The Curse. Vasilios Bouzas
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Название: The Curse

Автор: Vasilios Bouzas

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9780646589633


СКАЧАТЬ body goes limp, she is finally dead. An eerie glow slowly starts to surround her, it tries to take shape as a human figure and release itself but it is trapped. The glow moves slowly back into Martha’s lifeless body.

      Luke is unaware Martha has died next to him; instead he is staring wildly at the ceiling, his eyes open wide. In a flash moment Luke sees an image of a blackish red coloured hand with long finger nails with three circular markings on it.

      The image is blurry and only lasts a split second. Luke’s body has risen too from the bed, it spasms for a split second, then it relaxes and he slumps back down into the bed, unconscious.

      John is hugging Martha’s dead body, crying, while Luke remains unconscious. The doctor stands in the doorway, tears running down his cheeks. He continues his silent prayer.

      Two Weeks Later

      John and Luke are at the Lake Valley cemetery. Luke is looking fine and is holding a new friend, a Golden Retriever puppy. He and his father are visiting Martha’s grave. They stare at the tombstone.




       BORN: OCTOBER 10, 1960

       DIED: JANUARY 20, 1997

      John turns to Luke.

      “Your mother was a kind and caring woman, she loved you very much.”

      “I loved her too dad and I miss her so much, but there is so much I don’t understand.” John is about to reply to Luke when a man walks up to the grave, it is Dr Clifford.

      He shakes John’s hand and gives Luke a big hug.

      “Hi Luke who is your beautiful new friend?”

      “His name is Chester, dad bought him for me.”

      “I think your dad made a very good choice.”

      Bill turns to John and takes his arm to walk away from Luke who is now distracted playing with Chester.

      “Luke’s test results are all clear John. His cancer has gone, just like we thought it would be, just like everyone else that Martha helped.”

      “Thank god Bill, thank god for his mother. I just hope in God’s name he is not cursed the way she was.

      “What about the black markings on her face?”

      “Did you find out what they are?”

      “Nothing John, the lab ran every single test available on the specimen I gave them. We have never seen anything like it before. We have no idea what the marks are, they do not appear to be any symbols we recognise and it is hard to say what brought them about when she died, there were no blood clots there.

      “As for Luke it is impossible to know what will happen to him, we have to wait and see. We have no idea why Martha had this thing, this gift, this curse, so we’ll just have to monitor Luke and somehow keep it quiet. This is something extraordinary John, we have to be careful.”

      “How will we know if Luke has it?”

      “We won’t, I guess we might have an idea in a life or death situation. If he has it, we will have to encourage him to do whatever it takes to survive, for as long as we can, as we did with Martha.”

      “I hope in God’s name he has nothing Bill, but if he has the same powers, I hope he never discovers them.”

      They both stare at Luke who is happily playing with Chester, oblivious to what he may have inside him.

      Chapter Three


      Six Years Later, (Sunday, January 12th 2003)

      In a busy city park there is a lot of activity, people playing with their dogs and jogging along the riverside but one group of joggers stands out from the rest.

      An important looking man, Senator James Gallas, is dressed in a grey tracksuit and surrounded by men in black track suits and puffer jackets, constantly scanning their surroundings as they jog.

      The Senator and his bodyguards soon approach a handful of men that appear to be City gardeners working on trees in the park. As the gap narrows the gardeners draw their attention to the Senator. The bodyguards notice the movement and draw their attention to the gardeners, the lead bodyguard quickly reaching for his earpiece and muttering some commands into his wrist microphone.

      In a manner of seconds as the lead bodyguard raises his hand to stop the group jogging, the gardeners pull out automatic shotguns and start firing.

      The bodyguards are too slow to react, startled, they reach for their guns and start firing back as bullets fly and the lead guard falls to the ground.

      All hell breaks loose, there are people screaming, running in all directions, taking cover, people reach for their mobile phones in panic dialing 911.

      Within seconds the gardeners kill all the body guards with a loss of only one of their own. The Senator is left standing, unharmed but surrounded.

      Emerging from a nearby parked black Mercedes, a tall well-dressed man in a black suit and dark sunglasses with a distinct Roman nose walks calmly up to the Senator. He takes his glasses off and stares at him.

      “I know you,” says Senator Gallas nervously looking at the scene of utter devastation around him.

      “Yes you do, nothing personal, but no one holds back my business. I always say, if you want something done properly, you have to do it yourself.”

      The man pulls out a small gun with silencer and without hesitating shoots him once in the head at point-blank range.

      Lake Valley, 55 Miles From Washington

      In the small and peaceful town of Lake Valley, 55 miles from Washington DC, Luke Whelan is now twenty two and a Police Officer living with his father on a nearby farm house.

      He is a handsome strong young man with green eyes and short thick black hair. Today Luke is having a double celebration, his 22nd birthday and his promotion.

      He is one of the youngest Police Officers to be made Officer-In-Charge six months after graduating from the academy. His guests have arrived and are mingling at the party.

      His father John is there along with Dr Clifford, his wife Anna their teenage daughter Chloe and Luke’s girlfriend Judy Best.

      Finally his best friend and police partner Jack Campbell arrives and gives him a big bear hug. Jack is a slightly overweight man with a delightful sense of humor.

      Other guests include Kate Smith, the local hospital nurse, with her husband Tom and their red haired six-year-old son Noah and finally Chester, who has now grown to be a beautiful dog.

      They all gather around the table and sing happy birthday as Luke blows out his candles with a little help from Noah who is sitting on his lap. They all start clapping and Chester СКАЧАТЬ