The Ballerina and the Cartel leader. Katherine Neill
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Название: The Ballerina and the Cartel leader

Автор: Katherine Neill

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература


isbn: 9781499900538


СКАЧАТЬ to let him go with it. For Tyler, sounded convincing; she wanted to believe him. She wanted someone to feel her pain. Even if she could not admit it to herself, she wanted the pain to be held by someone else; on someone else’s shoulders, or at least a little part of her pain.

      “I have been told, you won’t believe me. Hopefully, you eventually will. Personally, you are great. When you dance, there is nothing left to say. No words are even needed. Your audience feels everything, I felt everything. I promise. When you dance, the world stops and watches.” Katie was floored at Tyler’s statement. It also made her feel special when someone commented on her dancing. Especially considering it was when she was her truest form. She could not hide it, it was truly her.

      Tyler introduced himself, “Hi, I’m Tyler and when we were kids I had the biggest crush on you. Also, I am pretty sure I have never gotten over you.” Tyler was happy to get it off his chest. He had finally admitted his feelings to her. It only took him over twenty years to finally admit them out loud.

      Katie just stared at him as if he had fourteen heads. She had just met this person. So many questions were going through her head. What was he talking about? Was he serious? Who admits some thing this serious? Her childhood was a blur with her memory loss. Maybe he could piece some things back together for her, but would she want Tyler to be the one to tell her. Jackson did not like to talk about it because he never got over the fact that he let her down; had failed her. Katie would have all of her childhood memories yet she only remembers the bad things because Jackson had failed her. There had been a couple good memories, but, for the most part, her childhood was not brought up. Katie knew there had to be some good memories, but the bad outweighed the good.

      “Hi, I’m Katie and clearly you know tons more about me than I do. Now if you will excuse me, I am going back to my happy place. Please leave.” The please was not stated so nicely. With that, she turned around and went back to her happy place. She was hoping he got her message. She was not in a fighting mood at the moment. She was more in a depressed and exhausted mood.

      He could not have believed his eyes if someone told him she was here. She was the same girl, but different. Jackson was right. The little girl in her was long gone. Tyler could not help but wonder that just maybe he could get certain things about her back. Especially considering he always believed she was the one for him.

      You have to understand he never had a relationship, for Katie ruined Tyler at a young age. The girls were not quite right. Their hair was not dark enough, or they were not quite the right height. Most were not independent enough for him. Tyler always compared every girl he passed to Katie. Now that she was under his roof, he was determined to finally have her. Tyler just had to figure out exactly what had changed and what had stayed the same over the years. Tyler was extremely excited for this challenge because he knew the only way to figure her out, he knew he would have to spend lots of time with her.

      Chapter Three

      From that moment on, wherever Katie went, Tyler followed. Determined to help her, he watched her very closely. Tyler noticed how Katie was always aware of her surroundings. Also, she would take a mass number of pills. They could be doctor prescribed, but it worried Tyler. No one takes that many pills. Surely there was an explanation, but what if she truly used them illegally. Would she admit to it, especially to Tyler?

      Every time she stepped foot in a room, she examined the room; top to bottom. She knew how many people were in the room. Katie also took note on all of the exits. Tyler could not help but notice. After watching her, Tyler decided it would probably be a good time to have a nice chat with her brother, Jackson. Tyler had a couple questions that needed to be answered.

      “As your best friend, also your brother, have you ever truly watched your sister? I know that sounds extremely weird especially since you are her brother, but have you ever watched her? Does she really take that many pills throughout the day?

      Jackson just stared at Tyler and thought about it. “I would have to say no. She is a little different during the first days when we find her, but after that she is back to normal. If you are referring to this place, well it is new to her. The pills, her doctor has he on a zillion, but I will ask her about it next time I see her.

      “I completely understand being in a new place, but still. Over the last couple of days, I have been paying close attention to her. Every time she steps foot into a room, she looks for an exit. It looks as if she is taking mental notes about the room, especially the people in the room. At first I thought it was just a tactic she had picked up over time, but if you watch her facial expressions it says differently. She is guarded at first, then mentally relaxes.” Tyler explained.

      “After mom died, dad starting working more. At the time, it explained a lot. He lost his wife, the love of his life, the mother of his children. He is allowed his own way of coping. The way he coped though made him forget about Katie and I. Couple of months later, his company made tons of money and we were moving to Chicago, Illinois. Out of everyone in the house, Katie was one of the closet one to our mother. So naturally she suffered a little with depression. Also as a kid she had anxiety problems, but you are already aware of that. Especially when we would all play together and she would have an attack. Anyway, we moved to Chicago, Illinois. It was horrible. We used to live in a small town and we moved to a big city. On top of everything, we were not used to the cold. We all adapted in our own way. Dad worked all the time and tried to come home every night. I joined a gang and lived with them most days. Then a year later dad kicks the bucket and dies on both of us. When dad died it proved difficult, with the company and an angry fourteen-year-old. Imagine being only nineteen and having to deal with that. Naturally Katie being Katie, she let me live my life and I had someone take care of her. I would occasionally check up on her, but, for the most part, she was set for life. With the company and the money I sent her, she was fine. Or at least that is what I told myself. This was around the time that I moved in officially with my gang in Chicago.” Jackson started explaining. “It had been a couple of months since I talked to her and I got a call in the middle of the night. It was our head maid at the house, Samantha. She explained to me that Katie had not talked to anyone in the house for over three days and she was extremely worried. So I let the house and drove home. I figured I would stay with her for awhile because I had not spoke to her in a few months. When I arrive at our house technically, since everything was in my name at the time. Samantha informed me that Katie was sleeping. I did not want to wake her, so I just hung out with the staff. It was several hours later, around eight at night when one of the cooks started to get worried because Katie had not been down at all in a while. I volunteered to go and check on her. Well when I got in there, there were pills laying all over the room. My fifteen-year-old sister, the one for who I was responsible for tried to kill herself. I did not even get a note, that is how much I mattered to her. Honestly, I just started crying. One of the butlers came up with a tray and found both of us. I was cradling Katie like a little baby and she just laid there ice cold. So to end this sad story we were in the hospital for the next week. Naturally, Social Services got involved and I told them I would not be leaving this time.” Jackson was almost in tears when retelling this story. He still could not imagine what would have happened if the maid had not called him earlier. Tyler had this serious face on. He could not imagine receiving that phone call and having to go to her funeral. There are some things in life people don’t want to do and Tyler realized that was one of them.

      Jackson continued with his story. “I was involved in her life. She was a part of this dance therapy exercise thing. The only way I know to explain it as she danced as therapy. It paid off because when she dances now it makes you cry, she is so good. Back to the point, word got around that I had a sister and so the kidnappings started.

      Tyler fully understood Jackson now. He now understood why Jackson СКАЧАТЬ