she admitted guiltily, knowing that this was all her own fault.

      ‘Mm,’ he said thoughtfully. ‘Well, now that it seems to be public knowledge you can start acting the part. We’ll meet for lunch at twelve-thirty.’

      ‘I couldn’t—I couldn’t go out to lunch with you. What would everyone think?’ Besides, she was hardly dressed to go out with him.

      ‘They can think what they damn well please,’ he muttered grimly.

      ‘I think you’ve taken this far enough,’ Brooke snapped, suddenly angry. ‘I admit that what I did was wrong, and I’ll leave your employ straight away if that will please you.’ Although how she would support herself until she found another job she had no idea! ‘But I’m not going to let you make a fool of me—–’

      ‘I think you’ve managed that quite successfully without any help from me,’ he interrupted dryly.

      ‘You have no right—–’

      ‘I have every right! Think of how much more of a fool you would have looked if I’d denied all knowledge of you. Think of the adverse reaction you would have got from the press if I’d done that. They would have hounded you to death.’

      She СКАЧАТЬ