The Pleasure Palace. Evangeline Anderson
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Название: The Pleasure Palace

Автор: Evangeline Anderson

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9780758283092


СКАЧАТЬ Officer in an entire solar year. When she wiggled into it, she was dismayed to realize that the jeweled cups didn’t actually cover her breasts at all. Instead, they acted as a type of support to present them for public display, thrusting them up and out in a way that was almost obscene. Wearing it, Shaina felt like her breasts were some sort of exotic fruit, jiggling on a tray.

      Luckily, a short, tight jacket made of shimmering golden cloth was also included in the costume. Shaina put it on and looked for a way to fasten it but there were no buttons or zippers or magno strips to be found, nothing but a thin, gold chain to connect one lapel to the other. It was just as well, she reflected unhappily; the jacket wouldn’t completely close over her breasts anyway. The best she could do was to hook the chain and try to be careful how she moved her arms. The slightest motion in any direction caused the jacket to gape and presented a full view of her nipples, which were rubbed erect by the scratchy golden fabric barely covering them.

      Time to put on the bottom half of this mess now. At least, Shaina reflected, it couldn’t be much worse than the top.

      She was wrong.

      At first it didn’t look so bad. There was a pair of bikini-cut golden jewel-encrusted panties that matched the bustier, which Shaina thought had to be the most uncomfortable thing she had ever put on. When she did pull them up, she noticed there was a long split running along the front of the panties. For further display or easy access, she wondered uneasily. Or maybe for both? Well, at least they weren’t completely crotchless.

      She was relieved to see that a long golden skirt, made of the same material as the jacket, was provided to go over the peekaboo panties. Her relief was short-lived, because she soon discovered that a long slit ran from hem to waist in the very front of the skirt as well. The skirt had a low waist that showed off her midriff and what looked like the biggest genuine diamond she had ever seen was provided as a belly jewel. The skirt flared out from her hips and had a long, flowing train that would drag on the floor behind her. Shaina wondered briefly if Ty was supposed to walk behind her and hold it up, like the universe’s largest flower girl at a joining ceremony. The thought made her suppress a smile. Maybe she would just let the train drag. She would just have to remember to keep her legs crossed at all times lest she flash anyone who happened to be looking at her.

      Next, came golden high-heeled, calf-length boots that felt like they were made of the hide of some exotic animal. The boots hugged her legs lovingly, actually massaging her calves like a lover’s hands, Shaina realized after a moment. They were easily the softest and most comfortable thing she had on and they almost made the rest of this get-up worth it. Almost.

      Surveying herself in the full-length holo-viewer, Shaina realized that this gold, jewel-encrusted monstrosity made her happy hooker outfit of a few nights back look as prim as a First School girl’s uniform. There were a few golden hair pins with rubies and diamonds as big as the end of her thumb left over and she decided to try an updo to complete her look.

      Struggling with her hair, her arms raised over her head and her breasts completely exposed, it took her a while to notice that Ty had entered her room and was standing directly behind her, watching her do battle with her wayward tresses.

      “Ty! What are you doing here?” She lowered her arms so fast that the golden bustier pinched her. “Ouch! You made me hurt myself!” she scolded nervously.

      “I’m in considerable pain myself. You look gorgeous,” he answered inside her head, giving her that feral grin that showed his sharp, white teeth. Shaina wished he wouldn’t do that until it became absolutely necessary. There was a kind of intimacy in thought communication that was lacking in its verbal counterpart. It was much harder to lie, for one thing.

      “Lie about what?” At least he was talking out loud.

      “Nothing.” She turned to face him, making sure to keep her arms down and her thighs together. At this rate, she’d be walking like a ’bot the entire time she wore this outfit, trying to hide herself.

      “Don’t hide anything. Not from me.” He stepped forward and pulled the edges of her golden jacket apart, revealing her flushed breasts and nipples rubbed erect by the scratchy fabric. She felt frozen in place, unable to move. “Beautiful.” Ty leaned down to plant soft kisses on the top of each breast before letting the jacket fall back into place.

      “Ty…you can’t just…” She was at a loss for words but he understood her meaning anyway.

      “Sorry, sweetheart, but it’s D’Lonian custom to acknowledge beauty when we see it. And I can’t take my eyes off you in that outfit.”

      “Well, it’s the most uncomfortable thing I’ve ever…” she began, backing away from him. Then she caught sight of Ty’s costume and the problems she was having with her own were driven right out of her head.

      The top of his outfit consisted of two wide black leather straps that crisscrossed his broad, muscular chest diagonally and were joined with a round platinum ring in the center. Attached to the ring was a long leather strap that hung down, brushing Ty’s corded abdominal muscles as he breathed and moved. There was a small loop at the end of this strap. Shaina stared at it blankly for a moment.

      “It’s a leash,” Ty whispered through the symbi-link and she tasted a little of his outrage at having to wear such a ridiculous thing. “It was either the leash or the pain collar and I absolutely refused to wear that.”

      “Afraid I might have to discipline you to keep you in line?” She couldn’t resist taunting him a little, trying to take the edge off the tension that was building between them in the small room.

      “Not in the least. I just didn’t like the way it felt. Choked me.”

      The bottom part of his outfit, Shaina saw, was just a simple pair of black leather pants cut low enough to show his hipbones in front and tight enough to make his firm ass look truly spectacular. There was an enormous bulge in the front of the pants that she tried hard not to stare at. Was that due to her outfit? He had said D’Lonians acknowledged beauty…She tried not to think about it and noticed instead the soft-looking black leather boots that completed his outfit.

      “I…ah…like yours better than mine. Despite the leash.” Actually, Shaina rather liked the leash. At least it gave her the illusion of control. “Wonder what it would feel like to wear that?” She saw Tyson’s amber eyes flash as he caught her thought.

      “This is pretty tame, actually. Faron tells me that I may have to wear a kind of…uh, harness once we get topside. It didn’t sound too pleasant.” He frowned and dark brows shadowed the hot golden eyes.

      “I’m sorry.” Shaina suddenly felt terribly guilty. “I got you into this. You’re only here because of me.”


      “I mean, these outfits…they’re crazy, completely insane. But being dressed like this is making it all seem so real. When I volunteered for this in the first place I don’t think I really realized what would be expected of me…of us, I mean.”

      “You still don’t,” Tyson said grimly. “Come into the central chamber. Faron is going to brief us and then maybe you’ll have more of an idea.”

      Goddess…Shaina took a deep breath and willed the tears that were suddenly right behind her eyes to recede. What had she done?

      “Hey.” With a softer tone, Ty turned back towards her and took her awkwardly in his arms. “It’s okay, McCullough. Whatever happens, it’s going to be okay.”