Come Undone. Madelynne Ellis
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Название: Come Undone

Автор: Madelynne Ellis

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780007543151


СКАЧАТЬ had been on his stomach, which caused Xane to suck in air between his teeth. His eyelids closed, as she began tracing concentric circles around his belly button. She knew this wasn’t what he’d meant, but she’d never really done this before. She’d hardly dared to move with the other guys she’d been with.

      ‘What do you want me to do?’

      ‘Whatever you’re comfortable with. It’s nice being with somebody who actually wants me.’

      Dani rubbed her cheek against his chest. Even after his shower, the scent of his body proved enough to intoxicate. OK. She was going to take him at his word and seize this opportunity. She leaned over him and tongued the silver hoop through his nipple.

      The ring turned beneath her mouth.

      ‘Yeah,’ he groaned. ‘Again.’

      ‘You like that?’

      ‘I like you.’

      ‘How much?’

      His hands skimmed over her lower back, coming to rest across the top of her ass. ‘Keep doing that and maybe I’ll demonstrate.’

      ‘Only maybe.’ She sucked harder, tugging at the cool metal. Xane’s hips bucked right off the bed, lifting her too.

      ‘All right, definitely. Now come up here.’ He bucked again, trying to nudge her up towards his head.

      ‘I like it here.’

      ‘You’re torment, lady. I’ve another bit that needs your attention a whole lot more than my nipples.’

      ‘Let me guess, it’s long and thick and …’ And somehow she was saying things that normally she only ever thought, and never actually voiced.

      Xane traced a heart-shape over the pulse point in his throat. ‘Come and kiss me here.’

      Dani shimmied upwards a fraction to reach.

      ‘Mmm.’ His appreciation rolled through his body. Shivers of ecstasy chased through his limbs, and he tightened his arms, holding her against him. ‘Harder. Go on, mark me.’

       Mark him!

      ‘Claim me.’

      Dani had never understood the appeal of love bites.

      ‘Please,’ Xane whimpered, then grew stiff as she obliged. ‘Make me yours.’

      Even now, when he turned his head to better expose his neck, and his sighs took on the heat of orgasm, she didn’t entirely get it. Tomorrow the mark would be a solid black bruise for the whole world to see. Yet there was no denying the impact on Xane’s libido. The harder she bit, the more he seemed to like it. ‘Yes! Harder. Yes. Don’t be afraid. Give it to me.’ He’d lost all hint of civility. ‘Touch me,’ he begged.

      Dani didn’t need to ask where. She understood before his hand found hers and guided her downwards. He filled her palm with his heat, while she nibbled and licked at the bruise she’d made.

      He showed her how to move, how to draw her hand all the way up from base to tip and curl her thumb over the head, using the drops of moisture leaking from his body to lubricate the journey.

      ‘Is it only on your neck you like to be bitten?’

      ‘I might have a few other sweet spots.’ He lifted his hips in time with the slide of her hand.

      Dani stretched upwards, seeking out his mouth, which opened eager to devour her.

      Whoa – he was super-eager. His hands were all over her, making a frantic attempt to find a way inside her clothing.

      ‘Hands off,’ she insisted, holding his wrists still on either side of his head. ‘Slow down, you’ll get your turn. Now, me first.’

      He sought her gaze, clearly comprehending her intentions.

      ‘Let me do this for you, Xane.’

      ‘You don’t have to do anything.’

      No, she didn’t, but he wanted her to regardless of what he was saying. She could see it in his eyes: bold excitement, and a hint of desperation. If she didn’t touch him, he’d die, but it would be no little death. ‘I’ve dreamed about doing this.’

      Without further prevarication, Dani shimmied down the bed so that her head lay level with Xane’s hip.

      Whore! She could already hear her mother wailing in despair over how dirty she’d become. It’s not wrong, she wanted to yell back. It’s not. It’s perfectly normal to want to do this. Especially for him.

      Xane was every fantasy she’d ever had made flesh.

      ‘You’re pretty big.’ No way was she going to fit all of him in her mouth.

      ‘Only a little above average.’ He guided her head into place. ‘Kiss me, Dani.’ She rubbed her lips against the tip, then opened her mouth and let him in. ‘Aaah! Oh, hell, yes.’

      The unfamiliar taste of him filled her mouth. She sucked, aware of the pulse that throbbed hard within in his cock each time she exerted any pressure. An echoing beat soon pounded between her thighs, leaving her uncomfortably aroused.

      Xane’s hands wove into her hair, stroking, kneading. She might have minimal experience at this but it didn’t seem to matter. Xane was plenty appreciative.

      Suck a little, stroke a little; flick her tongue against the sensitive bit around the slit. Oh, yes, right there, like that, and he bucked right off the bed. Maybe this was a little dirty, but who damn well cared? She loved the way he jumped, and all the sounds he made deep down in his throat, like he’d lost the ability to speak.

      Dani, amongst many, loved Xane’s voice, but she believed few had ever heard him croon like this. It made love knots of her insides.

      ‘Come up here and let me give you some fun,’ he insisted.

      ‘No.’ Dani resisted the tugs upon her arms, despite feeling plump and achy between her thighs, and so slick that her panties were a sodden mess.

      She liked the sensation of him in her mouth too much.

      ‘Dani, I’m close.’ His hands fisted and released around the bottom sheet. ‘Keep it up and I’m going to come.’

      That was the plan. She wanted him to let go. The taste of him was already thick on her tongue. She wanted to give him this pleasure. Have him come right in her mouth so she could swallow him down. Her head bobbed faster as he strove to pull her up into his arms.

      ‘Don’t fight it, Xane. I want you,’ she insisted, clasping his hands within hers to stop his tugging. ‘Let me.’

      ‘You’ll have no joy of me –’

      ‘Shhh.’ She teased his slit with one … two … three kisses, and then returned to her eager sucking. He still hadn’t entirely given in, although his movements were becoming increasingly jerky. ‘Ah, lady … СКАЧАТЬ