The Ballerina and the Cartel leader. Katherine Neill
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Название: The Ballerina and the Cartel leader

Автор: Katherine Neill

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература


isbn: 9781499900538


СКАЧАТЬ but Katie must have been pretty bad. He would try to understand for her.

      “Has she ever tried it again?” Tyler was just wondering aloud. He did not really want to know the answer, but at the same time; he did. If she had in fact tried it again, he wanted her to get help. He at least needed to know if he should watch her more closely.

      “To my knowledge, no. She has had some low points in life. Then she dances and it is like it all goes away. It does not exactly explain a lot, but it helps her. It helps her more than I can.” Jackson replied. “Now she takes a lot of depression and anxiety pills, so I think we are doing pretty good. Now in the weird circumstances when she is off of them, I pay attention to her. But we have not had a situation like that in awhile. Thank god.

      Tyler had to sit down after hearing all of this. The precious little girl he fell in love with, he could not imagine some of the things she had to endure. Tyler had wondered just how much she was not telling Jackson. If a person did that to her, what’s to say they did not do worse.

      “Now she dances with a company and enjoys it. When she was a teenager I would send her overseas to some dance camps. She thoroughly enjoyed it, to my knowledge. Katie always wanted to go back. I guess she took all her emotions and put it somewhere productive.” With that, Jackson walked away.

      Chapter Four

      Another night of restless sleep. Will it ever end? Katie thought to herself. She wanted at least one night where she could sleep peacefully. The doctor had prescribed her some sleeping pills, but they made Katie drowsy the whole entire day. Normally, on those days Katie was not very productive. She just usually laid around her room all day and took lots of naps.

      It was Tyler’s normal routine to wake up at six and head to the gym at the back of the house. He was normally the only person up at this ungodly hour. As he headed down the hall, music was blasting. This music was exceptionally different than what was normally heard blaring throughout the gym. The sound was coming from, what sounded like a piano on a stereo. Tyler only knew of one person who would be up this early and working out to this genre of music. Coming to this conclusion, he instantly smiled.

      When he entered the gym, he looked towards the very back. When Tyler had found out Katie danced almost every day, he had made her a personal studio at the back of the gym. There enough was Katie in the middle of the hardwood dance floor dancing. It made Tyler extremely happy that she was using. He made it hoping one day she would eventually use it.

      It did not matter to Tyler that Katie was in a light blue sports bra and grayish black spandex shorts. Tyler seemed more excited about the fact that she was using the studio he built for her. He enjoyed watching her dance. Even as a kid, he could sit around for hours and be entertained by her. To him, her dancing still seemed perfect. He had always considered it perfect.

      Katie had noticed Tyler enter the gym. She also took note of all of his tattoos and his perfectly sculpted chest. Katie could not quite tell what he had, but she knew he worked out most days. Katie noticed how he watched her dance. He surprised her by not staring at her body. Katie figured he would only care about the way she looked. Tyler’s actions proved otherwise.

      When the music faded out she spoke, “you can turn it off if you want.” Katie fully understood most people did not enjoy classical; especially in a gym. It was Tyler’s house, Tyler’s gym, so he could change it. Katie was done for the moment anyway. Maybe his music would give her inspiration; some thing outside of her box.

      “I am fine with this, it is calming.” Tyler did not particularly like classical, but for Katie he was up for anything. Katie enjoyed it or at least could stand it, so maybe he should get it a shot. It can’t be that bad, can it.

      “This music is calming to you?” Katie could not believe him. Classical music did not look like him. Jackson liked classical, only because Katie constantly played it. She knew for a fact that Tyler did not like this genre of music. He was more of a rock person than classical.

      “No, in fact, I can not stand classical music. It never stuck with me. I never got the whole picture. But watching you dance is calming enough to withstand the music. If it calms you, then it calms me.” Definitely not the answer Katie expected to come out of his mouth. So she started busting out laughing.

      “Whatever you say, Mr. Player.” Katie knew he was just using his charm on her. She knew he would hate it if she called him that. That is all Tyler was, a player. Just looking at him, anyone would come to that understanding.

      “Only for you, love.” Tyler turned around and started warming up with push ups. He was trying to show off, just a little. Tyler was actually warming up, but her there made him do it a little faster.

      Tyler noticed Katie walking over to the treadmills. She seemed to struggle with turning one of them on. It was quite comical to watch her face during this process. If only she knew how cute she looked to him at the moment. It was entertaining to see her struggle with some thing particularly easy to operate.

      “Do you know how to turn on a treadmill?” He questioned on his eighty-fifth push up. With Katie in the room, he was going fast to try and impress her. Although, when he looked up she was still trying to figure out the treadmill.

      “Honestly, I have never been on one before. I would normally run around my neighborhood.” She felt stupid admitting this aloud. Katie hated running indoors. There was some thing about running outside. The air, the scenery. It was not the same indoors.

      “This whole neighborhood is the cartel, baby. You can run outside if you want. No one is going to take you. I promise.” Tyler stated very seriously. It was true. The cartel house sat on top of a hill in a gated community. Most cartel members lived within the neighborhood or in the cartel house itself.

      Tyler could tell that his words were running through Katie's head. He also took note on how she wanted to, but also afraid of being taken. Tyler could not imagine how she felt when she had been taken. There are some things Katie will never forget. Tyler knew what he did when he took prisoners, he could not imagine the pain she had to endure. Tyler only some times tortured people, but he knew the pain that most prisoners had to go through.

      “If you want, I will come with you.” He was hoping she would say yes. Although he knew she did not trust easily. He still hoped her answer would be yes. He wanted to get to know her a little better. Tyler wanted to know what happened when she left him over five years ago.

      “Only if you think you can keep up,” Katie stated challenging Tyler. Katie wanted him to go, but at the same time she did not want to give him the satisfaction.

      “Oh, I know I can. Can you is the real question.” Tyler replied. Tyler knew what Katie was doing. She was protecting herself with the challenge. He could tell she wanted him to go, but she did not want him to know that.

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