Come Undone. Madelynne Ellis
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Название: Come Undone

Автор: Madelynne Ellis

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780007543151



      Damn him for sleeping. She wanted another chance. It wasn’t enough to say she’d met him, or that the sensation of his kiss had been imprinted onto her lips.

      Maybe he’d forgive her for stealing one last keepsake. It wasn’t as if she intended to take anything that hadn’t already been offered.

      Dani kissed her fingertips, meaning to blot them against Xane’s lips. But as she leaned towards him, she recalled the soft trace of his tongue and the odd pressure of his lip ring, and somehow her mouth met his. Even then, she meant only to press lightly before slipping away into the night.

      One taste and her resolve broke. A tight spasm gripped her pussy. If only he’d awaken and kiss her back.

      A mournful groan escaped her throat.

      Xane stirred. Half-opened an eye.

      Dani’s cheeks flamed and she tried to step backwards, but Xane’s hand slid into her hair and drew her closer again. ‘Hey,’ he drawled sleepily. ‘That’s not a proper goodbye kiss. Not that I know why you’d be giving such a thing.’ His lips parted beneath hers and sucked her with a firm but gentle pressure. The barest hint of his tongue tickled her senses. This is bad, she thought, even as she continued to fall deeper into his embrace. Her insides were molten. Dani longed to sink down on top of him so their bodies met, to feel his skin against hers. She wanted him to roll them both over so that he laid on top and his dark hair fell around them like a shroud. She wanted him. All of him. Wanted to know what bliss felt like, and not to be ashamed that she’d sought it out. Most of all, she wanted him to desire her as much as she desired him.

      Xane took control. Sucking. Teasing her with tender nibbles.

      Somehow, even though she knew this wasn’t sensible and though she tried – well, a little – she couldn’t pull away from his embrace. They might only have met for the first time tonight, but Dani couldn’t escape the belief that this man knew her. He understood. And the way he was kissing her, that wasn’t meaningless. It wasn’t only lust. He felt something, didn’t he? He kissed as if he was desperate, as if he was determined to cling on.

      ‘Stay,’ he urged. ‘Please.’

      Dani took a deep steadying breath. She needed to get her brain switched on again.

      ‘I don’t know.’ Did he even properly remember who he was with? He was acting as if the love of his life were trying to leave him.

      ‘I do.’ His lips tipped upwards into a smile that showed just the tips of his eye teeth. ‘Just lie down beside me. If it’s what it takes, I’ll even promise to behave.’ He rolled, pulling her with him, so that she landed on her side in the middle of the bed. They faced one another, nose to nose. His hot breath puffed against her cheek.

      ‘Do you even know how to behave?’

      ‘Do I need to? Can you swear, hand on heart –’ he clasped her hand and pressed it to her chest ‘– that you want me to be … good?’

      No. No way.

      She guessed her lack of answer, or the sheen in her eyes, gave her away, for Xane pulled her tight against his body.

      ‘Wait,’ she gasped, before he devoured her. ‘Earlier you were adamant you didn’t want this.’

      ‘I never said that. I said, I didn’t want to be groped by someone who didn’t know crap about me.’

      ‘I don’t know you.’ She didn’t. Not really.

      An irritable scowl briefly contorted his expression. ‘Don’t you? You seem to know me more than most.’ He coaxed her under the covers, where he sucked on her lips again, this time stealing both her breath and her senses. ‘Stay.’ He rolled onto his back, pulling her with him so that her head rested upon his chest. His hand remained in her hair, combing through the silken strands in a reassuring manner. ‘Please.’

      Dani lifted her chin in order to look at him and caught another glimpse of his inner sadness. She knew then that she couldn’t leave. She’d always wanted to know the real him. The man behind the stage mask; the person responsible for all those impassioned lyrics she related to on so many levels. How could she not take the opportunity to know him better, even if she wasn’t entirely sure he was completely himself?

      ‘What are you so afraid of?’ he asked.

      That their entire relationship would be played out in one paltry night, or even an hour. That he’d hurt her without ever meaning to. And that she’d be found out and punished for it.

      ‘I’m not actually a prince of darkness. That is, unless you want me to be.’

      ‘I’d rather you were just you.’

      ‘Would you?’ he whispered into her hair, so low she strained to hear him. ‘Then you’re the only one.’ He swept a hand down her arm, until he found her hand and clasped it tight. ‘Hold me, Dani.’

      ‘I’m not sure I …’ Daringly, she spread her fingers wide across his chest. Xane smiled encouragingly. He squeezed her arm. ‘Kiss me.’

      She dropped a kiss upon his nose; rained soft kisses upon his face. Xane caught her, supped upon her lips. Boy, did this man know how to kiss. He turned her insides to jelly with only the curl of his tongue.

      Dani shrugged aside her normal reserve. The skin across Xane’s chest was smooth and firm, warm too, animated by the persistent thump of his heartbeat. He seemed to like the way her caresses skittered over his body. Leastways, he did nothing to stop her exploration, until her attention wandered below his navel, stroking that slender line of golden fuzz. Then his stomach muscles abruptly twitched.

      ‘Careful,’ he warned.

      Dani snatched her hand away.

      ‘I didn’t say don’t. Put your hand back. Just be aware of where you’re headed, that’s all.’

      ‘I am aware.’

      ‘Sure about that? Then you’d better know that I’m wide-awake.’

      Dani rose up on her elbows so that she could look down at his face. ‘You don’t seem very awake.’ Actually, while his eyes still possessed a slightly glazed sheen, he did seem significantly more conscious than he’d been a few minutes ago.

      ‘Some bits are more alert than others.’

      ‘Then maybe I shouldn’t touch you there.’

      ‘I think you definitely should.’

      He stroked a hand through her long hair until his palm rested over her lower back. The pressure set Dani’s tensed nerves ablaze.

      What was she doing, pretending she could flirt with this man and in any way hope to win? He had the potential to burn her so badly there’d be nothing left but a melted gooey blob.

      ‘You’re trembling,’ he observed.

      ‘Am not.’ She cuffed him lightly, although it was true.

      ‘I dare you.’

      ‘You СКАЧАТЬ