The Pleasure Palace. Evangeline Anderson
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Название: The Pleasure Palace

Автор: Evangeline Anderson

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9780758283092


СКАЧАТЬ Mistress at all times. You will obey her every command, you will anticipate her every wish, you will serve her in any way that she requires and you will take pleasure in it.” Faron’s voice was as close to harsh as Tyson had ever heard it. The Glameron was standing in the center of the round central chamber and lecturing them both. Shaina sat in one of the comfortable real-wood chairs, but Ty was kneeling on the real-wood floor at Shaina’s feet—the only proper position for a slave, Faron insisted—and his knees were beginning to ache.

      “Look.” Holding on to his temper with both hands, he shifted to try and get into a more comfortable position. “I know we have to be convincing, but is it really necessary for me to act so…I don’t know…”

      “Slavishly devoted to me?” Shaina finished for him, holding one slim hand over her mouth. He knew she was trying to suppress a smile.

      “You’re enjoying this entirely too much,” he shot at her through their symbi-link. She didn’t answer, only widened her green eyes and pressed her fingertips to her chest in a “who, me?” gesture. Ty grinned and shook his head.

      “Master Tyson, it is absolutely essential that you are utterly and completely devoted to your mistress. You must give yourself to her body and soul without reservation and it must be obvious to anyone watching you.” Faron’s tone was emphatic. “It must be obvious because you have elected to present yourself as a Love slave.”

      “A what?” This got Ty’s attention, and Shaina looked interested, too.

      “A Love slave. You have refused to wear the pain-inducing collar most Masters employ to keep their slaves in check. Only a very trustworthy and loved slave, one who has proven his loyalty and worth many times over, can be trusted without the collar. A Love slave.”

      “Love slave, hmm. That has definite possibilities.” Ty grinned at Shaina, who blushed and looked down at her hands

      “It is no laughing matter.” The Glameron’s tone was sharp. “Please be serious, both of you. You must begin acting as Mistress and slave. Tyson, you will follow your Mistress everywhere unless she dismisses you. You will keep your eyes down and you will not speak unless spoken to. You will help her bathe and dress with careful attention to detail. You will eat on the floor at her feet and you will sleep in her chamber at the foot of her bed unless she requires your services.”

      “Goddess…” This from Shaina, who was now nearly scarlet with embarrassment.

      “Mistress McCullough,” Faron rounded on her. “This will never do! You must get over your embarrassment now. Tyson will be acting as your pleasure slave and as such he will service you sexually both in private and in public. Do you understand?”

      “I…yes. I understand. But do they really…in public, I mean?”

      “Child,” Faron’s voice was weary and infinitely gentle. “Yes. The Executor’s Palace is dedicated entirely to sensual and sexual pleasure. In every room, no matter the activity in progress—eating, gaming, sleeping—there is always the pursuit of sexual pleasure as well. Everyone you see will be engaged in these activities; and if you and Tyson do not, then you will appear suspicious. I understand that you want to preserve your innocence, but preserving your life and the lives of your partner, and Master Paul when you find him, must take precedence.”

      Shaina bowed her head, taking the lecture in silence, and Tyson felt sorry for her suddenly. True, he wanted her, had wanted her from the first moment he laid eyes on her, but not like this…

      “I don’t want your pity.” Her green eyes flashed at him and he sighed.

      “Fine. I just don’t like the idea of something like this being forced on you. Maybe we can try and fake at least some of it.”

      “Really? Do you think that’s possible?” Her eyes were softer now, filled with a tentative hope. She really was afraid of him, Tyson realized, at least in that way. He wished privately that he could make her understand that despite his D’Lonian heritage he wasn’t just some sexual animal that wanted to ravage and rape, that he would never do anything to hurt her.

      “We’ll try.”

      “All right.” Faron had waited patiently throughout their symbi-link exchange and Ty reverted to verbal conversation. “I understand the public display thing, but why did you say I would have to…uh…service McCullough in public and in private?” They both looked at Faron expectantly. The Glameron sighed and shook his head.

      “Goddess give me strength. Because, Master, Mistress, no place is private at the Executor’s Pleasure Palace. There are surveillance devices everywhere. Why else would the Chancellor go to the trouble and expense of having you both injected with symbiotes? No matter how private your chamber may appear, be assured that your every move is being recorded. In fact, the most entertaining displays are shown in the viewing room on a continuous holo-loop. Do you begin to see?”

      “I think we get the picture,” Ty answered for both of them.

      “And can you do this? Goddess knows I would go myself if my face were not already known and entered in the memory loops there. My children”—Faron’s voice grew softer—“I understand how difficult this is for you both. When a dominant and submissive change roles in a relationship, it always makes for a difficult time.”

      “Wait a minute. Who said anything about Shaina and me being dominant or submissive?” He shifted on the floor once again. Damn, it was really hard, but he guessed he’d better get used to it.

      Faron laughed gently. “Would you say to me, Master Tyson, that you would rather wear the leash than hold it?”

      “Well no, but who would?” Ty looked bewildered.

      “Mistress McCullough would,” the Glameron answered softly, looking at Shaina with his endlessly swirling eyes. “She would wear the leash and submit to you. It would be far more suited to her emotional needs than it is to yours. If your roles could be reversed in this, then you might be a good deal more convincing. Then again, if you played your true roles in such a setting, for even a short period of time, I wonder if you would ever be able to relinquish them.”

      “Ty may be dominant but I’m not a submissive.” Shaina turned red all over again and shifted in her seat, voice forceful.

      “Say that through the link,” Tyson dared her, looking up from his seat on the floor to challenge her with his eyes.

      “I…I don’t want to.”

      “You can’t. You’re the one who noticed how hard it is to lie this way.”

      “Get back to the business at hand.”

      Shaina shifted in her seat uncomfortably again, the long, golden split skirt rustling as she moved. Tyson noticed that throughout their conversation she had been especially careful to keep her legs together and her arms down. He remembered how beautiful and full her creamy breasts had looked pushed up on display in the golden bustier, and his leather pants began to get uncomfortably tight as he wished he had sucked her nipples instead of just kissing the tops of her breasts. “Gladly, Mistress.” He scooted closer to her chair so that he could take her booted feet in his lap. Slowly, he began to ease the soft golden boots down her legs.

      “Tyson!” she protested, trying to pull her legs away.

      “No, Mistress McCullough, allow your slave to service you. His touch СКАЧАТЬ