The Curse. Vasilios Bouzas
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Название: The Curse

Автор: Vasilios Bouzas

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9780646589633


СКАЧАТЬ happily married with a gorgeous husband and an even more gorgeous son.”

      “Yes and you tell that gorgeous husband of yours that we are still on for the fishing trip on the weekend,” says Luke.

      Dr Clifford walks into the room.

      “I have been told that you two guys are stirring trouble again,” says Dr Clifford.

      “Oh my god Doc, Luke saved my life.”

      “I heard both of you saved a lot of lives. You should be proud of yourselves. I know the whole town is.”

      “Doc, Doc, Luke saved my life. I got hit by a bullet and he made it disappear.”

      “Where Jack? Show me where you got hit by the bullet.”

      Dr Clifford looks at Jack’s chest.

      “It looks ok to me, what do you think Kate? You blacked out. It probably was your imagination playing tricks on you. What do you think Luke, was it Jack’s imagination?”

      “Things happened so fast. I remember shouting for an ambulance then I started to black out.” replies Luke.

      “It’s ok Jack, physically you and Luke are both fine. Go home and get some rest. Oh, one more thing, the whole town thanks both of you for a job well done.”

      “See you later heroes and stay out of trouble. I’ll tell Tom you are ok for the weekend Luke,” says Kate.

      Luke gives her the thumbs up.

      Dr Clifford appears very anxious as he stares at Luke. He then leaves the room and meets up with John, Chloe and Judy who are waiting outside.

      “Hello! John, Judy. Shouldn’t you be at school Chloe?”

      ‘”I have been waiting here for news all night, the girls just arrived an hour ago. How are Luke and Jack?” asks John.

      “They are both fine,” replies Dr Clifford.

      “That’s fantastic news. Have you seen the local paper this morning?

      Luke is on the front page,” says John.

      “Never mind all of that now John. I need to have a private talk with you. Judy, Chloe, why don’t you two go and see how the boys are doing?”

      “I think it’s starting John.”

      “Oh my God Bill, please no,” replies John.

      They look at each other. The fear in their eyes has returned. John raises his arms and holds his head. Luke, Jack, Chloe and Judy come out of the room and they see John holding his head in his hands with tears in his eyes.

      “Dad, what’s wrong? Don’t worry, I am fine”.

      “Yes, Mr. Whelan, they are both fine,” says Judy.

      “When they told me you were both involved in a robbery and they had brought you to the hospital, I feared the worst.”

      Luke hugs his dad, then Jack hugs him, then Chloe and Judy hug him, one big group hug.

      “It’s going to take a lot more than a confrontation with a dangerous, big ugly, foul mouth, gun packing thug to harm me,” says Luke laughing and trying to lift the mood.

      “Yeah, that’s right,” shouts Jack.

      They all break out in laughter, lifting John’s spirits somewhat, but he still glances at Dr Clifford, a knowing glance between both of them, no words need to be spoken. They both know what they face.

      The next morning Luke arrives for work. A crowd has gathered in front of the police station. He gets out of his car and they all start clapping and cheering. Luke notices Judy, Kate and little Noah. He walks over to them picks up Noah and gives him and Judy a big kiss.

      “How’s my favourite little man and favourite ladies?” he says in a jovial voice.

      “You’re a hero Luke,” says Noah looking up at him.

      “I am sure the whole town would’ve been here now if it wasn’t a weekday and everyone had to work,” says Kate.

      “Just another day ladies, work, and that is what I am going to do now. I’ll see you tonight baby,” as he gives Judy another big kiss and hug.

      “Ok off you go so I can do some work.”

      The passing crowd wave to Luke and gather around him, pointing at their newspapers. Luke picks up the paper from the newsstand. There is a picture of Luke, the headlines read;


      The group starts to roar, “three cheers for Luke, hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray.”

      “Thank you everyone for this fantastic show of support but I was only doing my job.”

      “Now could you please clear the roads and footpaths before I arrest you all,” he laughs, a little embarrassed by all the attention.

      The crowd cheers and laughs but begins to disperse.

      “You’re the best Luke.”

      Luke farewells the crowd and enters the Police station.

      “You’re a hero man, a goddamn regular hero,” says Jack slapping Luke on the back.

      “We were just doing our job.”

      Luke now sits down to read the local paper. He sees his story taking up most of the front page.

      Underneath he reads another story.




      “Hey Jack, did you see this? The FBI is quizzing Fortizzo about the murder of Gallas.”

      “Good luck. They have been trying to pin everything big that happens in this country on him for years. When you are the head of the mob and an Oil billionaire, even God can’t touch you,” replies Jack.

      Chapter Five


      Luke continues to read the paper. He notices a smaller story “Unexplained ageing kills man in Russia”. The phone rings, Luke is distracted and puts the paper down, it is Ben McAllister, the captain of the police station from the next town.

      “Captain Whelan, may I help you?”

      “Luke it’s Ben, how are you and Jack feeling?”

      “Apart from a bit of a headache, we are both fine.”

      “While you two hero boys were relaxing in your hospital СКАЧАТЬ