The Pleasure Palace. Evangeline Anderson
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Название: The Pleasure Palace

Автор: Evangeline Anderson

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9780758283092


СКАЧАТЬ stood immediately. Giving the Glameron an unfriendly glare, Tyson did as well. He didn’t like being ordered around.

      “Well?” he said when he and Shaina were standing side by side, looking expectantly at their instructor.

      “Face each other,” Faron said. “Now, Tyson, touch your Mistress.”

      Uncertain of what he was supposed to do, Tyson laid a hand on one slight shoulder. He felt Shaina trembling with tension beneath his touch, thrumming under his hand like a plucked string. Again he became aware of her fear and trepidation about getting too close to him, of letting herself be too vulnerable.

      “Shaina, I would never hurt you, I swear.” He touched her other shoulder as well, wanting to ease her anxiety.

      “I…I’m not afraid of you, Ty.” He could taste her desperate desire to make both him and herself believe it. Faron’s voice broke into their intense concentration.

      “Touch her not as a stranger, Tyson,” the Glameron instructed sternly. “Touch her as a lover, as a part of your own body, for that is what she must become to you.”

      “All right.” Tyson frowned briefly at Faron and then turned his attention back to his partner. “Sorry, McCullough.”

      “That’s okay. Just…just do what you have to do.” She squeezed her eyes tightly shut and bit her lip as though trying to prepare herself for some savage sexual attack. The look on her face, the outright fear, squeezed Tyson’s heart. Instead of groping her body or fondling her breasts as she so clearly expected, he cradled her beautiful face in his hands and leaned in to give her a gentle kiss on the lips.

      “What…?” Shaina’s eyes flew open at the tender touch and Ty stroked along the smooth white column of her neck, letting his fingers trail over her collarbones and shoulders in a leisurely fashion.

      “Just following orders, sweetheart.” Smiling, he looked down into her ocean-green eyes. He ran his hands lower, grazing over the gold jacket she wore, feeling the hard little nubs of her nipples under the thin, scratchy fabric. Again she shivered beneath his touch but this time he knew the shiver, though still half fear, was also half pleasure. Still lower his hands traveled until he was stroking the stiff cloth of her outer skirt. Parting it at the center slit, he moved his hands inside.

      “Ty…” She bit her lip again as his palm caressed the soft skin of her thighs, his thumbs brushing perilously close to the golden panties.

      “Want me to stop?” She didn’t answer—couldn’t answer, he realized, and he took her silence for assent. Gently, he rested one large palm against the front panel of her panties, feeling the opening in the fabric and the soft, damp mound of curls that it revealed. Warm, wet heat pulsed beneath his hand and he couldn’t help letting one finger slide gently along her slit, dipping inward to caress her slippery flesh, gliding over her tender clitoris, making her jerk against him and cry out in helpless pleasure. God, her skin was so sweet and moist. He ached to drop to his knees before her, spread the pink outer lips of her pussy wide and tongue her warm, wet folds. To kiss her and suck her and lick her until she couldn’t stand the pleasure and begged him to take her, to make her his. He wanted to Bond with her so damn badly, to make her belong to him…

      “Bond how? I don’t understand.” Eyes wide, her pupils dilated with fear and desire, and a look of confusion came over her face. Ty realized she must have caught his last thought.

      “Nothing.” He abruptly dropped his hand and stepped back a little.

      “That was excellent, Tyson,” Ty jumped Faron’s voice. He had forgotten the Glameron was even there. When he was touching Shaina, the whole universe narrowed down to just the two of them, to her warmth against him and their need for each other. A need she still stubbornly refused to acknowledge.

      “It is Mistress McCullough’s turn now,” Faron said. Tyson watched his partner closely as she blushed almost as red as her hair.

      “All right.” Tentatively, she reached out with one slender hand and caressed his dark hair back from his forehead. It was a timid touch and it made him impatient.

      “I won’t bite, McCullough.”

      “Don’t rush me! Close your eyes; this is too hard with you watching me.”

      “Fine.” He did as she asked and after a moment he felt her hand return. She was more sure of herself this time. Shaina traced over his heavy brows and dark lashes with feather-light strokes that sent a chill of anticipation down his spine. She explored the bridge of his sharp nose and his high cheekbones and then he felt one curious finger tracing his lips. Ty opened his mouth and sucked the inquisitive digit inside, stroking it with his tongue and licking gently, hearing a long, low sigh fall out of her as he did.

      “Want to lick you all over, sweetheart.” He opened his eyes at last to see her watching him, fascination and need written all over her sweet face.

      “Ty…” Withdrawing her finger, she moved her hands down to caress his neck and shoulders, to feel the tense muscles under her palms. He had to close his eyes again as her fingers slid over his chest and nipples, flicking the flat, coppery disks lightly before continuing down his abdomen to the straining bulge in his tight leather pants.

      “Go on, Mistress McCullough. He is your property. Every part of him belongs to you,” Ty heard Faron’s voice encouraging her. Still he felt her hesitate.

      “Go on, Shaina.” He made his mental tone as gentle as he could although his nerves were in overdrive. “Touch me if you want to. Don’t be afraid.”

      “I’m not afraid!” She rose to the bait as Ty had known she would and he felt her slim fingers tracing his shaft and then grasping him fully through the tight leather. He had to hold himself back forcibly as she stroked him, wishing he could make the leather between them disappear so he could feel her cool hand encircle his naked cock. He could hear her wondering if he was really that big. He was about to answer through their link when Faron interrupted them.

      “That will do, my children.” At the Glameron’s voice, Shaina’s hand fell away, leaving Ty aching with need and frustration. “You are more familiar with each other now. Remember this lesson. Now you must make ready to go. Syrus Six is fast approaching.”

      They stepped apart awkwardly and Shaina wouldn’t meet Ty’s eyes.

      “What do you think, McCullough? Are we ready to go?” He tried to keep the mood light despite the rigid ache in his pants.

      “Absolutely.” She risked a glance at his face. “Maybe…maybe owning a pleasure slave won’t be so bad after all.”

      Privately, Tyson thought that being a pleasure slave might not be so bad if it meant getting to touch Shaina all the time and feeling her hands on his body as well.

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