The Ballerina and the Cartel leader. Katherine Neill
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Название: The Ballerina and the Cartel leader

Автор: Katherine Neill

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература


isbn: 9781499900538


СКАЧАТЬ say them out loud and let someone else hold some of her pain. Katie being the independent female she was, he knew it would take a special person for that to happen; possibly Tyler. Jackson would just have to wait and see what the future held for Katie.

      As she walked out of hearing range, Tyler started questioning Jackson, “who was that girl and what were you guys talking about. She looked familiar. I am not trying to pry into your life, but I am little curious as to what that conversation was about. It sounded a little serious. Should I be concerned?

      Jackson spoke, “Remember me telling you about my sister and how she has been through difficult things in her lifetime. Well, that’s her. Her name is Kathryn, but most people just call her Katie. You already know that, though. Funny story, she has been taken about three times in her lifetime. I found her about ten days ago when she was missing for about six days. So at the moment she is a little paranoid, but who wouldn’t be? Also, she doesn’t trust guys very well. So good luck in talking to her.

      “You mean to tell me, she was just recently found. What took you so long? You are her brother, Jackson. Aren’t you suppose to protect her, save her from these horrible things.” Tyler questioned. Tyler was absolutely astonished. Growing up, Jackson, along with Tyler himself always ran to Katie’s rescue. What was he doing while she was missing?

      Jackson felt horrible when Tyler said this out loud because this is what he told himself every night and almost every time he looked at his sister. “I couldn’t find her. You have no idea what I go through. He is exceptional when he takes her. I’m surprised he has taken this long and hasn’t killed her yet. It’s like he disappears when he takes her; drops off the grid. It’s getting worse, though. Thank god I had people help me or else I have no clue if I would have found her. Trust me, it hurts, especially knowing she doesn’t sleep well because of it. Almost every time I look at her, I wanna break down, just because I know I’m failing her. How do you think I feel when she disappears, she is all I have left. You know what happened to my family. Tyler, you were there when everything went down. I know we aren’t as close as we used to be, but you have somewhat of an idea of what I went through. You of all people know Katie means everything to me. Spend some time with her and you will understand why. There is no one else like her in this world. Over time she has changed, he has changed her. Katie is not the carefree girl anymore. The little girl you picked on when we were little isn’t there anymore. Now she fights and kills for fun. Imagine that, she hated when we would claim to go hunting as little kids. Now she likes beating up people.

      “You know I still love her. Does she even remember me?” Tyler requested. Katie was the one for Tyler. She just had to remember him. Remember everything he did for her or even everything they did together as kid. It would be extremely hard for Tyler to convince Katie that he was the one for her, if she did not remember her childhood. Tyler wanted Katie to see more than the cartel leader. He wanted her to see the little boy that had always loved her.

      “One of the times she disappeared, I think it was the second or third time when we found her she remembered little things. She could not have told you her name, or where she had been. I still remember the look she gave me when I found her. The look was horrible and I hope your sister, Emalynn never looks at you like that. It makes you wanna break. She had no idea who she was. She was a lost little girl. It took a couple of weeks before she knew who I was.

      After listening to Jackson, Tyler regretted choosing some of his words. When she walked in, she took his breath away like always. Of course, it had been several years, but she still looked like his Katie. The look he got when she stared at him was horrible. After Jackson explained, it made sense. Still Tyler just felt the need to stand up for her. It was a strange feeling, but when she walked into the living room, it felt complete. The house was finally finished. Tyler did not understand this feeling, but he intended to figure it out. He knew Katie held all the answers. Tyler just had to start asking the right questions.

      Chapter Two

      It only took about five minutes for Katie to find the gym. The gym had the normal treadmills, stairclimbers, pull up bars, bench press, and some individual weights. The room itself, was the size of four enormous living rooms. It had motivational posters on most walls. Katie's favorite by far was the one that said “Today is my tomorrow. It is up to me to shape it, to take control and seize every opportunity. The power is in the choices I make each day. I eat well, I live well. I SHAPE ME.” Katie thought the poster was motivational. It proved that she was the only one that could make her.

      Towards the back of the gym, there were mirrors along the wall. Hardwoods were what was used for flooring. There was a ballerina bar towards the back of the room. In one corner of the room, there was a stereo system to play all the different types of music. It was a perfect dance studio. Although, it looked untouched, clean, perfect. Everything a dance studio isn’t. It appeared as if no one had ever stepped foot in the room at all.

      Since it was extremely late at night or extremely early in the morning, Katie did not understand why anyone would have a problem with her dancing for an hour and so then leaving. She figured it would help her forget. At least for tonight. Even escape to for the next couple of minutes at least. Even so, Katie walked into the room and headed for the stereo.

      Katie pulled out her purple iPod and turned on Pandora music. She was in the mood for some thing different. Katie was in a certain mood. No song out there could help her, so she figured she would just turn on Pandora for random songs to pour in. Everything and nothing was helping. She finally gave up.

      Katie finally decided on the Piano Guys station and the songs started pouring in. Songs of the same variety was what she needed. As the artists poured their soul into the music, Katie poured her heart into her dance moves. Song after song, move after move. It was a ripple effect, the song than her. Even as the song changed, the same pattern repeated.

      It was a couple hours later when Katie had noticed that an admirer was standing in the back of the room towards the front of the gym. At first she did not notice him, until she started her turns and halfway through she noticed the figure in the back of the room. Katie instantly recognized Tyler, his characteristics were unique. No one had his height at six feet six inches. Also, the air around him screamed important, powerful, intimidating, some thing to pay attention to. Katie decided it would be best if she acted like no one was around until she was finished. Tyler would eventually get bored and leave or so she thought.

      Tyler was mesmerized by her dancing. Tyler felt her emotions when he watched her. As the song changed, she did not. She kept going, kept pushing herself. While watching, he could tell she was just messing around and warming up. Katie made everything so graceful, that it did not matter. It was perfect to him, warm up or performance wise. She was perfect to him.

      Tyler was so entranced by her dancing, he had not noticed her stop and stare at him. “Can I help you?” Katie questioned. Katie was all for performing to large numbers of people, but she did not like just one person critiquing her. It made her exceptionally uncomfortable.

      “I felt it.” Tyler had watched most of her dancing. He had appeared in the gym about four songs ago. It was his own personal show. He enjoyed how care-free she was in the studio.

      “What exactly did you feel?” Katie wondered how someone could feel what she was going through. No one understood her, or no one tried hard enough to. This feeling to Katie was extremely vulnerable. She did not want anyone to feel what she did. It was a secret only to her; her emotion, her thoughts, her feelings.

      “I felt it all, the pain and the happiness,” Tyler confessed. Katie knew he had no clue as to what she went СКАЧАТЬ